
ETF Managers Group CEO Samuel Masucci Steps Down Amid SEC Probe And Alleged Conflicts Of Interest

ETF Managers Group CEO Samuel Masucci Steps Down Amid SEC Probe And Alleged Conflicts Of Interest

Benzinga ·  2023/07/19 03:26

ETF Managers Group founder and CEO Samuel Masucci resigned from his role as chief executive and other related positions as part of a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which notified him of its decision to bring a civil action stemming from a probe into the company's cannabis exchange-traded fund.

作爲與美國證券交易委員會(SEC)達成的和解協議的一部分,ETF Managers Group創始人兼首席執行官塞繆爾·馬蘇奇辭去了首席執行官和其他相關職務。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)通知他,由於對該公司的大麻交易所交易基金進行調查,決定提起民事訴訟。

The move comes weeks after ETFMG announced it was selling its ETF lineup to Amplify ETFs (NYSE:SWAN) in a deal expected to close this year. The firm also recently announced two ETF closures, reported several sources.

此舉是在ETFMG宣佈將其ETF陣容出售給Amplify ETF(紐約證券交易所代碼:SWAN)幾周後採取的,該交易預計將於今年完成。據多位消息人士報道,該公司最近還宣佈關閉兩隻ETF。

The settlement involves "alleged non-disclosure of conflicts of interest" connected to the participation of ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF's (NYSE:MJ), the first cannabis exchange-traded fund in the U.S., in the securities lending program administered by its prior custodian, according to a recent filing with the SEC.

根據最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的一份文件,該和解協議涉及與美國第一家大麻交易所交易基金ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF(紐約證券交易所代碼:MJ)參與其前託管人管理的證券貸款計劃有關的 “涉嫌不披露利益衝突”。

Wells Notice


Masucci and the firm apparently received Wells notices advising them the SEC staff anticipated the civil action, which noted that Masucci and the company cooperated with the investigation.


During the process, each recipient demonstrated to the SEC staff why it thought its conduct was appropriate and in keeping with industry standards, and therefore no action should be taken.


"The SEC has a wide range of tools in its arsenal, and typically insisting upon the resignation of an individual is one that they would use where they believe that an individual is at the crux of the wrongdoing," said Brian Hamburger, a lawyer who focuses on regulatory compliance at Hamburger Law. "If that's a component of those undertakings, then that is certainly indicative of SEC sentiment."

Hamburger Law專注於監管合規的律師布萊恩·漢伯格說:“美國證券交易委員會擁有各種各樣的工具,如果他們認爲個人是不當行爲的癥結所在,他們通常會堅持要求個人辭職。”“如果這是這些承諾的一部分,那無疑表明了美國證券交易委員會的情緒。”

Masucci, who also resigned as president and secretary of the trust, board chairman and portfolio manager to more than a dozen ETFs, agreed to resign as CEO and as trustee of ETF Managers Trust as part of the agreement. He and the firm consented to SEC staff findings without admitting or denying them, according to the filing.

作爲協議的一部分,馬蘇奇還辭去了信託基金總裁兼秘書、十幾只ETF的董事會主席兼投資組合經理的職務,他同意辭去ETF Managers Trust首席執行官和受託人的職務。文件顯示,他和公司同意了美國證券交易委員會工作人員的調查結果,但沒有承認或否認這些調查結果。

Masucci was at the center of an earlier ETF industry controversy in 2019 when his firm was ordered to pay $80 million to NASDAQ for breach of contract, settling a dispute over the ETFMG Prime Cyber Security ETF (HACK) and four other ETFs with combined assets of $2.1 billion, per Yahoo Finance.

雅虎財經稱,馬蘇奇是2019年早些時候ETF行業爭議的焦點,當時他的公司因違約被勒令向納斯達克支付8000萬美元,解決了有關ETFMG Prime網絡安全ETF(HACK)和其他四隻總資產爲21億美元的ETF的爭議。

