
XBiotech Announces First Patient Begins Novel Natrunix Therapy In Phase II Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial

XBiotech Announces First Patient Begins Novel Natrunix Therapy In Phase II Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial

Benzinga ·  2023/08/08 23:48

XBiotech Inc. (NASDAQ:XBIT) today began treating the first patient in a phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical study to evaluate Natrunix as a new treatment for Arthritis. Natrunix blocks a key cause of inflammation involved in pain and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

xBiotech公司(納斯達克股票代碼:XBIT)今天開始治療一項II期雙盲、安慰劑對照的隨機臨床研究中的第一位患者,該研究旨在評估Natrunix作爲關節炎的新療法。Natrunix 可阻斷類風溼關節炎 (RA) 中與疼痛和關節破壞有關的炎症的關鍵原因。

The primary endpoint of the Phase II is the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 20% Response (ACR 20) rate at 12 weeks. Secondary and exploratory endpoints include ACR 50, ACR 70, numerical rating scale (NRS) for pain score, inflamed and painful joint counts, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI), Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 (RAPID-3), Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and safety. These endpoints reflect the expectation that Natrunix may provide needed improvement with respect to pain, tenderness, mobility of joints and quality of life. Approximately 210 subjects will be enrolled into three different arms in the study. All subjects will receive methotrexate (MTX) and be randomized to receive either one of two doses of Natrunix or placebo.

第二階段的主要終點是美國風溼病學會(ACR)在12周時的20%反應(ACR 20)率。次要和探索性終點包括ACR 50、ACR 70、疼痛評分、發炎和疼痛關節計數的數字評分量表 (NRS)、健康評估問卷殘疾指數 (HAQ-DI)、患者指數數據常規評估 (RAPID-3)、臨床疾病活動指數 (CDAI) 和安全性。這些終點反映了人們的期望,即Natrunix可以在疼痛、壓痛、關節活動和生活質量方面提供必要的改善。在這項研究中,大約有210名受試者將進入三個不同的領域。所有受試者都將接受甲氨蝶呤(MTX),並被隨機分配接受兩劑Natrunix或安慰劑中的一劑。

Natrunix is a monoclonal antibody indistinguishable from a naturally occurring antibody from a human donor. Natrunix binds and neutralizes the action of one of the most potent inflammation-causing substances known—interleukin-1. For decades, interleukin-1 was seen as the key target for drugs to treat RA. However, to date, drugs that block interleukin-1 have not lived up to expectations as therapies for RA. XBiotech believes it has solved this puzzle.

Natrunix 是一種單克隆抗體,與來自人類捐贈者的天然抗體沒有區別。Natrunix 結合並中和已知最有效的致炎物質之一——白介素-1 的作用。幾十年來,白介素-1一直被視爲治療關節炎藥物的關鍵靶標。但是,迄今爲止,阻斷白介素-1的藥物作爲類風溼關節炎的療法還沒有達到預期。xBiotech相信它已經解決了這個難題。

Interleukin-1 actually describes two separate and distinct molecules—IL-1a and IL-1b—that are produced at different times and places in the body. XBiotech is the first to develop candidate therapies—like Natrunix—that directly and specifically neutralize IL-1a. In recent years, world-class research has shown that in many cases IL-1a may be the crucial target for blocking disease-causing activities of the interleukin-1 inflammatory pathway. Natrunix thus holds promise as a new generation anti-inflammatory therapy for arthritis. As a naturally derived human antibody, it is also by design expected to be among the safest and best tolerated medicines ever developed.

白細胞介素-1 實際上描述了兩種獨立而不同的分子 —— IL-1a 和 IL-1B —— 它們是在體內的不同時間和地點產生的。xBiotech是第一個開發出直接和特異性中和IL-1a的候選療法(例如Natrunix)的公司。近年來,世界一流的研究表明,在許多情況下,IL-1a可能是阻斷白介素-1炎症途徑致病活性的關鍵靶標。因此,Natrunix有望成爲治療關節炎的新一代抗炎療法。作爲一種天然衍生的人體抗體,從設計上講,它也是有望成爲有史以來最安全、耐受性最好的藥物之一。

One in four adults, or over 50 million people in the United States are currently affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis, including 33% of those between the ages of 45-64 and 50% of person over 65 years of age. The number of persons affected by RA is expected to increase, with the CDC predicting that by the year 2040, 78.4 million adults, will suffer from RA in the United States. In addition, it is expected that 300,000 children will suffer from juvenile arthritis (Arthritis Foundation, 2023).


About True Human Therapeutic Antibodies


Natrunix was discovered by XBiotech researchers at the Company's headquarters in Austin, Texas. XBiotech's True Human antibodies are derived without modification from individuals who possess natural immunity to certain diseases. By harnessing the body's natural immunity to cure disease, True Human antibodies have the potential to revolutionize medicine.

Natrunix是由xBiotech的研究人員在德克薩斯州奧斯汀的公司總部發現的。xBiotech的True Human抗體未經修飾來自對某些疾病具有天然免疫力的個體。通過利用人體的自然免疫力來治癒疾病,True Human 抗體有可能徹底改變醫學。

