
Gladiator Metals Announces Results of Maiden Drill Program at Cowley Park Copper Prospect

Gladiator Metals Announces Results of Maiden Drill Program at Cowley Park Copper Prospect

Gladiator Metals公佈了考利公園銅礦勘探區首次鑽探計劃的結果
newsfile ·  2023/07/24 15:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 24, 2023) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTC Pink: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) ("Gladiator" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the final results from the maiden drilling campaign completed at the high-grade Cowley Park prospect ("Cowley Park") that forms part of the Whitehorse Copper Project.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年7月24日)-角鬥士金屬公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GREAD)(場外粉色股票代碼:GDTRF)(FSE:ZX7)(“角鬥士“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈在高品位考利公園探礦完成的首次鑽探活動的最終結果(”考利公園“)這是懷特霍斯銅礦專案的一部分。

  • Gladiator has received the remaining results from all 14 holes completed in the 2,632m maiden diamond drilling program at the Cowley Park . All holes returned significant intercepts with results including:
    • CPG-007: 8m @ 2.29% Cu and 0.15% Mo from 95m within 12m @ 1.72% Cu from 93m
    • CPG-012: 8m @ 1.6% Cu from 65m within 48m @ 0.97% Cu from 33m
  • Particularly encouraging is the continuity of broad widths of high-grade mineralization in step out drilling to the south east of Cowley Park in the most easterly hole completed by the Company, CPG-007.
  • These results are in addition to the previously announced results from the program including:
    • CPG-001: 20m @ 1.43% Cu from 42m within 71m @ 0.72% Cu from 32m
    • CPG-002: 13m @ 1.44% Cu and 0.15% Mo from 28m and 33m @ 1.48% Cu from 71m within 113m @ 0.79% Cu
    • CPG-003: 13.2m @ 2.26% Cu from 22.8m
    • CPG-004: 10m @ 1.68% Cu from 87m within 28m @ 0.91% Cu from 87m
    • CPG-006: 16m @ 2.36% Cu from 79m within 92m @ 0.71% Cu from 67m
    • CPG-010: 26m @ 1.14% Cu from 86m
  • These shallow results confirm the continuity of high-grade copper skarn mineralization at Cowley Park with mineralization remaining open along strike and down dip in all directions.
  • Gladiator is advanced in planning to complete further diamond drilling in the coming weeks. This upcoming drilling will be aimed at testing strike and depth extensions to mineralization. Gladiator has over 4,000 metres of drilling remaining on its Class 1 Permit.
  • Results continue to reconcile positively with historic drilling in the area highlighting the potential to improve the prospect both through systematic sampling of lower grade sections of mineralization around the identified high-grade areas and by assaying for potential complimentary co products to copper mineralization including molybdenum, gold and silver.
  • Gladiator has initiated summer field programs including regional mapping, sampling and geophysical programs to further refine drill targets at more than 30 drill ready, high-grade regional targets associated with copper rich skarns within the Whitehorse Copper Belt. ahead of planned winter drill campaigns
  • Gladiator is fully funded to expand its ambitious exploration program at the Whitehorse Copper Project with $9.5 million cash on hand (July 2023)
  • 角鬥士已經收到了考利公園2632米處女鑽鑽探專案中所有14個孔的剩餘結果。所有漏洞都返回了重要的截獲,結果包括:
    • CPG-007:8M@2.29%銅和0.15%鉬從9500萬12M@1.72%銅從9300萬
    • CPG-012:8M@1.6%銅從6500萬48M內@0.97%銅從3300萬
  • 尤其令人鼓舞的是,在Cowley Park東南面、由本公司完成的最東面鑽孔CPG-007的逐步鑽探中,大量高品位礦化繼續存在。
  • 這些結果是對之前宣佈的該計劃結果的補充,包括:
    • CPG-001:20M@1.43%銅從4200萬在71M內@0.72%銅從3200萬
    • CPG-002:13M@1.44%銅和0.15%鉬從2800萬和33M@1.48%銅從7100萬113M內@0.79%銅
    • CPG-003:13.2M@2.26%銅從2280萬
    • CPG-004:10M@1.68%銅從87米到28米,從87米到0.91%銅
    • CPG-006:16M@2.36%銅從7900萬在92M@0.71%銅內從6700萬
    • CPG-010:26M@1.14%銅從8600萬
  • 這些淺層結果證實了考利公園高品位銅夕卡巖礦化的連續性,礦化沿走向和向下傾斜保持開放。
  • 角鬥士計劃在未來幾周內完成進一步的鑽石鑽探。即將進行的鑽探將旨在測試礦化的走向和深度延伸。角鬥士的一級許可證上還有4000多米的鑽探剩餘。
  • 結果與區內的歷史鑽探結果繼續保持良好的一致性,突出了通過對已識別的高品位地區周圍的低品位礦化區段進行系統採樣以及通過分析潛在的與銅礦化有關的輔助產品(包括鉬、金和銀)來改善前景的潛力。
  • 角鬥士已經啟動了夏季野外專案,包括區域測繪、採樣和地球物理專案,以進一步細化與懷特霍斯銅礦帶內與富銅夕卡巖有關的30多個可鑽探的高品位區域目標的鑽探目標。在計劃的冬季演習之前
  • 角鬥士獲得全額資金,用於擴大其雄心勃勃的懷特霍斯銅礦專案勘探計劃,手頭有950萬美元現金(2023年7月)

Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo commented:


"Gladiator is pleased to release the remaining results from the recently completed 2,632m maiden diamond drill campaign and to announce that it will be recommencing diamond drilling at Cowley Park in the coming weeks. Follow up diamond drilling will be targeting extensions to the defined high grade mineralisation at Cowley Park.


Results from Gladiators maiden program continue to successfully define the continuity and scale of high- grade copper mineralisation at Cowley Park as well as providing further definition to the potentially significant coincident Molybdenum mineralisation.


Field crews are now active in the Whitehorse Copper belt with regional scale mapping, sampling and geophysical programs taking place in the summer months. This work is designed to prioritise winter drill targets from amongst more than thirty known occurrences of high grade copper mineralisation already identified over more than 35 kilometers of the Whitehorse Copper belt."


Cowley Park - Maiden Drilling Campaign


Gladiators 2,632m, 14-hole maiden diamond drilling campaign was completed on May 19th and all assay results from the program have now been received (please refer to Figure 1 below for details). Significant drill intercepts from the program include:


  • CPG-001: 20m @ 1.43% Cu from 42m within 71m @ 0.72% Cu from 32m
  • CPG-002: 13m @ 1.44% Cu and 0.15% Mo from 28m and 33m @ 1.48% Cu from 71m within 113m @ 0.79% Cu
  • CPG-003: 13.2m @ 2.26% Cu from 22.8m
  • CPG-004: 10m @ 1.68% Cu from 87m within 28m @ 0.91% Cu from 87m
  • CPG-006: 16m @ 2.36% Cu from 79m within 92m @ 0.71% Cu from 67m
  • CPG-007: 8m @ 2.29% Cu and 0.15% Mo from 95m within 12m @ 1.72% Cu from 93m
  • CPG-009: 30m @ 0.65% Cu from 100m
  • CPG-010: 26m @ 1.14% Cu from 86m
  • CPG-012: 48m @ 0.97% Cu from 33m including 8m @ 1.6% Cu from 65m
  • CPG-014: 45m @ 0.66% Cu from 84m
  • CPG-001:20M@1.43%銅從4200萬在71M內@0.72%銅從3200萬
  • CPG-002:13M@1.44%銅和0.15%鉬從2800萬和33M@1.48%銅從7100萬113M內@0.79%銅
  • CPG-003:13.2M@2.26%銅從2280萬
  • CPG-004:10M@1.68%銅從87米到28米,從87米到0.91%銅
  • CPG-006:16M@2.36%銅從7900萬在92M@0.71%銅內從6700萬
  • CPG-007:8M@2.29%銅和0.15%鉬從9500萬12M@1.72%銅從9300萬
  • CPG-009:30M@0.65%銅從100萬
  • CPG-010:26M@1.14%銅從8600萬
  • CPG-012:48M@0.97%銅從3300萬美元起,包括8M@1.6%銅從6500萬
  • CPG-014:45M@0.66%銅從8400萬

A complete list of drilling completed by Gladiator Metals, including the hole locations, drill azimuth and dip are tabled below.

下面是Gladiator Metals完成的完整鑽探清單,包括鑽孔位置、鑽孔方位和傾角。

Table 1: Cowley Park Drilling - Hole details and Significant Intercepts.


