
Digital Solutions Provider Tianyu Presents Smart Payment Solutions at Seamless Asia

Digital Solutions Provider Tianyu Presents Smart Payment Solutions at Seamless Asia

數字解決方案提供商天宇在Seamless Asia上展示智能支付解決方案
PR Newswire ·  2023/06/27 15:51

SINGAPORE, June 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Tianyu Information (300205.SZ) ("Tianyu" or the "Company"), one of the world's largest manufacturers of smart card and payment terminals, has showcased an extensive range of its latest financial products and communications products at Seamless Asia 2023, a prestigious industry exhibition held in Singapore on June 27 and 28.

新加坡2023年6月27日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球最大的智能卡和支付終端製造商之一天宇信息(300205.SZ)(“天宇” 或 “公司”)在Seamless Asia 2023上展示了其各種最新的金融產品和通信產品,這是一個久負盛名的行業展覽會 新加坡6 月 27 日 和 28。

Tianyu showcases at Seamless Asia


In a bid to expand the Company's global presence especially in Asia, Tianyu has displayed at the exhibition a wide array of products and services, including smart cards, Point of Sale (POS) terminals and communication solutions.

爲了擴大公司的全球影響力,尤其是在以下方面 亞洲,天宇在展會上展示了各種各樣的產品和服務,包括智能卡、銷售點(POS)終端和通信解決方案。

With its presence at Seamless Asia, Tianyu aims to increase awareness of its products and services among potential partners and stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region. Thanks to the region's thriving digital economy, the Company has already established a strong foothold in numerous countries across Asia.

憑藉其在Seamless Asia的存在,天宇旨在提高潛在合作伙伴和利益相關者對其產品和服務的認識 亞太地區 區域。得益於該地區蓬勃發展的數字經濟,公司已經在多個國家建立了堅實的立足點 亞洲

"The Seamless Asia 2023 exhibition presents a valuable opportunity for Tianyu to present our latest technological advancements and forge new partnerships," said Vincent Wu, VP of International Business Division at Tianyu. "With over two decades of experience serving banks, financial institutions and telecom operators, Tianyu is committed to delivering top-notch digital products and solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers."

他說:“Seamless Asia 2023 展覽爲天宇展示我們最新的技術進步和建立新的合作伙伴關係提供了寶貴的機會。” 吳文森,天宇國際業務部副總裁。“天宇擁有超過二十年的銀行、金融機構和電信運營商服務經驗,致力於提供一流的數字產品和解決方案,以滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。”

As the region continues to lead in digital innovation, Tianyu remains committed to deepening its roots and expanding further. Listed in Shenzhen, Tianyu Information has earned a reputation for delivering cutting-edge digital products and solutions. Notably, Tianyu ranks fourth globally in total shipments of POS terminals and holds the top position in the Asia-Pacific region. The Company's smart card products also consistently rank among the top 10 globally in terms of shipments.

隨着該地區繼續在數字創新方面處於領先地位,天宇將繼續致力於深化其根源並進一步擴張。列於 深圳,天宇信息因提供尖端的數字產品和解決方案而贏得了聲譽。值得注意的是,天宇在POS終端的總出貨量中位居全球第四,並在全球範圍內名列前茅 亞太地區 區域。就出貨量而言,該公司的智能卡產品也一直位居全球前十名。

Tianyu's track record in the Asia-Pacific market speaks for itself. The Company has formed strategic partnerships with major national and commercial banks in Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, etc..

天宇在... 的往績 亞太地區 市場不言自明。該公司已與主要的國家銀行和商業銀行建立了戰略合作伙伴關係 印度尼西亞老撾尼泊爾斯里蘭卡印度孟加拉國,等等。

Meanwhile, Tianyu's financial terminals, including POS and QR devices, have been deployed in Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The Company maintains a dedicated local support team in these locations to ensure seamless deployment and customer services.

同時,天宇的金融終端,包括POS和QR設備,已部署在 越南印度尼西亞馬來西亞泰國菲律賓印度孟加拉國尼泊爾。公司在這些地點設有專門的本地支持團隊,以確保無縫部署和客戶服務。

Furthermore, Tianyu's USIM cards have gained traction, covering an extensive network, like Smartfren in Indonesia, U-Mobile in Malaysia, Smart Axiata in Cambodia and more. The Company has also established partnerships with major telecom operators in India and Bangladesh, with ongoing efforts to expand local support teams.

此外,天宇的USIM卡獲得了關注,覆蓋了廣泛的網絡,比如Smartfren 印度尼西亞,U-Mobile 進入 馬來西亞,Smart Axiata 在 柬埔寨 還有更多。該公司還與以下地區的主要電信運營商建立了合作伙伴關係 印度孟加拉國,正在努力擴大當地支持團隊。

