
Riverside Resources Recaps Mid-Year Milestones and Provides Outlook for Rest of 2023

Riverside Resources Recaps Mid-Year Milestones and Provides Outlook for Rest of 2023

Riverside Resources 回顧年中里程碑並提供 2023 年剩餘時間的展望
newsfile ·  2023/07/18 21:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 18, 2023) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to provide a summary of its ongoing strategic activities over the past six months and an outlook for the second half of the year. During this time, the Company has actively expanded in Canada, acquiring new projects and conducting target definition exploration work across its Canadian portfolio. These steps taken in the past six months have strengthened the Company's move beyond Mexico, which has been progressing for the past two years. Riverside anticipates numerous new Canadian catalysts in the next half-year. With a commitment to advancing its diverse portfolio of mineral assets and leveraging strategic partnerships. To that effect, Riverside has made significant progress in its exploration endeavors, diversifying its commodity mix and expanding into new jurisdictions. In the coming six months, the Company plans to expand its projects beyond precious and base metals, incorporating more critical metal assets and royalties. The key mid-year developments are outlined below:

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年7月18日)-河濱資源公司。 (TSXV:RRI)(OTCQB:RVSDF)(FSE:5YY)(《河濱》或《公司》),很高興提供過去六個月來其持續戰略活動的摘要和對今年下半年的展望。在此期間,該公司在加拿大積極擴張,收購新專案,並在其加拿大投資組合中進行目標定義勘探工作。過去六個月採取的這些措施加強了該公司向墨西哥以外的轉移,過去兩年來,該公司一直在取得進展。Riverside預計未來半年將有許多新的加拿大催化劑。致力於推進其多元化的礦產資產組合,並利用戰略合作夥伴關係。為此,Riverside在勘探努力方面取得了重大進展,使其大宗商品組合多樣化,並擴展到新的司法管轄區。在接下來的六個月裡,該公司計劃將其專案擴大到貴金屬和賤金屬以外,納入更多關鍵金屬資產和特許權使用費。年中的主要發展概述如下:

  • Ontario Canada additional projects and expansion at Pichette with high grade gold drill results.
  • Geophysics exploration funded through Riverside is advancing projects to drill and partnering stage at Duc project with targets expanded in scale by more than 4X.
  • Property consolidation at the high-grade Union Project in Sonora, Mexico and delivering up to 1 oz/ton Au assays in the now controlled mine area.
  • Royalty on Tajitos gold asset, and funds have been received from Fresnillo, who is advancing the asset.
  • Progress toward catalysts now lined up for second half of 2023 with partner deals, exploration results, quality project acquisitions, having strong cash position.
  • 加拿大安大略省皮切特的其他專案和擴建專案,取得了高品位的金礦鑽探結果。
  • 通過Riverside資助的地球物理勘探正在推進DUC專案的鑽探和合作階段,目標規模擴大了4倍以上。
  • 在墨西哥索諾拉的高品位聯合專案進行財產整合,並在現已控制的礦區提供高達1盎司/噸的金分析。
  • Tajitos黃金資產的特許權使用費,已收到弗雷斯尼洛提供的資金,弗雷斯尼洛正在推進這項資產。
  • 隨著合作夥伴交易、勘探結果、優質專案收購,擁有強大的現金狀況,催化劑方面的進展現在排在2023年下半年。

Continued Expansion in Ontario's Geraldton and Porcupine Mining Districts


Riverside Resources continued to expand and advance its Canadian portfolio during the first half of 2023 by acquiring additional claims at the Pichette Project west of the Hardrock Gold Mine complex of Equinox Gold near Geraldton, Ontario. The Company also acquired the Duc Project in the Porcupine Mining District of northwestern Ontario. The Duc Project, spanning over 600 hectares, is strategically positioned west of the past producing Agrium Ltd. carbonatite phosphate mine with critical metal concentrations and within the highly prospective Wawa Subprovince for Rare Earth Elements (REE) and gold deposits. Riverside's generative exploration approach using historic data, proprietary databases, and field experience, coupled with personal historic knowledge of the area, aims to unlock the full potential of the Duc Project through additional exploration and joint-venture partnerships. The presence of rare earth element occurrences and orogenic gold deposits within the Wawa Subprovince further enhances the prospectivity of the region as Riverside continues the strategy of generating and owning quality projects in Canada.

