
Danco Statement on Filing of Cert Petition, September 8, 2023

Danco Statement on Filing of Cert Petition, September 8, 2023

丹科關於提交證書申請的聲明,2023 年 9 月 8 日
PR Newswire ·  2023/09/09 03:59

NEW YORK, Sept. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Danco filed a cert petition asking the Supreme Court to review the Fifth Circuit's decision invalidating changes FDA approved to the conditions of use for Mifeprex in 2016 and in 2021. That decision is inconsistent with established Supreme Court principles governing standing and administrative law challenges. Danco continues to be at the forefront of this fight and is working closely with the reproductive rights community and pharmaceutical industry to support the changes made by FDA.


As Danco's petition explains, the case presents a serious question: whether courts can disregard constitutional and statutory limits on judicial review of agency action to overrule agency decisions that they dislike. Danco asks the Court to grant review of both the determination that doctors who do not prescribe or want to prescribe Mifeprex have standing and the determination that FDA acted unreasonably in approving the changes in 2016 and 2021 despite the extensive study and other data supporting those decisions. The United States will separately file a cert petition.


Danco remains confident in the safety and effectiveness of Mifeprex under the 2023 REMS that currently governs its use. Because the Supreme Court's stay remains in place, Mifeprex will continue to be available under the current FDA-approved conditions, which include use in pregnancy up to 10 weeks gestation, with prescribing after in-person or telehealth examination and dispensing by certified healthcare professionals, brick-and-mortar pharmacies, or mail-order pharmacies.


The FDA actions at issue were well supported by extensive safety and effectiveness data from clinical trials and decades worth of real-world experience in millions of patients. The changes in 2016 and 2021—approved by FDA after careful analysis—have expanded the availability and use of Mifeprex, providing crucial individual and public health benefits.


Mifeprex is the most commonly used medication for termination of early pregnancy. Over 5 million women have used Mifeprex in the United States since its approval for the termination of early pregnancy in 2000. Mifeprex is ~97% effective in terminating early pregnancy; approximately 3% of women will require surgical intervention for ongoing pregnancy, heavy bleeding, incomplete expulsion, or other reasons such as patient request.


MIFEPREX: Important Safety Information




Serious and sometimes fatal infections and bleeding occur very rarely following spontaneous, surgical, and medical abortions, including following MIFEPREX use. No causal relationship between the use of MIFEPREX and misoprostol and these events has been established.


  • Atypical Presentation of Infection. Patients with serious bacterial infections and sepsis can present without fever, bacteremia or significant findings on pelvic examination. A high index of suspicion is needed to rule out serious infection and sepsis.
  • Prolonged heavy bleeding may be a sign of incomplete abortion or other complications and prompt medical or surgical intervention may be needed.
  • 不典型的感染表現。患有嚴重細菌感染和敗血癥的患者可以表現為沒有發熱、菌血症或盆腔檢查有明顯發現。需要高度懷疑指數才能排除嚴重感染和敗血癥。
  • 持續大量出血可能是不完全流產或其他併發症的徵兆,可能需要及時的內科或外科治療。

MIFEPREX is only available through a restricted program called the Mifepristone REMS Program.


Before prescribing MIFEPREX, inform the patient about these risks. Ensure the patient knows whom to call and what to do if she experiences sustained fever, severe abdominal pain, prolonged heavy bleeding, or syncope, or if she experiences abdominal pain or discomfort or general malaise for more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol.