HoleID TD East North Dip Azim Remark From To Width
Cu% x Int(m) Comment
CPG-001 154.53 505,846 6,715,455 -60 6 13.69 19 5.31 0.78 0.09 5.35 26 4.12 Previously Released
Incl. 13.69 17 3.31 1.10 0.15 8.03 28 3.63
32 103 71 0.72 0.04 2.08 143 51.35
Incl. 42 62 20 1.43 0.07 3.96 254 28.68
CPG-002 182.88 505,839 6,715,412 -60 1 19 132 113 0.79 0.13 4.75 464 89.57 Previously Released
Incl. 28 41 13 1.44 0.31 10.53 1,564 18.66
And 71 104 33 1.48 0.25 8.31 404 48.89
CPG-003 134.11 505,837 6,715,492 -60 2 9 14 5 1.23 0.12 10.44 1,121 6.16 Previously Released
22.8 36 13.2 2.26 0.34 17.96 833 29.88
CPG-004 154.53 506,032 6,715,258 -60 4 87 115 28 0.91 0.10 9.13 383 25.53 Previously Released
Incl. 87 97 10 1.65 0.26 21.94 791 16.48
CPG-005 176.78 506,051 6,715,309 -60 355 100 118 18 0.33 0.01 1.23 224 6.01
CPG-006 181.36 506,197 6,715,374 -60 356 67 159 92 0.71 0.07 5.13 313 64.89 Previously Released
Incl. 67 71 4 0.80 0.07 6.35 755 3.20
And 79 137 58 0.95 0.08 7.07 367 55.05
Or 79 95 16 2.36 0.26 20.58 455 37.71
And 129 135 6 1.57 0.01 4.07 183 9.43
And 149 159 10 0.54 0.07 2.78 273 5.43
CPG-007 190.5 506,267 6,715,349 -60.5 354 84 87 3 1.13 0.20 6.93 680 3.38 Limited Sampling Previously Released
93 105 12 1.72 0.24 12.17 987 10.33
Incl. 95 103 8 2.29 0.36 15.63 1,476 18.28
121 129 6 0.71 0.16 4.85 156 5.64
149 157 8 0.69 0.10 3.85 224 5.49
CPG-008 181.36 506,262 6,715,387 -60 349 65 77 12 0.53 0.09 4.60 825 6.38
101 109 8 0.74 0.23 5.03 355 5.91
CPG-009 240.79 506,120 6,715,340 -60 357 100 130 30 0.65 0.04 2.78 695 19.36
CPG-010 207.26 506,115 6,715,370 -60 360 86 112 26 1.14 0.02 3.09 256 29.55 Previously Released
134 146 12 0.56 0.10 3.07 384 6.71
CPG-011 190.2 506,099 6,715,400 -60 356 33 39 0 0.59 0.00 1.03 59 3.57
73 131 58 0.51 0.02 2.26 146 29.52
CPG-012 161.59 505,955 6,715,451 -60 357 33 81 48 0.97 0.10 5.81 534 46.40
Incl. 65 73 8 1.60 0.30 9.55 409 12.83
CPG-013 195.78 506,040 6,715,368 -60 9 123 131 8 0.55 0.01 1.70 223 4.40
CPG-014 280.42 505,993 6,715,305 -60 339 2.91 4.2 1.29 2.45 0.05 25.10 766 3.16
30.48 48 17.52 0.58 0.07 5.83 160 10.15
84 129 45 0.66 0.05 4.05 135 29.91
孔ID 白破疫苗 浸漬 阿齊姆 備註 從… 寬度


