
Vertical Peak and Neural Therapeutics Announce Completion of the Plan of Arrangement

Vertical Peak and Neural Therapeutics Announce Completion of the Plan of Arrangement

Vertical Peak 和 Neural Therapeutics 宣佈完成
newsfile ·  2023/05/26 05:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 25, 2023) - Vertical Peak Holdings Inc. (CSE: MJMJ) (formerly High Fusion Inc.) ("Vertical Peak" or the "Corporation") and Neural Therapeutics Inc. ("Neural"), are pleased to announce closing of the previously announced proposed spin-out of Neural through a plan of arrangement under the British Columbia Business Corporations Act (the "Plan of Arrangement"), pursuant to the amended and restated arrangement agreement dated February 24, 2023 ("Arrangement Agreement").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp. ——2023 年 5 月 25 日)— Vertical Peak Holdings Inc.(CSE:MJMJ)(前身爲 High Fusion Inc.)垂直峯值“或者”公司“) 和 Neural Therapeutics Inc. (”神經“),很高興地宣佈,根據《不列顛哥倫比亞省商業公司法》(”安排計劃“),根據2023年2月24日修訂和重述的安排協議(”安排協議“)。

John Durfy, Director of Vertical Peak and Chairman of Neural commented: "On behalf of Vertical Peak I would like to thank the team for their hard work to complete the spin-out of Neural Therapeutics. Each of Vertical Peak and Neural will continue to operate as separate public companies focused on growth in their respective sectors, allowing them to better match investor interest with their core value propositions. The transaction also provides Vertical Peak and Vertical Peak shareholders an opportunity to realize additional value as Neural continues to execute its business plan."

Vertical Pea董事兼Neural董事長約翰·杜菲評論說:”我謹代表 Vertical Peak 感謝團隊爲完成 Neural Therapeutics 的分拆所做的辛勤工作。Vertical Peak和Neural的兩家公司將繼續作爲獨立的上市公司運營,專注於各自領域的增長,這使他們能夠更好地將投資者的興趣與其核心價值主張相匹配。隨着Neural繼續執行其商業計劃,該交易還爲Vertical Peak和Vertical Peak的股東提供了實現額外價值的機會。

Ian Campbell, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Neural commented: "On behalf of Neural, I would like to thank Vertical Peak's leadership team for their support in completing the transaction. We extend our welcome to the new shareholders on our cap table and look forward to showcasing our plans as Neural continues to achieve new milestones."

Neural 首席執行官兼董事伊恩·坎貝爾評論說:”我謹代表Neural感謝Vertical Peak的領導團隊在完成交易方面給予的支持。我們歡迎上限表上的新股東,並期待在 Neural 繼續實現新的里程碑之際展示我們的計劃。

Closing of the Plan of Arrangement


As described in the Corporation's press release dated May 17, 2023, the record date of the Plan of Arrangement was set at May 19, 2023 ("Record Date").


On May 23, 2023, being the effective date ("Effective Date") for the Plan of Arrangement, Vertical Peak shareholders ("Vertical Peak Shareholders"), that were holders of Vertical Peak shares on the Record Date have received their pro rata portion of the common shares in the capital of Neural ("Neural Shares"). On the Effective Date, each Vertical Peak Shareholder who was a holder of subordinate voting shares of Vertical Peak ("Vertical Peak SVS") on the Record Date received 0.013884682 of a Neural Share for each Vertical Peak SVS held by such holder, and each Vertical Peak shareholder who was a holder of multiple voting shares of Vertical Peak ("Vertical Peak MVS") on the Record Date received 0.13884682 of a Neural Share for each Vertical Peak MVS held by such holder as at the Record Date. New CUSIP and ISIN numbers for Vertical Peak SVS following the completion of the Plan of Arrangement are 92539W106 and CA92539W1068 respectively. New CUSIP and ISIN numbers for Vertical Peak MVS following the completion of the Plan of Arrangement are 92539W205 and CA92539W2058 respectively.

2023 年 5 月 23 日,即生效日期 (”生效日期“) 對於安排計劃,Vertical Peak 股東 (”垂直峯值股東“),在記錄日期持有Vertical Peak股票的人已經獲得了Neural資本中按比例分配的普通股部分(”神經股票“)。在生效日期,持有Vertical Peak下屬有表決權股份的每位Vertical Peak股東(”垂直峯值 SVS“) 在記錄日,該持有人持有的每個 Vertical Peak SVS 以及持有 Vertical Peak 多股有表決權股份的 Vertical Peak 股東獲得了 0.013884682 股神經股份(”垂直峯值 MVS“) 在記錄日,該持有人在記錄之日持有的每個垂直峯值MVS獲得了0.13884682的神經股份。安排計劃完成後,Vertical Peak SVS 的新 CUSIP 和 ISIN 編號分別爲 92539W106 和 CA92539W1068。安排計劃完成後,Vertical Peak MVS 的新 CUSIP 和 ISIN 編號分別爲 92539W205 和 CA92539W2058。

Vertical Peak Shareholders who were holders of Vertical Peak SVS and Vertical Peak MVS as of the Record Date will receive either a direct registration statement advice or a physical share certificate reflecting their ownership of the Neural Shares, or their brokerage account will be credited with the shares through the CDS system. No additional action is required by Vertical Peak Shareholders in order to receive Neural Shares in connection with the Plan of Arrangement, and these securities will be mailed out or delivered electronically to the respective Vertical Peak shareholders on or about May 26, 2023. The CUSIP and ISIN numbers for Neural Shares are 64134N203 and CA64134N2032 respectively.

