
Justworks Announces Merger Agreement to Acquire Via, an International Employment Platform, to Accelerate Its Global Solutions for Small Businesses

Justworks Announces Merger Agreement to Acquire Via, an International Employment Platform, to Accelerate Its Global Solutions for Small Businesses

PR Newswire ·  2023/09/12 21:30

The acquisition will build upon Justworks' existing global solutions and increase small businesses' access to the global talent pool


NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Justworks, Inc. ("Justworks") today announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement with Via Global Ventures, Inc. ("Via") under which Justworks will acquire Via, an international employment platform. With this acquisition, Justworks will build upon its existing global solutions to increase small businesses' access to the global talent pool with its all-in-one platform.

紐約9月2023年12月/美通社/--Justworks,Inc.(“JUSTWorks)今天宣佈,已與威盛環球風險投資公司(Via Global Ventures,Inc.)達成最終合併協定通過根據該協定,Justworks將收購國際就業平臺Via。通過此次收購,Justworks將在其現有的全球解決方案通過其一體化平臺,增加小企業進入全球人才庫的機會。

Via, founded in 2017 by sisters and Co-CEOs Maite and Itziar Diez-Canedo, helps companies hire and pay international teams with on-the-ground employment support in 12 top talent markets worldwide. Its global Employer of Record (EOR) solutions include a local expert model, HR, tax, legal and accounting support. Via's offerings emphasize the importance of employees' local preferences and access to culturally relevant benefits, as well as country-specific compliance insight.

Via成立於2017年,由姐妹和聯席首席執行官Maite和Itziar Diez-Canedo,通過在全球12個頂級人才市場提供實地就業支持,幫助公司招聘和支付國際團隊的薪酬。其全球僱主記錄(EOR)解決方案包括本地專家模型、人力資源、稅務、法律和會計支持。威盛的產品強調員工的本地偏好和獲得與文化相關的福利的重要性,以及對特定國家/地區合規的洞察。

"At Justworks, we believe small businesses deserve the same competitive edge as larger companies when hiring global talent," said Justworks' President and CEO Mike Seckler. "As soon as we met Maite and Itziar, it was clear that Via shared a similar vision for a local-first approach to international hiring, and saw it as the best path to helping businesses grow with confidence globally. Acquiring Via will enable us to accelerate our product ambitions and bring the solutions small businesses deserve to market sooner. Maite and Itziar have built an incredible company, and we're excited to welcome them and their team to Justworks."


"We founded Via to build a world where companies can hire people anywhere in minutes, no matter where they are," said Via Co-Founder and Co-CEO Itziar Diez-Canedo. "By solving the hurdles entrepreneurs and business leaders face when they try to hire talent abroad, we aim to make the business world more diverse and create high-quality employment opportunities for people in more places. Joining Justworks will enable us to achieve this on a whole new level."

威盛聯合創始人兼聯合首席執行官說:我們創立威盛是為了建立一個世界,在這個世界裡,公司可以在幾分鐘內在任何地方招聘員工,無論他們在哪裡。Itziar Diez-Canedo。通過解決企業家和商業領袖在海外招聘人才時面臨的障礙,我們的目標是使商業世界更加多樣化,並為更多地方的人創造高質量的就業機會。加入Justworks將使我們能夠在一個全新的水準上實現這一目標。

"The Via team is thrilled to be joining Justworks," said Via Co-Founder and Co-CEO Maite Diez-Canedo. "We share in their vision to make starting, running and joining a growing business more accessible for all, and we look forward to bringing Via's technology and local expertise to accelerate Justworks' existing global solutions."

威盛聯合創始人兼聯席首席執行官表示:“威盛團隊很高興能加入Justworks。”Maite Diez-Canedo。我們贊同他們的願景,即使所有人都更容易開始、經營和加入一個不斷增長的企業,我們期待著利用威盛的技術和當地專業知識來加速Justworks現有的全球解決方案。“

In the months ahead, as Justworks integrates Via's team, the company will be developing a shared geographic expansion strategy for addressing its customers' international employment needs.


Justworks and Via did not disclose the financial terms of the transaction. The Transaction has been approved by both Justworks' and Via's boards of directors and is subject to customary closing conditions.


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About Justworks
Justworks is a technology company that levels the playing field for all small businesses. Through its software and as a partner, Justworks helps its customers take care of their teams, streamline their operations and navigate the complex aspects of managing a workforce with confidence. To achieve this, Justworks is uncompromising in its focus on building products for small businesses and understanding their unique needs. Justworks' flexible platform empowers small businesses to assemble powerful self-service capabilities to meet their payroll, tax, HR and compliance needs. Plus, Justworks offers 24/7 human support, on-demand expertise and access to high-quality benefits designed for the modern workforce. To learn more, visit, and follow along on Twitter @Justworks, LinkedIn @Justworks- and Instagram @Justworks.


About Via


Via is a global employment platform that helps businesses hire international teams seamlessly and compliantly. Through its local-first platform and expert support, Via makes managing global payroll, benefits and HR processes simple, ensuring companies can confidently take care of their teams abroad. Via has employer-of-record (EOR) solutions with direct infrastructure in 12 of the top talent markets around the world. To learn more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn


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