Breakthrough technology transforms laser detection from defense to offence
Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2023) - KWESST Micro Systems Inc. (TSXV: KWE) (TSXV: KWE.WT.U) (NASDAQ: KWE) (NASDAQ: KWESW) ("KWESST" or "the Company") today announced that it has filed a U.S. patent application for the core module of its next-generation Battlefield Laser Detection System ("BLDS"), branded "BLaDE" and will make the BLaDE module available as a plug-and-play offering to third-party OEMs for incorporation into their new and legacy electro-optical systems on armored vehicles.
Lasers, including Light Detection And Ranging ("LIDAR") are a growing threat in the modern battlespace. Historically, legacy laser detection systems are essentially defensive in nature. They typically consist of sensor pods on armored vehicles that detect lasers from precision-guided munitions and then activate smoke on the vehicle to disrupt the laser targeting of the incoming munition. LIDAR systems are prevalent in war zones today, including the Ukraine, to detect targets through obstructions like camouflage netting and foliage, increasing the vulnerability of ground forces and assets to attack from precision munitions.
In a leap ahead, KWESST's next-generation patent-pending BLaDE not only detects lasers, including LIDAR, but also discriminates whether they are friend or foe, and identifies the kind of laser right down to make and model. It also pinpoints the source of the laser so friendly forces can target it. Crucially, the BLDS is optimized to sense all known laser threats on the battlefield today and process counter-measures faster than current laser warning receivers. These advances in technical capability constitute the scope of the patent filing.
This breakthrough capability changes laser detection from defense to offence. "We're excited to announce this patent filing and availability of the core ("BLaDE") module to OEMs at this time," said David Luxton, Executive Chairman at KWESST. "It provides an entirely new level of protection and counter-measure against the threat of lasers in the modern battlefield, and its availability as a plug-and-play module for third-party OEMs means accelerated market roll-out, especially for rapid upgrade on armored vehicles currently equipped with dated legacy laser detection systems, or none at all."
Modern armored vehicles typically carry an electro optical pod on the turret.
Licensing and Supply to OEMs
"We are already in discussions with one armored vehicle program office in a NATO country and the OEM supplier of those armored vehicles to upgrade their laser detection capability," said Luxton. "We will now be reaching out to other armored vehicle and electro-optical pod OEMs to offer our core, proprietary plug-and-play BLaDE module under a Technology License and Supply Agreement ("TLSA"). With more than 1,000,000 armored vehicles in NATO, including more than 12,000 main battle tanks, we view this as a significant growth opportunity."
KWESST (NASDAQ: KWE) (NASDAQ: KWESW) (TSXV: KWE) (FSE: 62UA) develops and commercializes breakthrough next-generation tactical systems for military and security forces. The company's current portfolio of offerings includes digitization of tactical forces for real-time shared situational awareness and targeting information from any source (including drones) streamed directly to users' smart devices and weapons. Other KWESST products include countermeasures against threats such as electronic detection, lasers and drones. These systems can operate stand-alone or integrate seamlessly with OEM products and battlefield management systems, and all come integrated with TAK. The company also has a new proprietary non-lethal product line branded PARA OPSTM with application across all segments of the non-lethal market, including law enforcement. The Company is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with operations in Stafford, VA and representative offices in London, UK and Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Contact: David Luxton: or Jason Frame, Investor Relations:
安大略省渥太華--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2023)--KWESST Micro Systems Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KWE)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KWE.WT.U)(納斯達克股票代碼:KWE)(納斯達克股票代碼:KWESW)("KWESST "或 "公司")今天宣佈,公司已經爲其下一代戰場激光探測系統("BLDS")的核心模塊提交了美國專利申請。該公司將向第三方原始設備製造商提供即插即用的 BLaDE 模塊,用於裝甲車輛上的新型和傳統電子光學系統。
激光器,包括光探測和測距 (”激光雷達“)是現代戰場中日益嚴重的威脅。從歷史上看,傳統的激光探測系統本質上是防禦性的。它們通常由裝甲車輛上的傳感器艙組成,這些傳感器艙可以探測來自精確制導彈藥的激光,然後激活車輛上的煙霧以破壞來襲彈藥的激光瞄準。如今,激光雷達系統在包括烏克蘭在內的戰區很普遍,它通過僞裝網和樹葉等障礙物探測目標,這增加了地面部隊和資產受到精確彈藥攻擊的脆弱性。
KWESST 正在申請專利的下一代 BLaDE 是一次飛躍,它不僅能探測激光(包括激光雷達),還能分辨激光是敵是友,並能識別激光的種類、品牌和型號。 它還能精確定位激光源,以便友軍鎖定目標。 最重要的是,BLDS 經過優化,能夠感知目前戰場上所有已知的激光威脅,並能比目前的激光警告接收器更快地處理反制措施。 這些技術能力上的進步構成了專利申請的範圍。
這一突破性能力將激光探測從防禦轉變爲進攻。 "KWESST 執行主席 David Luxton 表示:"我們很高興宣佈這項專利申請,並在此時向原始設備製造商提供核心("BLaDE")模塊。 "它爲現代戰場上的激光威脅提供了全新水平的保護和反制措施,它作爲即插即用模塊提供給第三方原始設備製造商意味着加速市場推廣,特別是對目前裝備過時的傳統激光探測系統或根本沒有裝備激光探測系統的裝甲車輛進行快速升級。
"盧克斯頓說:"我們已經與北約國家的一個裝甲車輛項目辦公室和這些裝甲車輛的原始設備製造商供應商進行了討論,以升級他們的激光探測能力。 "我們現在將與其他裝甲車輛和光電吊艙原始設備製造商聯繫,根據技術許可和供應協議("TLSA")提供我們核心的、專有的即插即用 BLaDE 模塊。 北約有 100 多萬輛裝甲車,其中包括 12,000 多輛主戰坦克,我們認爲這是一個重要的發展機遇。
KWESST(納斯達克股票代碼:KWE)(納斯達克股票代碼:KWE)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KWE)(FSE:62UA)爲軍事和安全部隊開發突破性的下一代戰術系統並將其商業化。該公司目前的產品組合包括戰術部隊的數字化,以實現實時共享態勢感知,以及來自任何來源(包括無人機)的目標信息,直接流向用戶的智能設備和武器。KWESST 的其他產品包括針對電子探測、激光和無人機等威脅的對策。這些系統可以獨立運行,也可以與 OEM 產品和戰場管理系統無縫集成,並且都與 TAK 集成。該公司還有一個名爲PARA OPSTM的新專有非致命產品線,適用於非致命市場的所有細分市場,包括執法部門。公司總部位於加拿大渥太華,在弗吉尼亞州斯塔福德開展業務,在英國倫敦和阿聯酋阿布扎比設有代表處。
聯繫人:David 或 Jason Frame,投資者關係。