
Introducing GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter: Pure Innovation

Introducing GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter: Pure Innovation

推出 GlacierFresh 重力濾水器:純粹的創新
PR Newswire ·  2023/07/31 23:00

PATERSON, N.J., July 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --

新澤西州帕特森2023年7月31日 /PRNewswire/ —

Glacier Fresh, a leading provider of innovative water filtration solutions, has developed and launched one of the most advanced gravity filters in the market, rivalling the mainstream kitchen filter products. Does 30% higher flow rate, antibacterial silver ion technology and industry-leading 90% fluorine removal with half the market price sounds interesting? Then read on!

領先的創新水過濾解決方案提供商 Glacier Fresh 開發並推出了市場上最先進的重力過濾器之一,可與主流廚房過濾器產品媲美。流量提高 30%,抗菌銀離子技術,業界領先的 90% 用市場價格的一半去除聽起來很有趣嗎?然後繼續閱讀!

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Glacier Fresh, Aug 1st, 2023, Gravity Water Filter
Glacier Fresh,2023 年 8 月 1 日,重力濾水器
Glacier Fresh, Aug 1st, 2023, Water& Filters Collection
Glacier Fresh,2023 年 8 月 1 日,水和過濾器系列

Experience the epitome of clean water with the GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter. Glacier Fresh not only uses the most high quality and sustainable activated carbons from coconut shells, but also developed a breakthrough technology to safely combine silver-ions with activated carbons to to safeguard your drinking water. This new filter inhibits bacteria growth and prevents mildew formation. This ensures not only clean and refreshing water but also peace of mind regarding your family's health.

使用 GlacierFresh Gravity 濾水器體驗清潔水的縮影。Glacier Fresh 不僅使用椰子殼中最優質、最可持續的活性炭,還開發了一種突破性技術,可以安全地將銀離子與活性炭結合起來,以保護您的飲用水。這種新的過濾器可抑制細菌的生長並防止黴菌的形成。這不僅可以確保飲用水乾淨清爽,還可以確保家人的健康高枕無憂。

Unlike other gravity filters on the market that typically have 2 carbon and 2 optional fluorine filters, Glacier Fresh has taken filtration to the next level. With an increased filter capacity of 3+3, the GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter offers an unmatched advantage. This upgrade not only contributes to a remarkable 30% higher flow rate and better filtration performance but also sets it apart in fluoride removal. While other filters can only remove 30%-40% of fluoride, the Glacier Fresh gravity water filter excels with industry-leading 90% fluoride removal. To fill 2.25 gallons, it now takes approximately 23 minutes, a significant improvement compared to the market standard of 1-2 hours.

與市場上其他通常有 2 個碳過濾器和 2 個可選氟過濾器的重力過濾器不同,Glacier Fresh 將過濾提升到了一個新的水平。GlacierFresh Gravity 濾水器的過濾容量增加到 3+3,具有無與倫比的優勢。此次升級不僅顯著提高了30%的流速和更好的過濾性能,而且在氟化物去除方面也脫穎而出。雖然其他過濾器只能去除 30%-40% 的氟化物,但 Glacier Fresh 重力濾水器在行業領先的 90% 氟化物去除方面表現出色。要裝滿 2.25 加侖,現在大約需要 23 分鐘,與市場標準的 1-2 小時相比有了顯著改善。

Its stylish 304 stainless steel housing ensures durability while adding a touch of elegance to your kitchen. The product also comes with a visible water level meter, that you can easily see it without opening the product. All these improvements you may thing may come at a steep cost? But no! Because of Glacier Fresh's strong product development background, and commitment to offer affordability, it offers the best possible price for this new gravity filter.

其時尚的 304 不鏽鋼外殼可確保耐用性,同時爲您的廚房增添一絲優雅氣息。該產品還配有可見的水位計,無需打開產品即可輕鬆看見。所有這些改進可能會付出高昂的代價?但不是!由於 Glacier Fresh 強大的產品開發背景以及對提供經濟實惠的承諾,它爲這款新的重力過濾器提供了儘可能優惠的價格。

Since 2015, Glacier Fresh has been dedicated to making healthy drinking water accessible to everyone. Trusted by families worldwide, Glacier Fresh is renowned for its advanced technology and high-quality filtration ingredients. Glacier Fresh's commitment to excellence is evident in its state-of-the-art production facility, boasting over 30 patents. Through continuous research and development, Glacier Fresh pioneers innovative water filtration solutions.Their products, including the GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter, are certified by IAPMO, NSF/ANSI 42, and 53, guaranteeing the highest quality and safety.

自 2015 年以來,Glacier Fresh 一直致力於讓所有人都能獲得健康的飲用水。Glacier Fresh 以其先進的技術和高質量的過濾成分而聞名,深受全球家庭的信賴。Glacier Fresh 對卓越的承諾體現在其最先進的生產設施中,擁有 30 多項專利。通過持續的研發,Glacier Fresh 開創了創新的水過濾解決方案。他們的產品,包括GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter,已獲得 IAPMO、NSF/ANSI 42 和 53 的認證,保證了最高的質量和安全性。

Driven by the vision of becoming the top hydration brand in the USA, Glacier Fresh offers a comprehensive product line, including refrigerator water filters, ice makers, RV/Marine filters, Soda makers, and water pitcher filters. With an independent e-commerce platform and a strong social media presence, Glacier Fresh continues to grow rapidly, making a mark in the market.

以成爲世界頂級保溼品牌的願景爲動力 美國,Glacier Fresh 提供全面的產品線,包括冰箱濾水器、製冰機、房車/船用過濾器、蘇打水機和水罐過濾器。憑藉獨立的電子商務平台和強大的社交媒體影響力,Glacier Fresh 繼續快速增長,在市場上留下了深刻的印記。

Discover the pure innovation of the GlacierFresh Gravity Water Filter. With its durable construction, ultimate filtration, and innovative technology, this gravity filter provides clean and pure water for your everyday needs. Join Glacier Fresh in their mission to create a healthier world by experiencing the difference in water filtration.

探索 GlacierFresh 重力濾水器的純粹創新。憑藉其耐用的結構、終極的過濾和創新技術,這款重力過濾器可爲您的日常需求提供乾淨純淨的水。加入 Glacier Fresh 的使命,通過體驗水過濾的差異,創造一個更健康的世界。

Media Contact:


Name: Sofia Abrams


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SOURCE Glacier Fresh

來源 Glaciar

