
Omdia Survey of Quantum Computing Adopters Signals Positive Outlook for Vendors

Omdia Survey of Quantum Computing Adopters Signals Positive Outlook for Vendors

PR Newswire ·  2023/05/31 01:15

LONDON, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantum computing (QC) vendors face a long and challenging road to large scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers. Especially when macroeconomic conditions worsen, and fears of a "quantum winter" increase, vendors need fortitude – and plenty of capital – to keep momentum. Based on results from a QC commercial adopter survey that Omdia fielded in April 2023, vendors have cause for some optimism.

倫敦2023年5月30日 /PRNewswire/ — 量子計算(QC)供應商面臨着通往大規模、容錯量子計算機的漫長而充滿挑戰的道路。尤其是在宏觀經濟狀況惡化以及對 “量子冬季” 的擔憂加劇時,供應商需要毅力和充足的資金來保持勢頭。根據Omdia進行的一項質量控制商業採用者調查的結果 2023 年 4 月,供應商有理由感到樂觀。

Commercial adopters of QC are willing to invest significantly, even in the short term, to explore uses for the technology. Fifty percent of respondents surveyed by Omdia in April 2023 reported their organizations had committed between $1m and $5m in annual budget for QC. Meanwhile, 33% of respondents reported budgets of between $250,000 and $1m, and 13% cited budgets beyond $5m per year.

即使在短期內,QC的商業採用者也願意進行大量投資,以探索該技術的用途。在接受Omdia調查的受訪者中,有50% 2023 年 4 月 報告說他們的組織在兩者之間做出了承諾 100 萬美元500 萬美元 在質量控制的年度預算中。同時,有33%的受訪者表示預算介於兩者之間 25萬美元100 萬美元,13% 的人列舉了其他預算 500 萬美元 每年。

Respondents also view QC vendors as primary sources of information about the technology. Vendors topped the list of primary sources, ahead of academic research, conference attendance, media sources, and webinars.


At the same time, respondents worry about the lack of sufficient internal expertise with QC technology within their organizations and are concerned that QC technology is simply too complex. These were the top two challenges cited by respondents, ahead of factors such as QC technology being too immature.


"Vendors have a prime opportunity to work closely with adopters as these customers explore how QC technology can positively impact their businesses," says Sam Lucero, Chief Analyst for Quantum Computing at Omdia. "Co-developing applications with their customers can not only help address gaps in customers' own internal expertise, but dramatically deepen relationships between vendor and customer as well."

他說:“供應商有機會與採用者密切合作,因爲這些客戶正在探索質量控制技術如何對他們的業務產生積極影響。” 山姆·盧塞羅,Omdia量子計算首席分析師。“與客戶共同開發應用程序不僅可以幫助彌合客戶自身內部專業知識的差距,還可以顯著加深供應商與客戶之間的關係。”

Omdia published the results of its survey in May 2023. The survey drew 271 responses from current commercial adopters of QC technology from companies based in the US, Germany, and China.

Omdia發佈了其調查結果 2023 年 5 月。該調查從總部設在美國的公司的質量控制技術的當前商業採用者那裏獲得了271份回覆, 德國,以及 中國



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法西哈汗 /T: +44 7503 66806/E: [電子郵件保護]


來源 Omdia

