
BCM Resource Corp. Announces Plan of Operation Approved and Strategy for Next Phases of Drilling at Its Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au Porphyry Project, Utah, USA

BCM Resource Corp. Announces Plan of Operation Approved and Strategy for Next Phases of Drilling at Its Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au Porphyry Project, Utah, USA

BCM Resource Corp.宣佈,其Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au斑岩礦項目在猶他州獲得運營計劃批准並制定了下一階段的鑽探策略,美國。
Accesswire ·  2023/07/17 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 17, 2023 / BCM Resources Corp (TSXV:B) ("B" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received approval from the Bureau of Land Management (the "BLM") for its Plan of Operations (the "PoO") at its flagship Thompson Knolls property (the "TKP") in Utah. The BLM informed the Company that the Final Environmental Assessment, Decision of Record, and Finding of No Significant Impacts documents are finalized, and B is authorized by the regulators to proceed with the execution of the PoO activities.

渥夫金屬(TSXV:B)非常高興宣佈其位於猶他州的旗艦項目湯普森諾爾斯礦區(TKP)的操作計劃(PoO)已獲得美國土地管理局(BLM)的批准。 BLM通知了公司,環境評價決定,記錄和無重大影響發現文件已經制定完成,因此公司獲得了執行PoO活動的監管機構的授權。

The approved PoO, good for the next ten years, allows for expanded drilling over the entire TKP, with up to 10.5 acres (4.25 ha) open at a time and a total allowed disturbed ground of 20 acres (8.1 ha) for the duration of PoO, thus permitting the Company to conduct a significantly larger ongoing exploration program.


The Company's President & CEO Dr. Sergei Diakov commented, "The approval of our Plan of Operations for the Thompson Knolls property is an important milestone for the Company. We continue advancing testing of TKP's potential for hosting a significant size copper-gold-molybdenum mineralized porphyry system. Under the approved PoO, the Company will be able to conduct exploration drilling with multiple drilling rigs working simultaneously. This will significantly increase the speed of drill testing of all outlined targets within TKP boundaries."

公司的總裁兼首席執行官Sergei Diakov博士評論說:“獲得湯普森諾爾斯礦區操作計劃的批准對公司來說是重要的里程碑。我們繼續推進TKP潛力爲主要黃金-銅-鉬礦化斑岩系統進行測試。”根據批准的PoO,公司將能夠同時使用多個鑽探裝置進行勘探鑽探。 這將大大提高TKP邊界內所有輪廓目標的鑽探測試速度。 公司計劃在完成所需的債券付款後立即啓動PoO鑽探計劃。 TKP範圍現已分爲兩個項目區域,湯普森諾爾(北部,簡稱“TK”)和探索諾爾(南部,簡稱“DK”),如圖1所示。公司在PoO計劃的初期包括TK和DK兩個項目的17個額外鑽探站點,預計在TK Phase 4、DK Phases 1和2中進行約51,000英尺(15,545米)的鑽探。 目前,TKP的擾動地面約爲4.7英畝(1.9公頃),其中約50%的先前擾動地面正在進行重新種植/回收處理。 現在,隨着PoO的獲批,公司獲得了總計10.5英畝(4.25公頃)的地面擾動的最高額外授權,其中包括多達5.8英畝(2.35公頃)的額外擾動地面。根據照顧BLM和猶他州石油、天然氣和採礦部門的原則和指南,這需要支付47,880美元的追加債券,爲PoO鑽孔階段計劃的鑽孔的回收提供財務保證。

B is planning to initiate the PoO drilling program right away upon completion of the required bond payments. The TKP ground is now subdivided into two project areas, Thompson Knoll (northern part and referred to as "TK"), and Discovery Knoll (southern part and referred to as "DK"), shown on the map in Figure 1.

B計劃在完成必要的債券付款後立即啓動PoO鑽探計劃。 TKP現已細分爲兩個項目區域,Thompson Knoll(北部,簡稱“TK”)和Discovery Knoll(南部,簡稱“DK”),如圖1所示。

The Company's initial program under the Plan of Operations includes 17 additional drill sites at both TK and DK projects with approximately 51,000 ft (15,545 m) anticipated drilling in TK Phase 4, DK Phases 1 & 2. Currently disturbed ground at TKP amounts to approximately 4.7 acres (1.9 ha) of which about 50% of the previously disturbed ground is in the reseeding/reclamation process. Now, with the PoO approved, the Company is authorized for up to an additional 5.8 acres (2.35 ha) of ground disturbance, totaling 10.5 acres (4.25 ha) at any given time. Initiation of the additional ground disturbance under the PoO is contingent on payment of an additional bond in the amount of US$47,880 (per BLM and Utah Dept. of Oil, Gas, & Mining guidelines), providing a financial guarantee for the reclamation of the drill sites planned for the drilling phases of PoO.