2023年上半年,Riverside Resources通過收購安大略省Geraldton附近Equinox Gold的Hardrock金礦綜合體以西的Pichette專案的額外債權,繼續擴大和推進其加拿大投資組合。該公司還收購了位於安大略省西北部豪豬礦區的DUC專案。DUC專案佔地600多公頃,位於過去生產Agrium Ltd.碳酸鹽巖磷礦的戰略位置以西,該礦具有關鍵的金屬濃度,位於極具前景的瓦瓦省,擁有稀土元素(REE)和金礦。Riverside使用歷史數據、專有資料庫和現場經驗的創造性勘探方法,再加上該地區的個人歷史知識,旨在通過更多的勘探和合資夥伴關係釋放DUC專案的全部潛力。隨著Riverside繼續在加拿大開發和擁有優質專案的戰略,瓦瓦省內稀土元素賦存和造山型金礦的存在進一步增強了該地區的前景。

Completing a Helicopter Magnetics Survey in Northwestern Ontario


Riverside Resources completed an airborne geophysical helicopter magnetics survey on the Duc Project in northwestern Ontario, which provided greater context for existing data Riverside already defined multi-kilometer structural target prospective for gold and REE -critical metals that can now be progressed during the second half of 2023. This survey employed SHA Geophysics' Heli-3G technology, offering cost-effective and high-quality results. The magnetic data interpretation revealed two major parallel shears that traverse the central part of the Duc Project, providing important geological boundary information and identifying direct structural zones which are consistent with the style of feature that hosts major gold deposits.

Riverside Resources完成了對安大略省西北部DUC專案的航空地球物理直升機磁學調查,為現有數據提供了更多背景資訊,Riverside已經確定了金和稀土關鍵金屬的多公里構造目標,現在可以在2023年下半年取得進展。本次調查採用了SHA地球物理公司的Heli-3G技術,提供了高性價比和高質量的結果。磁性數據解釋揭示了橫跨DUC專案中心部分的兩個主要平行剪切,提供了重要的地質邊界資訊,並識別出與主要金礦床所在特徵風格一致的直接構造帶。

Union District, Sonora, Mexico Consolidation and Advancement


In a strategic move to consolidate the Union Project area, Riverside Resources signed an Option Agreement to acquire the past-producing Union Mine, situated within the Union District of Sonora, Mexico. This district boasts a rich history of high-grade zinc, gold, and silver production from carbonate replacement mines. By securing a 100% undivided right, title, and interest in the Union Mine, Riverside expands its district wide mineral concession coverage and a foothold in the region and establishes a clear path towards advancing exploration targets within this prospective land package.

作為整合聯合專案區的一項戰略舉措,Riverside Resources簽署了一項期權協定,收購位於墨西哥索諾拉聯合區內的過去生產的聯合礦。該地區擁有從碳酸鹽置換礦生產高品位鋅、金和銀的豐富歷史。通過確保聯合礦100%的不可分割權利、所有權和權益,Riverside擴大了其地區範圍的礦產特許權覆蓋範圍和在該地區的立足點,並為推進這一預期土地包內的勘探目標奠定了一條明確的道路。

Rule Symposium July 24-27


Riverside has been selected by Mr. Rick Rule to participate in the Rule Resources Symposium convention in Boca Raton, Florida starting on July 24th, 2023. The Rule Symposium is a sector leading natural resource investing event and an exhibitor by invitation only conference that Riverside has been chosen for again this year. Riverside's CEO and VP Corporate Communications will attend in person to give presentations and meet investors. To that effect, please view Dr. John-Mark Staude's (our CEO) pre-conference interview with Rick Rule at the following link:

Rick Rule先生已選定Riverside參加7月24日在佛羅裡達州博卡拉頓舉行的規則資源研討會大會這是,2023年。規則研討會是行業領先的自然資源投資活動,也是今年河濱再次被選為受邀參展商的會議。Riverside的首席執行官兼企業公關副總裁將親自出席,介紹情況並會見投資者。為此,請通過以下鏈接查看John-Mark Staude博士(我們的首席執行官)對Rick Rule的會前採訪:

