
Camber Energy's Subsidiary Announces Notice Of Allowance For Patent Covering Transmission Line Ground Fault Prevention System

Camber Energy's Subsidiary Announces Notice Of Allowance For Patent Covering Transmission Line Ground Fault Prevention System

Camber Energy的子公司宣佈批准涵蓋輸電線路接地故障預防系統的專利的通知
Benzinga ·  2023/05/30 20:35

Camber Energy's Subsidiary Announces Notice of Allowance for Patent Covering Transmission Line Ground Fault Prevention System

Camber Energy的子公司宣佈批准涵蓋輸電線路接地故障預防系統的專利的通知

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / May 30, 2023 / Camber Energy, Inc.'s (NYSE:CEI) ("Camber" or the "Company") majority-owned subsidiary, Viking Energy Group, Inc. ("Viking"), announced today that Viking's majority-owned subsidiary, Viking Protection Systems, LLC ("Viking Protection"), received a Notice of Allowance from the United States Patent & Trademark Office ("USPTO") for patent application No. 17/693,504 titled "Electric Transmission Line Ground Fault Prevention Systems Using Dual, High Sensitivity Monitoring Devices". A Notice of Allowance is issued after the USPTO makes the determination that a patent should be granted from an application. A patent from the recently allowed application is expected to be issued in the coming weeks.

德克薩斯州休斯敦/ACCESSWIRE /2023 年 5 月 30 日/Camber Energy, Inc. 's 紐約證券交易所代碼:CEI)(“Camber” 或 “公司”)持有多數股權的子公司維京能源集團公司(“Viking”)今天宣佈,維京的控股子公司Viking Protection Systems, LLC(“Viking Protection”)收到了美國專利商標局(“USPTO”)的第17/693,504號專利申請的許可通知,標題爲”使用雙高靈敏度監控設備的輸電線路接地故障預防系統“。批准通知是在美國專利商標局決定應從申請中授予專利後發佈的。最近獲准的申請中的一項專利預計將在未來幾周內頒發。

The prospective patent relates to Viking Protection's proprietary transmission line ground fault prevention system, which is designed to detect a break in a transmission line, or coupling failure, and to immediately de-energize the line, thus preventing an energized high voltage transmission line from contacting ground or a grounded structure. The technology is designed to be an integral component within a much-needed, worldwide grid hardening and stability initiative by electric utilities to improve resiliency and reliability of existing infrastructure. Viking Protection's software-based solution can be deployed within a utility's existing protective relay infrastructure, allowing the utility to protect its grid with greater confidence and reliability.

該潛在專利涉及Viking Protection的專有輸電線路接地故障預防系統,該系統旨在檢測輸電線路中斷或耦合故障,並立即切斷線路的電源,從而防止通電的高壓輸電線路接觸接地或接地結構。該技術旨在成爲電力公用事業公司急需的全球電網強化和穩定計劃中不可或缺的組成部分,該計劃旨在提高現有基礎設施的彈性和可靠性。Viking Protection基於軟件的解決方案可以在公用事業公司的現有保護繼電基礎設施中部署,從而使公用事業公司能夠更有信心和可靠地保護其電網。

According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE)' Office of Electricity: (i) the country's electric infrastructure is aging and being pushed to do more than it was originally designed to do; (ii) the country's economy, national security and even the health and safety of its citizens depend on the reliable delivery of electricity; and (iii) modernizing the grid to make it "smarter" and more resilient through the use of cutting-edge technologies, equipment, and controls that communicate and work together to deliver electricity more reliably and efficiently can greatly reduce the frequency and duration of power outages, reduce storm impacts, and restore service faster when outages occur.1 Viking Protection's technology is at the forefront of this essential modernization initiative.

根據美國能源部(DOE)電力辦公室的說法:(i)該國的電力基礎設施正在老化,被迫提供比最初設計更多的功能;(ii)該國的經濟、國家安全甚至公民的健康和安全取決於可靠的電力輸送;(iii)對電網進行現代化改造,通過使用尖端技術、設備和控制使其變得 “更智能” 和更具彈性它們相互通信和協作,以更可靠、更高效地提供電力可以大大減少停電的頻率和持續時間,減少風暴的影響,並在發生停電時更快地恢復服務。1 Viking Protection的技術處於這一重要現代化計劃的最前沿。

