
Kori Krill Oil Wins Optimal Health News Award for Best Omega-3 Supplement Product of 2023 for North America

Kori Krill Oil Wins Optimal Health News Award for Best Omega-3 Supplement Product of 2023 for North America

Kori Krill Oil 榮獲 2023 年北美最佳健康新聞獎 Omega-3 補充劑產品獎
PR Newswire ·  2023/07/07 20:51

Optimal Health News has honored Kori Krill Oil, a multi-benefit omega-3 supplement, with its award for the Best Omega-3 Supplement Product of 2023 for North America. In the fiercely competitive marketplace of omega-3 supplements, this unique alternative to fish oil delivers the whole-body benefits of omega-3s in their most natural form, resulting in superior absorption. Sustainably sourced from pristine Antarctic waters, Kori Krill Oil also contains powerful nutrients not found in conventional fish oil products.

最佳健康新聞向Kori Krill Oil致敬,一種多益處的omega-3補充劑,2023年最佳歐米茄-3補充劑產品獎北美。在競爭激烈的omega-3補充劑市場上,這種替代魚油的獨特產品帶來全身的好處以其最自然的形式存在的omega-3,導致出色的吸收可持續地來自原始的南極水域,Kori Krill油還含有傳統魚油產品中沒有的強大營養物質。

NEW YORK, July 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a market dominated by fish oil supplements, Kori Pure Antarctic Krill Oil has been named the best omega-3 supplement product of 2023 for North America by Optimal Health News, a digital publication. A rich source of omega-3s and other nutrients, krill oil is extracted from a species of Antarctic krill, which are tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans that feed on microscopic algae. [See full press release.]


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Optimal Health News has honored Kori Krill Oil,a multi-benefit omega-3 supplement, with its award for the Best Omega-3 Supplement Product of 2023 for North America. In the fiercely competitive marketplace of omega-3 supplements, this unique alternative to fish oil delivers the whole-body benefits of omega-3s in their most natural form, resulting in superior absorption.
《最佳健康新聞》向多功能omega-3補充劑Kori Krill Oil頒發了2023年北美最佳Omega-3補充劑產品獎。在競爭激烈的omega-3補充劑市場上,這種獨特的魚油替代品以其最自然的形式提供了omega-3的全身益處,導致了卓越的吸收。
In a market dominated by fish oil supplements, Kori Pure Antarctic Krill Oil has been named the best omega-3 supplement product of 2023 for North America by Optimal Health News, a digital publication. A rich source of omega-3s and other nutrients, krill oil is extracted from a species of Antarctic krill, which are tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans that feed on microscopic algae.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential healthy fats that are critical to human development and healthy aging, as well as cognitive, heart, joint, skin, and overall health. Since the body cannot produce omega-3s on its own, these crucial nutrients must be consumed through food; however, the vast majority of consumers have insufficient intakes of omega-3s.


The global omega-3 supplements market was valued at USD $6.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to see robust growth in the next several years, reaching USD $12.1 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5%. Factors driving the market growth include the increasing awareness of the health benefits of omega-3s, as well as the growing demand for dietary supplements in general.


The global krill oil supplements market was valued at USD $824.17 million in 2021, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7% through 2030. The market is driven by growing awareness regarding the benefits of krill oil compared to fish oil.


Kori Krill Oil is made by Epion Brands. Headquartered in Renton, Washington, the company was established in 2019 and is led by CEO Nancy Chan. Earlier this year, the enterprise launched Kori Krill Oil Gummies, the first brand to deliver the powerful health benefits of krill oil in a gummy format.

Kori Krill油由Epion Brands製造。總部設在倫頓,華盛頓州,公司成立於2019年,由首席執行官領導南希·陳。今年早些時候,該企業推出了Kori Krill Oil Gummies,這是第一個以膠狀形式提供磷蝦油強大健康益處的品牌。

Kori Krill Oil products are available to consumers directly online and via major e-commerce and retail outlets. [See full press release.]

Kori Krill石油產品可直接在線購買,也可通過主要的電子商務和零售渠道購買。[見全文新聞稿。]



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Media Contact:
Jason Bernstein
[email protected]com


SOURCE Optimal Health News; Kori Krill Oil

來源:最佳健康新聞;Kori Krill油