CU%x Int(M) 評論
CPG-001 154.53 505,846 6715455 -60 6. 13.69 19個 5.31 0.78 0.09 5.35 26 4.12 以前發佈的版本
包括 13.69 17 3.31 1.10 0.15 8.03 28 3.63
32 103 71 0.72 0.04 2.08 143 51.35
包括 42 62 20個 1.43 0.07 3.96 二百五十四 28.68
CPG-002 182.88 505,839 6715412 -60 1 19個 132 113 0.79 0.13 4.75 四百六十四 89.57 以前發佈的版本
包括 28 41 13個 1.44 0.31 10.53 1564 18.66
71 104 33 1.48 0.25 8.31 404 48.89
CPG-003 134.11 505,837 6715492 -60 2. 9. 14. 5. 1.23 0.12 10.44 1,121 6.16 以前發佈的版本
22.8 36 13.2 2.26 0.34 17.96 八百三十三 29.88
CPG-004 154.53 506,032 6715258 -60 4. 八十七 一百一十五 28 0.91 0.10 9.13 三百八十三 25.53 以前發佈的版本
包括 八十七 九十七 10 1.65 0.26 21.94 七百九十一 16.48
CPG-005 176.78 506,051 6715,309 -60 三百五十五 100個 一百一十八 18 0.33 0.01 1.23 224 6.01
CPG-006 181.36 506,197 6715374 -60 三百五十六 67 一百五十九 92 0.71 0.07 5.13 313 64.89 以前發佈的版本
包括 67 71 4. 0.80 0.07 6.35 七百五十五 3.20
79 一百三十七 58 0.95 0.08 7.07 三百七十七 55.05
79 95 16年 2.36 0.26 20.58 455 37.71
129 一百三十五 6. 1.57 0.01 4.07 一百八十三 9.43
149 一百五十九 10 0.54 0.07 2.78 273 5.43
CPG-007 190.5 506,267 6715349 -60.5 三百五十四 84 八十七 3. 1.13 0.20 6.93 680 3.38 先前發佈的有限採樣
93 一百零五 12 1.72 0.24 12.17 九八七 10.33
包括 95 103 8個個 2.29 0.36 15.63 1476 18.28
一百二十一 129 6. 0.71 0.16 4.85 一百五十六 5.64
149 157 8個個 0.69 0.10 3.85 224 5.49
CPG-008 181.36 506,262 6715387 -60 三百四十九 65 77 12 0.53 0.09 4.60 八百二十五 6.38
101 一百零九 8個個 0.74 0.23 5.03 三百五十五 5.91
CPG-009 240.79 506,120 6715340 -60 三五七 100個 130 30個 0.65 0.04 2.78 六百九十五 19.36
CPG-010 207.26 506,115 6715370 -60 360 86 一百一十二 26 1.14 0.02 3.09 256 29.55 以前發佈的版本
一百三十四 146 12 0.56 0.10 3.07 384 6.71
CPG-011 190.2 506,099 6715,400人 -60 三百五十六 33 39 0 0.59 0.00 1.03 59 3.57
73 131 58 0.51 0.02 2.26 146 29.52
CPG-012 161.59 505,955 6715451 -60 三五七 33 八十一 48 0.97 0.10 5.81 534 46.40
包括 65 73 8個個 1.60 0.30 9.55 四百零九 12.83
CPG-013 195.78 506,040 6715368 -60 9. 123 131 8個個 0.55 0.01 1.70 223 4.40
CPG-014 280.42 505,993 6715,305 -60 三百三十九 2.91 4.2 1.29 2.45 0.05 25.10 766 3.16
30.48 48 17.52 0.58 0.07 5.83 160 10.15
84 129 45 0.66 0.05 4.05 一百三十五 29.91

Notes on Table: All drill hole locations are recorded in NAD83 Coordinates (Zone 8N). No significant core loss was observed during the logging and sampling within the reported drill intervals. All intercepts that are greater than 0.5% Cu and having a minimum summed value >2, calculated as the sum of the weighted average of Cu (%) x Interval (m) over the reported interval have been tabled.


Figure 1: Plan map of the advanced Cowley Park Copper Prospect. Recently collated historical drill results with a cumulative Copper%*m of >40 highlighted as well as initial significant drill intercepts from the recently completed maiden diamond drilling campaign.


Cu Mineralization Width and Continuity Confirmed


These results confirm the width and continuity of high-grade mineralization previously targeted at Cowley Park with mineralization remaining open in all directions.


Particularly encouraging is the continuity of broad widths of high-grade mineralization in step out drilling to the southeast of Cowley Park with 12m @ 1.72% Cu including 8m @ 2.29% Cu and 0.15% Mo intersected in the most easterly hole, CPG-007.


Molybdenum was not systematically assayed for in the historical drilling and its observed widespread distribution throughout the Cowley Park area during this program provides encouragement that its inclusion in Gladiators datasets will add co-product value alongside other potentially contributing elements including silver and gold.

