
Amphitrite Digital Reports First Half Revenue Growth of 40%

Amphitrite Digital Reports First Half Revenue Growth of 40%

Amphitrite Digital報告上半年收入增長40%
EIN presswire ·  2023/08/02 04:18

The company announced it has hosted more than 37,000 guests this year


ST. THOMAS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, UNITED STATES, August 1, 2023/ -- Leading tour activity operator Amphitrite Digital has announced the company's first half revenue grew 40% on a year-over-year basis and has reported approximately $3.8 million combined revenue from all three of its business units. These positive results have been driven by the January acquisition of Paradise Adventures Catamarans and Watersports and Amphitrite Digital's dedicated captains and crew leveraging industry-leading digital technology platforms.
ST。美國維爾京群島托馬斯市,2023年8月1日/——領先的旅遊活動運營商Amphitrite Digital宣佈,該公司上半年的收入同比增長40%,並報告了其所有三個業務部門的總收入約380萬美元。這些積極的業績是由1月份收購天堂歷險記雙體船和水上運動以及Amphitrite Digital的專職船長和船員利用行業領先的數字技術平台推動的。

In its first season as part of the Amphitrite Digital family, Paradise Adventures, based in Panama City Beach, Florida saw revenue increase 41% from last year. This growth was driven by the company's integration into Amphitrite Digital's digitally enabled advertising, marketing and operating platforms.
總部位於佛羅里達州巴拿馬城海灘的天堂歷險記在作爲Amphitrite Digital家族一員的第一個賽季中,收入比去年增長了41%。這一增長是由該公司整合到Amphitrite Digital的數字廣告、營銷和運營平台所推動的。

Windy of Chicago's Tall Ship Windy opened for the season on May 18th and came off Navy Pier at a record pace, achieving 42% growth for the first half of the year. In their second year operating under Amphitrite Digital, these results can be attributed to a focus on enhancing vessel utilization and enhanced programming. New this year, guests can enjoy a concert sail, the Monday Night Blues, every Monday night. The Educational Sail, sailing three days a week, was moved from Fridays to Mondays and continued Saturdays and Sundays. This optimization has resulted in an 8x increase of guests hosted on Mondays instead of Fridays for this sail.
芝加哥之風號高桅帆船風號於5月18日開幕,並以創紀錄的速度離開海軍碼頭,上半年實現了42%的增長。這是他們在Amphitrite Digital下運營的第二年,這些成績可以歸因於他們對提高船舶利用率和加強編程的關注。今年新增的週一晚上,賓客可以欣賞週一晚上的音樂會 “星期一之夜藍調”。Education Sail每週航行三天,從星期五移至星期一,週六和週日繼續航行。這種優化使本次航行在週一而不是週五接待的客人增加了8倍。

Seas the Day Charters USVI, located in St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands, reported a 5% decrease from 2022. Tourism in the U.S. Virgin Islands has been impacted this year by a multitude of airline challenges, including high cancellations and increased costs of airfare.
位於美屬維爾京群島聖托馬斯的Seas the Day Charters USVI報告稱,與2022年相比下降了5%。今年,美屬維爾京群島的旅遊業受到衆多航空公司挑戰的影響,包括大量取消航班和機票成本上漲。

"Paradise Adventures and Tall Ship Windy have delivered strong growth that exceeded our expectations and Seas the Day delivered an impressive steady performance in a difficult operating environment while the USVI is experiencing double-digit declines in tourism," said Rob Chapple who was named Amphitrite Digital's CEO in June. "I would like to thank our dedicated teams. They have delivered excellent experiences to over 37,000 guests this year, leveraging our investment in digital platforms and achieving results we are all very proud of. These results validate our investment model and integrated operations strategies. The focused hard work to build the best team and the best tools for our general managers to utilize in driving superior results is truly paying off and gives us confidence as we consider future growth opportunities."
6月份被任命爲Amphitrite Digital首席執行官的羅布·查普爾說:“天堂歷險記和Tall Ship Windy實現了強勁的增長,超出了我們的預期,Seas the Day在艱難的運營環境中取得了令人印象深刻的穩定表現,而USVI的旅遊業卻出現了兩位數的下降。”“我要感謝我們的敬業團隊。他們利用我們在數字平台上的投資,今年爲超過37,000名賓客提供了卓越的體驗,取得了我們都爲之驕傲的成果。這些結果驗證了我們的投資模式和綜合運營策略。集中精力組建最佳團隊和最佳工具,供我們的總經理用來推動卓越業績,這確實是有回報的,也使我們在考慮未來的增長機會時充滿信心。”

