
PAL Airlines Completes Inaugural Flight Under New Commercial Agreement With Air Canada

PAL Airlines Completes Inaugural Flight Under New Commercial Agreement With Air Canada

PR Newswire ·  2023/07/05 21:00

On July 1, 2023, PAL Airlines completed its initial Air Canada Express flight under a newly completed commercial agreement between the two carriers, operating from St. John's International Airport to Halifax Stanfield International Airport.

開啓 2023年7月1日,PAL Airlines根據兩家航空公司之間新簽訂的商業協議完成了加拿大航空快運的首次航班,運營時間爲 聖約翰 國際機場至哈利法克斯斯坦菲爾德國際機場。

ST. JOHN'S, NL, July 5, 2023 /CNW/ - On Saturday, July 1, 2023, PAL Airlines and Air Canada jointly completed the inaugural PAL Airlines operation of an Air Canada Express flight. Operated between St. John's International Airport and Halifax Stanfield International Airport, this inaugural section was the first flight operated under a newly completed commercial agreement achieved between the two carriers to fortify regional service in eastern Canada.

ST。約翰的,荷蘭2023年7月5日 /CNW/-開啓 2023年七月一日, 星期六,菲律賓菲航和加拿大航空共同完成了菲律賓航空加拿大快運航班的首次運營。操作介於 聖約翰 國際機場和哈利法克斯斯坦菲爾德國際機場,首航段是根據兩家航空公司之間爲加強東部區域服務而達成的新完成的商業協議運營的第一架航班 加拿大

The commercial agreement will see PAL Airlines acquire up to six additional Dash 8-400 aircraft to be progressively introduced into service on behalf of Air Canada for a term of up to five years. This is the most recent in a series of agreements achieved between the two carriers which have built connectivity and enhanced regional travel options in eastern Canada through the addition of PAL Airlines as an Aeroplan partner, the achievement of an interline agreement that allows for seamless customer connections between the two networks, and the sale of certain PAL Airlines flights on

該商業協議將使菲律賓航空再收購多達六架Dash 8-400飛機,代表加拿大航空逐步投入使用,期限最長爲五年。這是兩家航空公司之間達成的一系列協議中的最新一項,這些協議在東部建立了連通性並增強了區域旅行選擇 加拿大 通過加入 PAL Airlines 作爲 Aeroplan 合作伙伴,達成允許在兩個網絡之間實現無縫客戶連接的聯運協議,以及在 上出售菲律賓航空的某些航班。

"We're tremendously excited to be working together with Air Canada to collaboratively develop and strengthen regional travel options across eastern Canada," said Calvin Ash, President of PAL Airlines. "This most recent agreement preserves the existing PAL Airlines commercial network, substantially expands our airline operation, and supports our long-held strategy of building our business by staying attuned to the markets we serve. The inaugural flight that took place this weekend marks the start of an exciting new chapter for PAL Airlines, and a substantial step forward in our commercial relationship with Air Canada."

“我們非常高興能與加航合作,共同開發和加強東部的區域旅行選擇 加拿大,” 說 Calvin Ash,菲律賓航空公司總裁。“最新的協議保留了菲律賓菲航現有的商業網絡,極大地擴大了我們的航空公司運營,並通過適應我們所服務的市場來支持我們長期以來的業務發展戰略。本週末的首航航班標誌着菲律賓航空開啓了激動人心的新篇章,也是我們與加拿大航空的商業關係向前邁出的重要一步。”

"PAL Airlines has a reputation as a strong operator and this agreement will allow us to provide added stability to our already extensive regional operations in eastern Canada. Our partnership will be beneficial for local communities as air connections support economic activity and tourism while keeping families and friends connected," said Mark Galardo, Executive Vice President of Revenue and Network Planning at Air Canada.

“菲律賓航空(PAL Airlines)以強大的運營商而聞名,該協議將使我們能夠爲我們在東部本已廣泛的區域運營提供額外的穩定性 加拿大。我們的合作伙伴關係將有利於當地社區,因爲空中連接支持經濟活動和旅遊業,同時保持家人和朋友的聯繫,” 馬克·加拉多,加拿大航空收入和網絡規劃執行副總裁。

About PAL Airlines:


A proud member of the Exchange Income Corporation family of airlines, PAL Airlines is based in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador and serves an extensive network of scheduled and charter destinations across Eastern Canada and Quebec. PAL Airlines has over 40 years experience in the aviation industry with a reputation built on safety, reliability, and exceptional customer service.

菲律賓航空是外匯收入公司航空公司家族的驕傲成員,總部位於 紐芬蘭聖約翰拉布拉多犬 並提供遍佈各地的廣泛定期和包機目的地網絡 加拿大東部魁北克。PAL Airlines 在航空業擁有 40 多年的經驗,其聲譽建立在安全性、可靠性和卓越的客戶服務之上。

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來源 PAL 航空

