
Zimtu Capital Announces Agreement With ISM Resources Corp. & Addition of Robert Leckie to Board of Directors

Zimtu Capital Announces Agreement With ISM Resources Corp. & Addition of Robert Leckie to Board of Directors

Zimtu Capital 宣佈與 ISM Resources Corp. 達成協議,並將羅伯特·萊基加入董事會
Accesswire ·  2023/06/14 04:05

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / June 13, 2023 / Zimtu Capital Corp. (TSXV:ZC)(FSE:ZCT1) (the "Company" or "Zimtu") announces it has signed an agreement with ISM Resources Corp. to provide its ZimtuADVANTAGE program ( Zimtu will receive $150,000 for the duration of the one-year contract.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023年6月13日 /ZC(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ZCT1)(以下簡稱“公司”或“Zimtu”)宣佈,它已經與ISM Resources Corp.簽署了一項協定,為其提供ZimtuADVANTAGE專案(Zimtu在為期一年的合同期內將獲得150,000美元)。

ZimtuADVANTAGE is a program designed to provide opportunities, guidance, cost savings and assistance to clients covering multiple aspects of being a public company. The services of this program include the following: Zoom with Zimtu; Zimtu Connect - all major news/events/important updates sent to email distribution list, Lead Generation campaigns; Blog Posts; Digital Awareness campaigns; Influencer Marketing; Social Media Distribution of company news/important updates through Zimtu accounts including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube & Instagram; Rockstone Reports & Distribution; Video News Releases - major news releases will be translated to video format, which will be distributed on all social media platforms and to Zimtu Connect subscribers; and Zimtu Question Period.

ZimtuADVANTAGE是一個旨在為客戶提供機會、指導、成本節約和幫助的計劃,涵蓋了上市公司的多個方面。該計劃的服務包括:使用Zimtu縮放;Zimtu Connect-所有重大新聞/事件/重要更新發送到電子郵件分發列表,潛在客戶開發活動;部落客帖子;數位認知活動;Influencer營銷;通過Zimtu帳戶(包括Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn、YouTube和Instagram)的社交媒體分發公司新聞/重要更新;Rockstone報告和分發;視頻新聞發佈-主要新聞發佈將轉換為視頻格式,將在所有社交媒體平臺上分發給Zimtu Connect訂戶;以及Zimtu問題時段。

Zimtu is also pleased to announce the appointment of Rob Leckie to its Board of Directors. Rob has 20 years' experience in finance including roles in investment banking, investment management and corporate management. He was previously a Vice President at Dundee Corporation where he was responsible for identifying, developing, and overseeing investment opportunities with a focus on resource investing. He was a Managing Director of Dundee Acquisition, the first special purpose acquisition corporation ("SPAC") created in Canada, a Founding board member and investor in Nova Royalty Corp, and a board member of Reunion Gold, Magna Terra Minerals, Cathedra Bitcoin, and Gold Line Resources. Mr. Leckie is a co-founder and director of Somerset Energy Partners, Valkyrie Oil Trucking Corp., and South Viking Energy Corp.

津圖公司還高興地宣佈任命羅布·萊基為其董事會成員。Rob在金融領域擁有20年的經驗,包括在投資銀行、投資管理和公司管理方面的職位。他之前是鄧迪公司的總裁副總裁,負責尋找、開發和監督投資機會,重點是資源投資。他曾擔任鄧迪收購公司(Dundee Acquisition)董事總經理、加拿大第一家特殊目的收購公司(“SPAC”)的董事總經理、Nova Royalty Corp的創始董事會成員和投資者,以及留尼汪島黃金公司、Magna Terra Minerals、Cathedra位元幣和Gold Line Resources的董事會成員。萊基是薩默塞特能源合夥公司、瓦爾基裡石油運輸公司和南維京能源公司的聯合創始人和董事。

About ISM Resources


ISM Resources Corp. is a Canadian exploration company focused on advancing mineral resource projects in North America. It holds promising assets in northern Quebec, including the Serindac Lake and Vaubert Lake Claims. Additionally, the company is actively advancing the ESN Project for gold exploration in Nevada and evaluating the Koster Dam Project in Central British Columbia through a joint venture with Cariboo Rose Resources.

ISM Resources Corp.是一家加拿大勘探公司,專注於推進北美的礦產資源專案。它在魁北克北部擁有前景看好的資產,包括塞林達克湖和沃伯特湖主張。此外,該公司正在積極推進內華達州金礦勘探的ESN專案,並通過與Cariboo Rose Resources的合資企業評估不列顛哥倫比亞省中部的Koster Dam專案。

About Zimtu Capital


Zimtu Capital Corp. is a public investment issuer that aspires to achieve long-term capital appreciation for its shareholders. Zimtu Capital companies may operate in the fields of mineral exploration, mining, technology, life sciences or investment. The Company trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "ZC" and Frankfurt under symbol "ZCT1". For more information visit: .

Zimtu Capital Corp.是一家公開投資發行人,渴望為股東實現長期資本增值。津圖資本公司可能在礦產勘探、採礦、技術、生命科學或投資領域開展業務。該公司在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市,交易代碼為“ZC”,在法蘭克福的交易代碼為“ZCT1”。有關更多資訊,請訪問:。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors




"Sean Charland"
Sean Charland
Tel: 604.681.1568


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SOURCE: Zimtu Capital Corp.


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