
Benz Mining Announces Drill Rig Secured for Upcoming Lithium Drill Program

Benz Mining Announces Drill Rig Secured for Upcoming Lithium Drill Program

newsfile ·  2023/09/07 20:55



  • Drill rig secured for drill testing lithium pegmatite outcrops at its Ruby Hill West Lithium project in James Bay, Quebec
  • Program consists of approximately 4,000m targeting RHW-1 and RHW-2 and newly discovered M-1 and M-2 lithium pegmatite intrusions with a series of approximately 150m deep holes to verify lateral and depth extent of each system
  • Previous drilling by Benz at RHW-2 intersected 26.4m at 1.01% Li2O from 7.4m including 3.7m at 2.7% Li2O in 2022
  • Rock chips at M-1 are up to 5% Li2O at surface
  • Drill rig to arrive at site around 11 September with drilling to commence shortly thereafter
  • 位於魁北克詹姆斯灣的Ruby Hill West鋰礦專案獲得鑽機,用於測試鋰偉晶巖露頭
  • 該計劃包括針對RHW-1和RHW-2的大約4000米,以及新發現的M-1和M-2鋰偉晶巖侵入體,以及一系列大約150米深的孔,以驗證每個系統的橫向和深度範圍
  • 奔馳之前在RHW-2的鑽井以1.01%的速度相交26.4米Li2.O來自740萬,包括370萬,2.7%Li2.O 2022年
  • M-1的搖滾籌碼高達5%Li2.O在地表
  • 鑽井平臺將於9月11日左右抵達現場,隨後不久將開始鑽井

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 7, 2023) - Benz Mining Corp. (TSXV: BZ) (ASX: BNZ) (the Company or Benz) is pleased to announce that it has secured a single diamond helicopter supported drill rig to test spodumene bearing pegmatites at its Ruby Hill West Project in James Bay, Quebec.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月7日)-奔馳礦業公司(TSXV:BZ)(澳大利亞證券交易所代碼:BNZ)(公司奔馳)很高興地宣佈,該公司已經在魁北克詹姆斯灣的Ruby Hill West專案中獲得了一個由鑽石直升機支撐的鑽機,用於測試含有鋰輝石的偉晶巖。

Benz intends to undertake approximately 4,000m of drilling prior to the onset of winter, expected in late October or early November, which makes helicopter flying difficult due to weather conditions and less daylight time.


A series of 150m deep holes have been planned to target the outcropping spodumene bearing pegmatites recently identified during the limited summer field season. Drilling will predominantly target 3 areas - Ruby Hill West (RHW-2) and the Mikisiw (M-1 and M-2) outcrops.


Figure 1. Aerial view at Ruby Hill West looking to the west of the RHW-1 (to the right) and RHW-2 (to the left) pegmatites and 2023 trenching. The RHW-2 trench is 30m long with the collar from RHW22-06 located near the southern end of the trench.


Benz Executive Chairman, Evan Cranston, said:


"We are very excited with what our geologists have been able to identify in a very limited summer season. We will continue to conduct exploration to identify more Li- pegmatites along the interpreted 25km lithium trend at our Ruby Hill West Project in James Bay Quebec."


"Peeling back the moss and trenching has identified several large Li-pegmatites, up to 30m thick at surface, that contain spodumene and we are looking forward to seeing what this system does along strike and at depth by drilling."


"We are very fortunate to have been able to secure a drill rig and team this year with all the competition in this highly sought after region and we look forward to drilling as many metres as we can this year prior to the onset of the winter."


Ruby Hill West (RHW-1 and RHW-2)


Ruby Hill West (RHW-1 outcrop) was first identified by Eastmain Resources in 2017, then drill tested by Benz in April 2022[1]. The first 5 holes drilled under the RHW-1 outcrop only intersected thinner Li-pegmatites dykes (RHW22-01: 0.31% Li2O over 4.48 m and RHW22-02: 0.62% Li2O over 3 m). However, drilling to the south of the RHW-1 outcrop identified the RHW-2 intrusion with RHW22-06 intersecting 26.4m at 1.01% Li2O. This intrusion was exposed by trenching in August 2023 and channel sampled; analytical results are pending.

Ruby Hill West(RHW-1露頭)於2017年首次由Eastmain Resources識別,然後於2022年4月由奔馳進行鑽探測試[1]。在RHW-1露頭下鑽出的前5個孔只與較薄的Li偉晶巖脈相交(RHW 22-01:0.31%Li2.O 4.48米以上和RHW22-02:0.62%Li2.O超過3米)。然而,在RHW-1露頭以南的鑽探發現了RHW-2侵入體與RHW22-06相交2640萬英鎊,利率1.01%Li2.O。這一入侵是在2023年8月通過挖溝暴露出來的,並對渠道進行了採樣;分析結果尚待公佈。

Trenching in 2022 and 2023 exposed the 2 pegmatite intrusions but drilling in this upcoming program will test mostly the lateral and depth extent of RHW-2.