鉬沒有在歷史鑽探中進行系統的分析,而且在本專案期間觀察到的鉬在Cowley Park地區的廣泛分佈鼓勵了它被納入角鬥士數據集中將與其他潛在貢獻元素(包括銀和金)一起增加聯產價值。

The significant potential of broader lower grade mineralized envelopes surrounding the previously identified high grade copper mineralization that was the subject of historical exploration continues to be highlighted by recent results with intervals of 8m @ 16% Cu within 48m @ 0.97% Cu in hole CPG-012.


As a result recently completed drilling compares favorably to historical results and highlights the potential for Gladiator to significantly enhance the potential tonnage of future resources at Cowley Park through systematic targeting and sampling of lower grade envelopes to the high grade mineralization.

因此,最近完成的鑽探結果優於歷史結果,並突顯了Gladiator通過系統地瞄準和採樣低品位信封至高品位礦化,顯著提高Cowley Park未來資源潛在噸位的潛力。

A complete list of the compiled holes from Cowley Park drilled by prior operators and their significant intercepts and details can be found at:


Exploration Update


The Company's exploration Program at the Whitehorse Copper Project for 2023 is categorized into five parts including;


  1. In addition to the Company's recently completed maiden, 2,632m diamond drilling program a further 2,000m is in an advanced planning stage, that is scheduled to commence during August. Gladiator has a further ~4,300 metres of drilling it can complete under its currently approved Class 1 Permit. Cowley Park had reached feasibility stage before historical Copper mining operations were shut down in 1982. Identified mineralisation at Cowley remains open along strike and down dip.

  2. In addition to the Company's own diamond drilling, Gladiator will continue its program of logging and assaying approximately 10,000 metres of unassayed core from exploration drilling completed in recent years by prior operators. The 10,000 metres of core mostly relates to drilling at Cowley Park but also includes drilling at other prospect areas including North Star, Grafters and Verona which are situated in the Best Chance to North Star trend and includes the former Little Chief Mine.

  3. Gladiator will also assay for molybdenum, gold, silver and other elements which were not historically systematically assayed for, along with incorporating potentially lower grade mineralised material within or adjacent to significant mineralised widths that was often not sampled in the past to allow for future assessment of modern bulk mining potential.

  4. The Company is also carrying out a systematic consolidation of the historic drilling and mining activity representing the first time a comprehensive review of regional datasets has been undertaken since the last mining activity in the region ceased in 1982 with the closure of the Little Chief mine. Gladiator to date has identified over 800 historical surface drill holes drilled by Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co Ltd., Yankee Hat Minerals Ltd., Lobo Del Norte Ltd and the Vendor H.Coyne & Sons Ltd which were logged and selectively assayed. This includes 219 holes for approximately 25,000 metres completed at the Cowley Park Prospect which were reported to the market on April 3rd. As compilation and digitisation is completed the Company will release the results of this historical drilling by prospect area along the Whitehorse Copper belt.

  5. Gladiator has initiated summer field programs including regional mapping, sampling and geophysical programs to further refine drill targets at more than 30, drill ready, high-grade regional targets associated with copper rich skarns within the Whitehorse Copper Belt. ahead of planned winter drill campaigns.

  1. 除了該公司最近完成的2,632米鑽石鑽探專案外,還有2,000米鑽探專案正處於高級規劃階段,計劃於8月開始。根據目前批准的一級許可證,角鬥士還可以完成約4300米的鑽探。考利公園在1982年曆史上的銅礦開採業務關閉之前就已經達到了可行性階段。考利已探明的礦化沿走向和向下傾角保持開放狀態。

  2. 除了該公司自己的鑽石鑽探外,Gladiator還將繼續其記錄和分析近10,000米未經測試的岩心的計劃,這些岩心是由以前的運營商近年來完成的勘探鑽探。10,000米長的岩心主要涉及考利公園的鑽探,但也包括在其他勘探區域的鑽探,包括北極星、Grafters和維羅納,這些地區位於北極星趨勢的最佳機會,包括前Little General礦山。

