
Prismo Metals Announces Drilling to Commence at Los Pavitos

Prismo Metals Announces Drilling to Commence at Los Pavitos

Prismo Metals宣佈將在洛斯帕維託斯開始鑽探
newsfile ·  2023/08/01 20:14

Reports Additional Assay Results from Trenching


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 1, 2023) - Prismo Metals Inc. (CSE: PRIZ) (OTCQB: PMOMF) ("Prismo" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the drill rig for its upcoming exploration program has mobilized to its Los Pavitos project located in the well mineralized Alamos region of southern Sonora State, Mexico. The Company plans to test the main mineralized targets with a first ever drill program planned for approximately 2500 meters.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月1日)-Prismo Metals Inc.(CSE:PRIZ)(OTCQB:PMOMF)(“稜鏡“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,其即將開展的勘探計劃的鑽機已經調動到位於墨西哥索諾拉州南部礦化良好的阿拉莫斯地區的Los Pavitos專案。該公司計劃測試主要礦化目標,計劃進行首次鑽探計劃,深度約為2500米。

The Company also announced assay results for the last four trenches for its recently completed trenching program (Table 1, also see News Release of July 21, 2023). Two samples from the Santa Cruz area yielded 3.98 and 1.18 g/t Au over 1 and 2.7 meters respectively as shown in the table of results in Table 2.


Dr. Craig Gibson, President and CEO, commented: "Exploration over the last year and a half has identified several robust exploration targets at Los Pavitos. We are looking forward to drilling the particularly prospective Santa Cruz and Las Aurus areas as well as other mineralized zones. The first round of drilling will be comprised of shallow inclined holes of 75-100 m depths to confirm correct dip and widths of the mineralized structures."


Table 1. Final four trenches sampled at Los Pavitos

表1.在Los Pavitos抽樣的最後四個戰壕

Coord start WGS84 Coord end WGS84
Trench Location Length Azim Easting Northing Easting Northing
ZOR3 Oromuri 8.10 140 674,358 3,002,675 674,363 3,002,670
ZOR4 Oromuri 33.70 340 674,109 3,002,443 674,099 3,002,473
ZH1 Santa Cruz 24.80 305 677,097 3,002,112 677,081 3,002,124
ZH2 Santa Cruz 23.90 315 677,117 3,002,139 677,101 3,002,153

座標起點 WGS84 餘弦端 WGS84
溝槽 位置 長度 阿齊姆 向東 北距 向東 北距
ZOR3 大村 8.10 140 674,358 3002675 674,363 3002670
ZOR4 大村 33.70 340 674,109 3002443 674,099 3002473
ZH1 聖克魯斯 24.80 三百零五 677,097 3002,112 677,081 3002,124
ZH2 聖克魯斯 23.90 315 677,117 3002,139 677,101 3002,153

Table 2. Highlight assays from Los Pavitos trenches

表2.來自Los Pavitos戰壕的重點分析

Trench Location Length (m) Au_g/t Ag g/t
ZA1 Auras 6.4 0.1 -
ZA2 Auras 19.0 2.2 22.9
4.0 10.3 104.3
ZSC4 Santa Cruz 18.5 0.2 -
ZSC3-1 Santa Cruz 2.1 1.7 -
ZSC9 Santa Cruz 8.0 0.5 -
ZSC10 Santa Cruz 7.8 2.3 13.0
ZSC12 Santa Cruz 2.5 0.9 69.6
ZSC1 Santa Cruz 2.00 0.95 -

2.30 0.50 -
ZSC7 Santa Cruz 17.70 0.13 -
8.80 0.16 -
2.90 0.25 35.2
ZSC13 Santa Cruz 2.00 0.22 -
ZE3 Española 1.40 0.74 -
New Data

ZH1 Santa Cruz 1.00 3.98 5.1
ZH2 Santa Cruz 2.80 1.18 15.8
溝槽 位置 長度(米) Au_g/t AG g/t
ZA1 光環 6.4 0.1 -
ZA2 光環 19.0 2.2 22.9
4.0 10.3 104.3
ZSC4 聖克魯斯 18.5 0.2 -
ZSC3-1 聖克魯斯 2.1 1.7 -
ZSC9 聖克魯斯 8.0 0.5 -
ZSC10 聖克魯斯 7.8 2.3 13.0
ZSC12 聖克魯斯 2.5 0.9 69.6
ZSC1 聖克魯斯 2.00 0.95 -

2.30 0.50 -
ZSC7 聖克魯斯 17.70 0.13 -
8.80 0.16 -

2.90 0.25 35.2
ZSC13 聖克魯斯 2.00 0.22 -
ZE3 ESPAÑOLA 1.40 0.74 -

ZH1 聖克魯斯 1.00 3.98 5.1
ZH2 聖克魯斯 2.80 1.18 15.8

The trenching program across the main mineralized trends on the Los Pavitos property consisted of a cumulative length of 698 meters in 25 trenches. The best assays for individual samples are 20.4 g/t Au and 207 g/t Ag over 2 meters at Las Auras and 16.7 g/t Au and 48,2 g/t Ag over 1 meter at Santa Cruz. The main objective of the trenching program was to define the orientation and full width of the mineralized structures prior to starting the drill campaign.