Figure 2. A substantial pegmatite outcrop at Ruby Hill West following removal of the layer of moss and vegetation (this photo looks to the south east). Drilling in the vicinity of this outcrop intersected 26.4m at 1.01% Li2O from 7.4m. This outcrop was discovered after the maiden drill program due to being under shallow cover.


Mikisiw Outcrops (M-1 and M-2)


The Mikisiw targets were recently discovered by a brief field mapping season conducted by Benz in May and June of this year. The Mikisiw pegmatite (M-1) outcrops for about 50m but with multiple blocks and possible subcrops extending the surface expression of this intrusion. Rock chips at M-1 are up to 5% Li2O at surface[2]. This outcrop was stripped and channel sampled in 2023, with analytical result still pending.


Figure 3. Mikisiw Li-pegmatite outcrop looking to the southeast.


Figure 4. Spodumene crystals from the Mikisiw M-1 outcrop.

圖4。Mikisiw M-1露頭的鋰輝石晶體。

The M-2 outcrop is located approximately 2km west of M-1 and 420m east of a historical diamond drill hole (DDH 90-EM-003) drilled by Kingswood Explorations 1985 Limited in 1990 that intersected 30m of muscovite- bearing pegmatite from 140.5m - 171.7m depth and was not assayed for lithium. This intersection will be drill tested in this program.

M-2露頭位於M-1以西約2公里,以東約420米處,位於Kingswood Explorations 1985 Limited於1990年鑽探的一個歷史鑽石鑽孔(DDH 90-EM-003)以東420米處,該鑽孔從140.5米-171.7米深穿過30米含白雲母偉晶巖,未進行鋰元素分析。這個交叉口將在本計劃中進行演練測試。

Drilling on the M Trend will consist of a number of 150m deep holes testing the M-1 and M-2 outcrops as well as targeting the pegmatite that was intersected in hole DDH 90-EM-03.

在M趨勢上的鑽探將包括一些150米深的孔,測試M-1和M-2露頭,以及瞄準與DDH 90-EM-03孔相交的偉晶巖。

Benz will be undertaking geological reconnaissance along the trend in September to further identify other potential spodumene bearing pegmatite outcrops. To help with the identification, we are concurrently flying a high resolution magnetic and radiometric survey, and a LiDAR with orthophotos survey. Benz has also acquired Maxar satellite imagery for the whole area.


Figure 5. Location of the new M-2 outcrop spodumene pegmatite discovery along the 25km+ lithium trend.


This release was prepared under supervision and approved by Dr. Danielle Giovenazzo, P. Geo, acting as Benz's qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 for the reporting of exploration and drilling results.

本新聞稿是在監督下編寫的,並得到了P.Geo的Danielle Giovenazzo博士的批准,他是奔馳根據National Instrument 43-101報告勘探和鑽探結果的合格人員。

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Benz Mining Corp.


For more information please contact:


Evan Cranston
Executive Chairman,
Benz Mining Corp.
Telephone: +61 8 6143 6702

電話:+61 86143 6702

Dannika Warburton
Investability Partners
Telephone: +61 401 094 261

電話:+61 401 094 261

About Benz Mining Corp.


Benz Mining Corp. (TSXV: BZ) (ASX: BNZ) brings together an experienced team of geoscientists and finance professionals with a focused strategy to unlock the immense mineral potential of the Upper Eastmain Greenstone Belt in Northern Quebec, which is prospective for gold, lithium, nickel, copper, and other high-value minerals. Benz is earning a 100% interest in the former producing high grade Eastmain gold mine, Ruby Hill West and Ruby Hill East projects in Quebec and owns 100% of the Windy Mountain project.

奔馳礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BZ)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BNZ)匯集了一支經驗豐富的地球科學家和金融專業人士團隊,他們的重點戰略是挖掘魁北克北部上Eastmain綠巖帶巨大的礦產潛力,該帶有望開採金、鋰、鎳、銅和其他高價值礦物。奔馳在原生產高品位Eastmain金礦、魁北克Ruby Hill West和Ruby Hill East專案中獲得100%權益,並擁有Windy Mountain專案100%。

At the Eastmain Gold Project, Benz has identified a combination of over 380 modelled in-hole and off-hole DHEM conductors over a strike length of 6km which is open in all directions (final interpretation of some of the conductors still pending).