Amphitrite Digital is one of the largest maritime tour activity operators in North America and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Amphitrite Digital's unique competitive advantage is that its operations are built on a "digital foundation." The company brings the best of class digital technology to tour operations, including advertising and marketing, guest service, repair and maintenance and overall operations resulting in efficiencies not usually seen in this industry.
Amphitrite Digital是北美和美屬維爾京群島最大的海上旅遊活動運營商之一。Amphitrite Digital的獨特競爭優勢在於其業務建立在 “數字基礎” 之上。該公司將一流的數字技術引入旅遊業務,包括廣告和營銷、賓客服務、維修和維護以及整體運營,從而提高了該行業通常無法比擬的效率。

Paradise Adventures is Panama City Beach's premier boat charter company offering daily Adventure Tours, Dolphin Sightseeing Sails, Sunset Sails and Pontoon Rentals and are known as the most professional and best boat rental experience in Panama City Beach. Guests enjoy safe and exciting water excursions along the Gulf Coast.
Paradise Adventures是巴拿馬城海灘首屈一指的租船公司,提供每日探險之旅、海豚觀光航行、日落帆和浮橋租賃服務,被譽爲巴拿馬城海灘最專業、最好的船租賃體驗。客人可以在墨西哥灣沿岸享受安全和令人興奮的水上游覽。

Seas the Day Charters USVI offers private and shared day charters on luxury sailboats and fast powerboats, with 13 vessels to choose from. Seas the Day Charters USVI won the Virgin Islands Daily News Best Day Sail Readers Choice Award. It also won Tripadvisor's 2023 Travelers Choice Award and was rated the number one Outdoor Activity by Tripadvisor.
Seas the Day Charters USVI 提供豪華帆船和快速摩托艇的私人和共享一日租服務,有 13 艘船隻可供選擇。Seas the Day Charters USVI 榮獲維爾京群島每日新聞最佳日航讀者選擇獎。它還獲得了Tripadvisor的2023年旅行者選擇獎,並被Tripadvisor評爲排名第一的戶外活動。

Tall Ship Windy, the official Tall Ship of the City of Chicago, is a 148-foot traditional four-masted gaff topsail schooner departing for a minimum of four sails daily from Navy Pier, with additional programming throughout the week, including the Monday Night Blues sail, Friday Night Pirate's Pub and bi-weekly Fireworks sails.
Tall Ship Windy 是芝加哥市的官方高桅帆船,是一艘長達 148 英尺的傳統四桅帆船頂帆船,每天從海軍碼頭起航至少四次,每週還有其他節目,包括星期一晚上的藍調航行、星期五晚上的海盜酒吧和每兩週一次的煙花航行。

Chapple also said, "Amphitrite Digital's first half performance has laid a solid foundation to support our expectations to continue the momentum through the busy seasons in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands that will deliver our results through the end of the year."
查普爾還表示:“Amphitrite Digital上半年的表現奠定了堅實的基礎,以支持我們的預期,即在美國和維爾京群島的繁忙季節中保持這一勢頭,我們將在年底之前取得業績。”

Amphitrite Digital companies and their dedicated employees and partners provide guests the opportunity to enjoy "A Day, a Week and a Lifetime" of experiences.
Amphitrite Digital公司及其敬業的員工和合作夥伴爲客人提供了享受 “一天、一週和一生” 體驗的機會。

For more information about Amphitrite Digital's tours and activities, visit .
有關Amphitrite Digital的旅遊和活動的更多信息,請訪問。

About Amphitrite Digital
關於 Amphitrite Digital

With a foundation rooted in digital technology and innovation, the company uses advanced digital technology platforms to market, manage and operate in-destination tours, activities and events in the U.S. and the Caribbean. With several operating entities including Seas the Day Charters USVI and Magens Hideaway in the Caribbean, Tall Ship Windy in Chicago, Illinois and Paradise Adventures Catamarans and Watersports in Panama City Beach, Florida; Amphitrite Digital is one of the largest maritime tour activity operators in the markets they serve. Amphitrite Digital companies are consistently ranked as leading tour activity operators.
該公司以數字技術和創新爲基礎,使用先進的數字技術平台在美國和加勒比地區營銷、管理和運營目的地旅遊、活動和活動。Amphitrite Digital擁有多個運營實體,包括位於加勒比海的Seas the Day Charters USVI和位於加勒比海的Magens Hideaway、伊利諾伊州芝加哥的Tall Ship Windy和佛羅里達州巴拿馬城海灘的天堂歷險記雙體船和水上運動;Amphitrite Digital是其所服務的市場上最大的海上旅遊活動運營商之一。Amphitrite Digital公司一直被評爲領先的旅遊活動運營商。

Hope Stawski
Amphitrite Digital
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