
Benzinga's Top Ratings Upgrades, Downgrades For June 8, 2023

Benzinga's Top Ratings Upgrades, Downgrades For June 8, 2023

Benzinga 在 2023 年 6 月 8 日的最高評級上調和降級
Benzinga ·  2023/06/08 23:00
According to Wolfe Research, the prior rating for T-Mobile US Inc (NASDAQ:TMUS) was changed from Peer Perform to Outperform. For the first quarter, T-Mobile US had an EPS of $1.58, compared to year-ago quarter EPS of $0.57. At the moment, the stock has a 52-week-high of $154.29 and a 52-week-low of $121.78. T-Mobile US closed at $126.55 at the end of the last trading period.
根據沃爾夫研究公司的數據,之前的評級爲 T-Mobile 美國公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:TMUS)從同行表現改爲跑贏大盤。第一季度,美國T-Mobile的每股收益爲1.58美元,而去年同期的每股收益爲0.57美元。目前,該股創下52周高點154.29美元,創52周低點121.78美元。美國T-Mobile在上一個交易期末收於126.55美元。
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