在Eastmain Gold Project,奔馳已經確定了380多個井內和井下DHEM模型導線的組合,走向長度為6公里,向所有方向開放(一些導線的最終解釋仍未完成)。

In 2021, Benz confirmed the presence of visible spodumene in a pegmatite at the Ruby Hill West Project, indicating lithium mineralisation which Benz intends to further explore in 2022.

2021年,奔馳證實在Ruby Hill West專案的偉晶巖中存在可見的鋰輝石,這表明鋰礦化是奔馳打算在2022年進一步勘探的。

Benz tenure over Upper Eastmain Greenstone Belt on simplified geology.


About Eastmain Gold Project


The Eastmain Gold Project, situated on the Upper Eastmain Greenstone Belt in Quebec, Canada, currently hosts a NI 43-101 and JORC (2012) compliant resource of 1Moz at 6.1g/t gold (Indicated: 384koz at 9.0g/t gold, Inferred: 621koz at 5.1g/t gold). The existing gold mineralisation is associated with 15-20% semi-massive to massive pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite in highly deformed and altered rocks making it amenable to detection using electromagnetic techniques. Multiple gold occurrences have been identified by previous explorers over a 12km long zone along strike from the Eastmain Mine with very limited but highly encouraging testing outside the existing resource area.

Eastmain金礦專案位於加拿大魁北克的上Eastmain綠巖地帶,目前擁有符合NI 43-101和JORC(2012)的1莫茲資源,黃金6.1克/噸(標示:384克茲,9.0克/噸黃金,推斷:621克茲,5.1克/噸黃金)。現有的金礦化與高度變形和蝕變岩石中15-20%的半塊狀至塊狀磁黃鐵礦、黃鐵礦和黃銅礦有關,因此適合利用電磁技術進行探測。以前的勘探者已經在Eastmain礦沿走向的12公里長的區域內發現了多個金礦床,在現有資源區以外進行了非常有限但非常令人鼓舞的測試。

About Ruby Hill West Lithium Project


The Ruby Hill West Lithium project is a surface occurrence of spodumene bearing pegmatite within the Ruby Hill West project, located 50km due west of the Eastmain exploration camp. The occurrence was first sampled in 2016 by Eastmain Resources and then by Quebec government geologists in 2018. Only limited sampling was conducted by both groups.

Ruby Hill West鋰專案是Ruby Hill West專案中的一個含鋰輝石偉晶巖的地表產狀,位於Eastmain勘探營地正西50公里處。Eastmain Resources於2016年首次對這種情況進行了採樣,然後魁北克政府的地質學家於2018年對其進行了採樣。兩組都只進行了有限的抽樣。

In March 2022 Benz conducted a drilling program at the Ruby Hill West lithium pegmatite prospect and reported a 31.2m at 0.9% Li2O interval of visible spodumene rich pegmatite in the drilling (ASX & TSX-V releases dated 29 April 2022 "Multiple spodumene pegmatites intersected at Ruby Hill West").

2022年3月,奔馳在Ruby Hill West鋰偉晶巖礦進行了鑽探計劃,並報告了31.2百萬,利率0.9%Li2.O鑽井中可見的富鋰輝石偉晶巖的間隔(ASX和TSX-V發佈的日期為2022年4月29日的“多個鋰輝偉晶巖在魯比山西部相交”)。

Competent Person's Statement: The information in this announcement that relates to historical exploration results was first reported to the ASX in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.7. The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcements.


The mineral resource estimate in this announcement was reported by the Company in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.8 on 24 May 2023. The Company confirms it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the previous announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the previous announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.


Forward-Looking Information: Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information is based on plans, expectations, and estimates of management at the date the information is provided and is subject to certain factors and assumptions, including, that the Company's financial condition and development plans do not change because of unforeseen events and that the Company obtains regulatory approval. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those projected in such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause the forward-looking information in this news release to change or to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to, the risk that any of the assumptions referred to prove not to be valid or reliable, that occurrences such as those referred to above are realized and result in delays, or cessation in planned work, that the Company's financial condition and development plans change, and delays in regulatory approval, as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to the Company as set forth in the Company's continuous disclosure filings filed under the Company's profile at . The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable law.




[1] Announcement: 1 August 2022 Ruby Hill West Discovery returns 26.4m at 1.01% Li2O from 7.4m including 3.7m at 2.7% Li2O


[2]Announcement: 3 August 2023: New high grade LCT pegmatite discovered at Ruby Hill West


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