在Los Pavitos礦藏的主要礦化趨勢上的挖掘計劃包括25條累計長度為698米的溝渠。單個樣品的最佳測定方法是拉斯奧拉斯的20.4g/t Au和207g/t Ag,聖克魯斯的16.7g/t Au和48.2g/t Ag,超過1米。挖溝計劃的主要目標是在開始鑽探活動之前確定礦化結構的方向和全寬度。

Palos Verdes Drilling Update

Palos Verdes鑽探更新

The Company is in the process of completing a 2,500-meter drill program on the Palos Verdes project. The drill program is designed to test the areas of the Palos Verdes vein system in areas where there previously was no drill access, mainly along the northeastern extension of the vein system and certain areas in the southwestern portion where previous drilling occurred. Ten holes have been completed for a total of about 2,035 meters of HQ core drilled for the current program, with an eleventh hole in progress. Assays for seven holes, PV-23-19 to PV-23-25 have been reported. Three holes remain in the program, after which the drill crew is expected to take a two-week break.

該公司正在完成Palos Verdes專案的2500米鑽探計劃。該鑽探計劃旨在測試Palos Verdes礦脈系統的區域,這些區域以前沒有鑽探通道,主要是沿著礦脈系統的東北部延伸,以及之前進行過鑽探的西南部某些區域。已經完成了10個孔,為當前計劃鑽出的總長約2,035米的HQ岩心,第11個孔正在進行中。已報道了PV-23-19至PV-23-25七個孔的檢測結果。該計劃還剩下三個洞,之後鑽探人員預計將休息兩周。



Rock samples taken by Prismo were analyzed by multielement ICP-AES and MS methods by ALS Group, an internationally recognized analytical service provider. Gold is analyzed as part of the ICP package using a 25-gram aqua regia digestion. Ag, Pb and Zn over 1% and Au values over 1 g/t are re-analyzed by the by an overrange ICP method. Certified Reference Materials including standard pulps and coarse blank material were inserted in the sample stream at regular intervals.

Prismo採集的岩石樣品由國際公認的分析服務提供商ALS Group採用多元素電感耦合等離子體發射光譜(ICPAES)和質譜儀進行分析。用25克王水消化,將金作為電感耦合等離子體元件的一部分進行分析。用超量程電感耦合等離子體質譜方法重新分析了銀、鉛、鋅超過1%和Au>1g/t的元素。將標準紙漿和粗製空白物質等標準物質定期插入樣品流中。

Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., CPG., a Qualified Person as defined by NI-43-01 regulations and President, CEO and a director of the Company, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release.


About Prismo


Prismo (CSE: PRIZ) is mining exploration company focused on two precious metal projects in Mexico (Palos Verdes and Los Pavitos) and a copper project in Arizona (Hot Breccia).

PRISMO(CSE:PRIZ)是一家礦業勘探公司,專注於墨西哥的兩個貴金屬專案(Palos Verdes和Los Pavitos)和亞利桑那州的一個銅礦專案(熱佈雷西亞)。

Please follow @PrismoMetals on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube


Prismo Metals Inc.

PRISMO Metals Inc.

1100 - 1111 Melville St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3V6

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華梅爾維爾街1100-1111 V6E 3V6



Craig Gibson, President & Chief Executive Officer


Jason Frame, Manager of Communications

通訊部經理Jason Frame電子郵件

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and exploration program results, the ability to complete future financings, required permitting, exploration programs and drilling, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.


The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, the state of the financial markets for the Company's equity securities, the state of the commodity markets generally, variations in the nature, the analytical results from surface trenching and sampling program, including diamond drilling programs, the results of IP surveying, the results of soil and till sampling program. the quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, variations in the market price of any mineral products the Company may produce or plan to produce, the inability of the Company to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required, including CSE acceptance, for its planned activities, the inability of the Company to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, the potential impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the Company's exploration program and on the Company's general business, operations and financial condition, and other risks and uncertainties. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.


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