  • Administration of MIFEPREX and misoprostol for the termination of pregnancy is contraindicated in patients with any of the following conditions:
  • Confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy or undiagnosed adnexal mass (the treatment procedure will not be effective to terminate an ectopic pregnancy)
  • Chronic adrenal failure (risk of acute renal insufficiency)
  • Concurrent long-term corticosteroid therapy (risk of acute renal insufficiency)
  • History of allergy to mifepristone, misoprostol, or other prostaglandins (allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, angioedema, rash, hives, and itching have been reported)
  • Hemorrhagic disorders or concurrent anticoagulant therapy (risk of heavy bleeding)
  • Inherited porphyrias (risk of worsening or of precipitation of attacks)
  • Use of MIFEPREX and misoprostol for termination of intrauterine pregnancy is contraindicated in patients with an intrauterine device ("IUD") in place (the IUD might interfere with pregnancy termination). If the IUD is removed, MIFEPREX may be used.
  • 有下列情況之一的患者禁忌使用米非司酮和米索前列醇終止妊娠:
  • 確診或疑似異位妊娠或未診斷的附件包塊(治療程式不能有效終止異位妊娠)
  • 慢性腎上腺功能衰竭(急性腎功能不全的風險)
  • 同時進行長期皮質類固醇治療(急性腎功能不全的風險)
  • 對米非司酮、米索前列醇或其他前列腺素過敏史(過敏反應包括過敏反應、血管水腫、皮疹、麻疹和瘙癢已有報道)
  • 出血性疾病或同時接受抗凝治療(大出血風險)
  • 遺傳性噗瑳症(病情惡化或發病沉澱的風險)
  • 在放置宮內節育器(“IUD”)的患者中,禁忌使用米非司酮和米索前列醇來終止宮內妊娠(宮內節育器可能會干擾終止妊娠)。如果取下宮內節育器,可以使用米非司酮。

Warnings and Precautions


Infection and Sepsis


As with other types of abortion, cases of serious bacterial infection, including very rare cases of fatal septic shock, have been reported following the use of MIFEPREX. Healthcare providers evaluating a patient who is undergoing a medical abortion should be alert to the possibility of this rare event. A sustained (> 4 hours) fever of 100.4°F or higher, severe abdominal pain, or pelvic tenderness in the days after a medical abortion may be an indication of infection.


A high index of suspicion is needed to rule out sepsis if a patient reports abdominal pain, discomfort, or general malaise (including weakness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea) more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol. Very rarely, deaths have been reported in patients who presented without fever, with or without abdominal pain, but with leukocytosis with a marked left shift, tachycardia, hemoconcentration, and general malaise.


Uterine Bleeding


Uterine bleeding occurs in almost all patients during a medical abortion. Prolonged heavy bleeding (soaking through two thick full-size sanitary pads per hour for two consecutive hours) may be a sign of incomplete abortion or other complications and prompt medical or surgical intervention may be needed to prevent the development of hypovolemic shock. Counsel patients to seek immediate medical attention if they experience prolonged heavy vaginal bleeding following a medical abortion.


Excessive uterine bleeding usually requires treatment by uterotonics, vasoconstrictor drugs, surgical uterine evacuation, administration of saline infusions, and/or blood transfu­sions. Because heavy bleeding requiring surgical uterine evacuation occurs in about 1% of patients, special care should be given to patients with hemostatic disorders, hypocoagulability, or severe anemia.


Mifepristone REMS Program


MIFEPREX is available only through a restricted program under a REMS called the Mifepristone REMS Program, because of the risks of serious complications. Notable requirements of the Mifepristone REMS Program include the following:


  • Prescribers must be certified with the program by completing the Prescriber Agreement Form.
  • Patients must sign a Patient Agreement Form.
  • MIFEPREX must only be dispensed to patients by or under the supervision of a certified prescriber, or by certified pharmacies on prescriptions issued by certified prescribers.
  • 處方醫生必須通過填寫《處方醫生協定表》獲得該計劃的認證。
  • 患者必須簽署《患者協議書》。
  • Mifeprex只能由認證處方醫生或在其監督下分發給患者,或由認證藥房根據認證處方醫生開具的處方分發給患者。

Ectopic Pregnancy


MIFEPREX is contraindicated in patients with a confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy because MIFEPREX is not effective for terminating ectopic pregnancies. Healthcare providers should remain alert to the possibility that a patient who is undergoing a medical abortion could have an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy because some of the expected symptoms experienced with a medical abortion (abdominal pain, uterine bleeding) may be similar to those of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.


Women who became pregnant with an IUD in place should be assessed for ectopic pregnancy.


Rhesus Immunization


The use of MIFEPREX is assumed to require the same preventive measures as those taken prior to and during surgical abortion to prevent rhesus immunization.


Adverse Reactions


Most common adverse reactions (>15%) are nausea, weakness, fever/chills, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. The frequency of adverse reactions varies between studies and may be dependent on many factors including the patient population and gestational age.


This is the Important Safety Information. For more information, please see the Full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING and Medication Guide, available at .


Danco Laboratories, LLC
P.O. Box 4816
New York, NY 10185
1-877-4 Early Option


SOURCE Danco Laboratories