  3. Gladiator亦將化驗歷史上未經系統化驗的鉬、金、銀及其他元素,以及將可能較低品位的礦化物質納入過去經常沒有抽樣的重大礦化寬度之內或附近,以便日後評估現代大宗採礦潛力。

  4. 該公司還對歷史性的鑽探和採礦活動進行了系統的整合這是自1982年該區域的最後一次採礦活動因小酋長礦關閉而停止以來,首次對區域數據集進行全面審查。到目前為止,角鬥士已經確定了Hudson Bay礦業和冶煉有限公司、Yankee Hat Minerals Ltd.、Lobo Del Norte Ltd和供應商H.Coyne&Sons Ltd鑽探的800多個歷史地面鑽孔,並對這些鑽孔進行了有選擇的分析。其中包括4月3日向市場報告的考利公園展望專案完成的219個長約25,000米的洞研發。隨著匯編和數字化的完成,公司將公佈懷特霍斯銅礦帶沿線探礦區的這一歷史鑽探結果。

  5. 角鬥士已經啟動了夏季野外專案,包括區域測繪、採樣和地球物理專案,以進一步細化與懷特霍斯銅礦帶內富銅夕卡巖有關的30多個已做好鑽探準備的高品位區域目標。在計劃的冬季演習之前。

Regional Exploration


Work completed to date has identified more than 30, drill ready, high-grade regional targets associated with copper rich skarns at the contact between the Cretaceous age Whitehorse Plutonic Suite and the Triassic to Jurassic Lewes River Group's clastic and carbonate metasediments. Cumulatively, there is more than 35km of underexplored strike on the contact which is highly prospective for high-grade copper+/-molybdenum+/-silver+/- gold (refer to Figure 3 below).


Gladiator's position is enhanced at Whitehorse, with the project having near year-round access for work programs, including an established road and drill access network, low capital infrastructure requirements due to the project's proximity to Whitehorse and a strong partnership with the owners of the Whitehorse Copper Project, an experienced local drilling service provider.


QA / QC and Data Verification


Drilling completed by Gladiator was irregularly spaced to test parts of the mineralised systems, holes were generally drilled at -60 degrees towards true north and the holes were directionally surveyed utilising a North Seeking Gyro direction tool, At the completion of drilling, drill collars are subsequently surveyed utilising a high-accuracy RTK DGPS system.

角鬥士完成的鑽探以不規則的間距測試部分礦化系統,鑽孔通常朝正北方向以-60度的方向鑽孔,並使用尋北陀螺定向工具對孔進行定向測量,在完成鑽探後,隨後使用高精度RTK DGPS系統測量鑽領。

Upon drilling of diamond core Gladiator undertakes geological logging, marking up of lineal length of the core, recording core recovery, and Geotech measurements such as RQD's and photographs the drill core (core photographs).


Based on the geological logging, core is then marked up for sampling with a new sampling ticket that matches the submitted sample for analysis at the start of the sample interval, the drill core is then cut in half utilizing a core saw equipped with a diamond saw blade. The core samples are then sent for analysis and the remaining half core retained for future reference. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) or known blank material is placed within the sampling sequence at a nominal sampling rate of 1 in 20 samples to monitor the Laboratory. Samples are submitted to the ALS Global laboratory (Canada).


Samples subject to this release were crushed to 70% less than 2mm before pulverizing to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples were then analysed by ALS method ME-ICP61 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish), with over limits for Cu analysed by method CU-OG62 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish). As part of this process, Gladiator also captures the required sampling metadata to potentially utilize the core and analysis for any future requirements if deemed acceptable. The QA/QC meets the current required standards under reporting instruments, such as NI-43-101. At this point the Company regards the data collected from this exercise as reliable for the purposes of identifying future exploration targets and may be used to inform future drilling and exploration campaigns.

經過這種釋放的樣品在粉碎到超過85%之前被粉碎到小於2 mm的70%,超過75微米。然後用ALS方法ME-ICP61(王水加電感耦合等離子體質譜)分析樣品,銅的超限量用方法CU-OG62(王水加電感耦合等離子體質譜)分析。作為這一過程的一部分,角鬥士還捕獲所需的採樣元數據,以潛在地利用核心和分析,以便在被認為可接受的情況下滿足任何未來的需求。品質保證/質量控制符合NI-43-101等現行報告文書所要求的標準。在這一點上,本公司認為從這次活動中收集的數據對於確定未來的勘探目標是可靠的,並可能被用於為未來的鑽探和勘探活動提供資訊。

The Company through its qualified person, has undertaken data verification processes in connection with its maiden drill program. The Company through the use of it's industry based database software system (Plexer) and 3D modelling software packages undertakes data verification and logic and code checks, checks the completeness and accuracy of the recorded data with the company perfoming random checks on the merged assay results against the lab assay certificates. The data is then reviewed once it has passed all logical checks and graphically displayed prior to being accepted and marked as "Finalised" within the database. The Company is unaware of any drilling, sampling, recovery, or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the data referred to in this news release.