Looking Ahead: Riverside's Plans for the Next Six Months


Building on the accomplishments of the past six months, Riverside Resources is progressing a targeted agenda for the remainder of 2023. The Company plans to have catalysts on the following key initiatives:


  • Expand the generative portfolio with a low cost but high value in British Columbia, Canada quality projects in precious and critical metals. Assay results, mineral claims, mineralization zones all to be progressed during coming half year.
  • Progress exploration in Ontario including work up targets in the field and completing technical reports and documentation of the value so far created and now moving toward transactions.
  • Exploration and Joint-Venture Partnerships: Riverside's robust portfolio of mineral assets and royalties in North America presents significant opportunities for strategic partnerships. The Company continues developing and progressing joint-venture and spin-out collaborations to accelerate the advancement of multiple assets simultaneously, fostering a greater chance of discovery leading to added shareholder value.
  • Royalty assets engage in potential value catalyst steps with the portfolio and now with Fresnillo progressing their development of the Tajitos district toward future open pit heap leach gold mining where Riverside has the 2% NSR on Tajitos and Tejo mineral concessions.
  • Continued Financial Prudence and Value Generation: Riverside Resources remains financially strong, with well over $7 million in cash and zero debt. The Company's prudent financial management ensures sustainable exploration programs and underscores its commitment to generating value for shareholders.
  • Investor Engagement and Communication: Riverside Resources recognizes the importance of transparent and effective communication with its valued shareholders and the investment community. The Company will continue to provide timely updates, reports, and engagement opportunities to foster a strong and supportive investor base.
  • 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的貴金屬和關鍵金屬高質量專案中,以低成本但高價值擴大可再生產品組合。化驗結果、礦物主張、礦化帶都將在未來半年內取得進展。
  • 在安大略省的勘探進展,包括制定油田目標,完成迄今創造的價值的技術報告和文檔,目前正在進行交易。
  • 勘探和合資夥伴關係:Riverside在北美擁有強大的礦產資產和特許權使用費組合,為戰略合作夥伴關係提供了重要機會。公司繼續發展和推進合資和分拆合作,以加快多項資產的同時發展,培育更大的發現機會,從而增加股東價值。
  • 特許權使用費資產通過該投資組合參與潛在的價值催化劑步驟,目前Fresnillo正在推進Tajitos區的開發,走向未來的露天堆浸金礦開採,在那裡Riverside擁有Tajitos和Tejo礦產特許權2%的NSR。
  • 持續的財務審慎和創造價值:Riverside Resources的財務狀況依然強勁,擁有超過700萬美元的現金和零債務。該公司謹慎的財務管理確保了可持續的勘探計劃,並強調了其為股東創造價值的承諾。
  • 投資者參與和溝通:河濱資源認識到與其重要股東和投資界進行透明和有效溝通的重要性。公司將繼續提供及時的更新、報告和參與機會,以培養強大和支持性的投資者基礎。

Riverside Resources remains focused on its mission to generate value and continue work towards mineral discoveries while adhering to very thorough environmental standards and social responsibility. Riverside has a strong upcoming set of catalysts with results from Canada and Mexico. To that effect, with its current sector leading gold portfolio in Ontario and now expanding into strong projects in British Columbia, the Company believes that it's on the right path in progressing towards an exciting second half of 2023.

Riverside Resources仍然專注於創造價值的使命,並繼續致力於礦產發現,同時堅持非常徹底的環境標準和社會責任。Riverside有一套即將推出的強大催化劑,結果來自加拿大和墨西哥。因此,憑藉其目前在安大略省的行業領先的黃金投資組合,以及目前在不列顛哥倫比亞省的強大專案,該公司相信,它正走在正確的道路上,邁向令人興奮的2023年下半年。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:

Riverside Resources Inc.簡介:

Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has a strong cash position, no debt and less than 75M shares outstanding with a quality portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets, along with royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge in operating in Canada and Mexico, while leveraging its large databases to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .



代表Riverside Resources Inc.

"John-Mark Staude"
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO


For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675


Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1


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