公司的PoO計劃初始項目包括在TK和DK項目處的17個額外鑽探站點,預計在TK第4階段、DK第1和第2階段中進行鑽探,總計約51,000英尺(15,545 m)的鑽探。 目前,TKP的擾動地面約爲4.7英畝(1.9公頃),其中約50%的之前擾動的地面正在進行重新種植/回收處理。 現在,隨着PoO的獲批,公司獲得了總計10.5英畝(4.25公頃)的地面擾動額度的最高額外授權,其中包括多達5.8英畝(2.35公頃)的額外擾動地面。根據照顧BLM和猶他州石油、天然氣和採礦部門的原則和指南,這需要支付47,880美元的追加債券,爲PoO鑽孔階段計劃的鑽孔的回收提供財務保證。

A Phase 4 drill program at the TK project (see Figure 2) envisages the drilling of additional drill holes in the northwestern extension of mineralization intercepted in drill holes TK3a, TK8, TK14, and TK6. In addition, "B" is planning to begin Phase 1 and Phase 2 drill programs in the southern portion of the Property at the DK project. Phase 1 & 2 drilling at the DK project (see Figure 3 for hole locations) will test the southern portion of TKP for evidence of the porphyry system. Historical shallow RC drilling intercepted gold-copper mineralization at DK assayed 9.15 meters of 0.234 oz/t (8.01 g/t) Au and 6.09 meters of 0.28% Cu which may represent a separate porphyry system or an extension of the TK porphyry to the south.

TK項目的第4階段鑽探計劃(請參見圖2)設想在TK3a、TK8、TK14和TK6鑽孔中攔截礦化北西延伸的額外鑽孔。 此外,“B”計劃開始在物業的南部(DK項目)的第1和第2階段進行鑽探計劃。DK項目的第1和第2階段鑽探(鑽孔位置如圖3所示)將測試TKP的南部是否有斑岩系統礦化跡象。 歷史上,DK處的淺層RC鑽探攔截到的黃金-銅礦化顯示出9.15米長的0.234盎司/噸(8.01克/噸)Au和6.09米長的0.28%Cu,這可能代表一個獨立的斑岩系統或TK斑岩系統向南的延伸。

Figure 1. Areas covered by TK and DK projects.
Figure 2. Plan view of phase 4 drilling program at TK.
Figure 3. Plan view - Phase 1 and 2 drill sites at DK.

Qualified Person and QAQC


Mr. Richard R. Redfern, M.Sc., and Certified Professional Geologist, a consultant to the Company, and a "qualified person" for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101, has verified and approved the information contained in this news release.

公司顧問Richard R. Redfern先生,M.Sc.,及獲得國家工具43-101規定授權的一位註冊地質師,已經覈實並批准了本新聞稿中包含的信息。

About BCM Resources Corporation


BCM Resources Corporation is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the continued exploration of the Thompson Knolls Porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo project. BCM also controls perspective Copper, Gold, and Molybdenum exploration projects in British Columbia. BCM Resources is managed by experienced and successful board members and technical advisors. For further information, including area maps, sections, and photos, please visit our website at or contact us by e-mail at

BCM Resources Corporation是一家多元化的加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於持續勘探湯普森諾爾斯斑岩Cu-Au-Ag-Mo項目。 BCM還控制了不斷髮展的英屬哥倫比亞省青銅,黃金和鉬礦勘探項目。 BCM Resources由經驗豐富且成功的董事會成員和技術顧問管理。有關更多信息,包括區域地圖,剖面和照片,請訪問我們的網站 或通過電子郵件與我們聯繫。



Sergei Diakov
President & CEO

Sergei Diakov

For further information, please contact:
Investor relations 604-646-0144 ext. 222


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Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release and related texts and images on BCM Resource Corporation's website contain certain "forward-looking statements" including, but not limited to, statements relating to interpretation of mineralization potential, drilling and assay results, future exploration work, and the anticipated results of this work. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metals prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical, governmental, social, or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the company's projects; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of sampling and drilling results and other tests; the possibility that required permits and access agreements may not be obtained in a timely manner; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions, and; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in these exploration programs.


SOURCE: BCM Resources Corporation


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