In reference to historic drill results reported in this news release from the Company's data compilation exercise, these results are historical in nature. Gladiator has not undertaken any independent investigation, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. The Company believes that the historical drill results currently do not conform to presently accepted industry standards. Gladiator considers these historical drill results relevant as the Company will use this data as a guide to plan future exploration and drilling programs. The Company also considers the data to be reliable for these purposes, however, the Company's future exploration work will include verification of the data through drilling. Please refer to Company's news releases dated February 13, 2023, April 3, 2023 and April 27 2023 for further details.


Marketing Services


Gladiator is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Outside The Box Capital Inc. ("Outside the Box") to provide marketing and distribution services to the Company, which include assisting in communicating information about Gladiator through social media and assisting Gladiator with outreach to new communities and potential investors. Outside the Box has been engaged by Gladiator for an initial period of six months. Outside the Box will receive fees for the services of $100,000, with $34,000 due upon signing, $33,000 due after 60 days and $33,000 due after 120 days. The fees will be payable from Gladiator's available working capital. Outside the Box is at arm's length to Gladiator and will not receive shares or options as compensation, It currently does not own any securities of Gladiator. The Agreement is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Outside the Box is a Toronto based marketing company that specializes in social media platforms and will be able to facilitate greater awareness and widespread dissemination of the Company's news into these channels.

角鬥士很高興地宣佈,它已經與Outside the Box Capital Inc.(“The Box之外”)達成了一項協定,為公司提供營銷和分銷服務,包括協助通過社交媒體傳播關於角鬥士的資訊,並協助角鬥士拓展新社區和潛在投資者。Out the Box已經與角鬥士簽約了最初的六個月。開箱即付的服務費為100,000美元,其中34,000美元在簽約後到期,33,000美元在60天后到期,33,000美元在120天后到期。費用將從角鬥士的可用營運資金中支付。Out the Box與角鬥士保持距離,不會獲得股票或期權作為補償,目前它不擁有角鬥士的任何證券。該協定還有待多倫多證券交易所創業板的批准。Out the Box是一家總部位於多倫多的營銷公司,專門從事社交媒體平臺,將能夠促進公司新聞在這些渠道中的更大知名度和廣泛傳播。

The Whitehorse Copper Project


The Whitehorse Copper Project is an advanced-stage copper (Cu) ± molybdenum (Mo) ± silver (Ag) ± gold (Au) skarn exploration project in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The property comprises 314 contiguous claims covering approximately 5,380 Hectares (13,294 acres) in the Whitehorse Mining District.


Copper mineralization was first discovered in 1897 on the Whitehorse Copper Belt, as it became to be known. The Whitehorse Copper Belt comprised over 30 copper-related, primarily skarn occurrences covering an area of 35 by 5 km in a north westerly trending arc. Exploration and mining development have been carried out intermittently since that time with the main production era lasting between 1967 and 1982 where production totaled 267,500,000 pounds copper, 225,000 ounces of gold and 2,838,000 ounces of silver from 11.1 million tons of mineralized material milled (Watson, 1984).


The Project is accessible through with numerous access roads and trails located within 2 km of the South Klondike Highway and the Alaska Highway. An extensive network of historical gravel exploration and haul roads exists throughout the project area, providing excellent access to the majority of the claim package. Access to existing electric power facilities is available through the main Yukon power grid.


In November 2022, Gladiator executed an option agreement to acquire 100% of the Whitehorse Copper Project (the "Option") by incurring exploration expenditures of $12m on the project, staged payment of $300,000 in cash and the staged issue of 15m shares over 6 years. Following the exercise of the Option, the Company must pay the Optionor, or such other person(s) as the Optionor may direct from time to time, a 1.0% net smelter returns royalty on the Whitehorse Copper Project.


Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術資訊均由Kell Nielsen準備或審查和批准,NI 43-101定義的“合格人員”。



"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo
President and CEO


For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.


Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) that are not statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information..


Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


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