截至記錄日持有Vertical Peak SVS和Vertical Peak MVS的Vertical Peak股東將收到直接註冊聲明建議或反映其對Neural Shares所有權的實物股票證書,或者他們的經紀賬戶將通過CDS系統存入股票。Vertical Peak 股東無需採取額外行動即可獲得與安排計劃相關的神經股票,這些證券將在2023年5月26日左右以電子方式郵寄或交付給相應的Vertical Peak股東。Neural Shares 的 CUSIP 和 ISIN 編號分別爲 64134N203 和 CA64134N2032。

It is intended that Neural will apply to list the Neural Shares on a Canadian stock exchange (the "Exchange") in the near future. The listing of Neural Shares is subject to meeting all the conditions for listing established by the Exchange and acceptance by the Exchange. There is no assurance that Neural will be able to obtain requisite approvals required to list on an Exchange, including without limitation securing sufficient financing to satisfy the minimum listing requirements of the Exchange. An investment in securities of Neural or Vertical Peak shall be considered highly speculative and anyone considering purchasing such securities should consult their financial advisors and review the "Risk Factors" section of the management information circular ("Circular") of Vertical Peak dated March 15, 2023 prepared in connection with the Plan of Arrangement and the annual and special meeting of Vertical Peak's shareholders held on May 1, 2023. The Circular is available on Vertical Peak's website and its SEDAR profile at .

Neural 打算申請在加拿大證券交易所上市 Neural 股票(”交換“)在不久的將來。Neural Shares的上市必須滿足聯交所規定的所有上市條件並得到聯交所的接受。無法保證Neural能夠獲得在交易所上市所需的必要批准,包括但不限於獲得足夠的融資以滿足交易所的最低上市要求。對Neural或Vertical Peak證券的投資應被視爲高度投機性,任何考慮購買此類證券的人都應諮詢其財務顧問並查看”風險因素“管理信息通告部分 (”通告“)2023年3月15日的Vertical Peak是爲安排計劃以及2023年5月1日舉行的Vertical Peak股東年度和特別會議編寫的。該通告可在Vertical Peak的網站上查閱,其SEDAR簡介網址爲。

Pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, Neural issued 2,000,000 common share purchase warrants ("Neural VP Warrant") to Vertical Peak. Each Neural VP Warrant is exercisable into one Neural Share at a price of $1.00 per Neural Share for a period ending 36 months from the Effective Date.

根據安排協議的條款,Neural發行了200萬份普通股購買權證(”Neural 副總裁“) 到垂直峯值。每份Neural VP認股權證可行使爲一股神經股票,價格爲每股神經股1.00美元,有效期自生效之日起36個月。

Early Warning Disclosure


As a result of the Plan of Arrangement, 4,714,677 Neural Shares previously held by Vertical Peak were distributed to holders of Vertical Peak SVS and Vertical Peak MVS. Pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, on closing of the Plan of Arrangement, Neural issued to Vertical Peak 2,000,000 Neural VP Warrants. Following completion of the Plan of Arrangement, Vertical Peak will own 5,413,334 Neural Shares and 2,000,000 Neural VP Warrants, which represents approximately 13.67% of all issued and outstanding Neural Shares on a non-diluted basis, and approximately 17.88% on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of Neural VP Warrants, but without taking into account any other future share issuances by Neural.

根據安排計劃,Vertical Peak先前持有的4,714,677股Neural股票分配給了Vertical Peak SVS和Vertical Peak MVS的持有者。根據安排協議的條款,在安排計劃結束時,Neural向Vertical Peak發行了200萬份Neural VP認股權證。安排計劃完成後,Vertical Peak將擁有5,413,334股Neural股票和200萬股Neural VP認股權證,按未攤薄計算,約佔所有已發行和流通的Neural股票的13.67%,假設行使Neural VP 認股權證,但不考慮Neural未來發行的任何其他股票。

As a result of the Plan of Arrangement, John Durfy, Chairman of Neural and a Director of Vertical Peak received 109,217 Neural Shares and an additional 123,417 Neural Shares were received by Humber Capital Advisors Inc. ("HCA"), a company controlled by Mr. Durfy. Prior to the Plan of Arrangement, HCA held 4,233,333 Neural Shares, which represents 10.73% of the issued and outstanding Neural Shares. Following the Completion of the Plan of Arrangement, HCA and Mr. Durfy collectively held 4,465,967 Neural Shares, representing approximately 11.32% of the then issued and outstanding common shares of the Neural, not taking into consideration any future issuances by Neural.

由於該安排計劃,Neural董事長兼Vertical Peak董事約翰·杜菲獲得了109,217股神經股票,Humber Capital Advisors Inc.又獲得了123,417股神經股票(”HCA“),一家由杜菲先生控制的公司。在安排計劃出臺之前,HCA持有4,233,333股Neural股票,佔已發行和流通的Neural股票的10.73%。安排計劃完成後,HCA和Durfy先生共持有4,465,967股Neural股票,約佔Neural當時已發行和流通普通股的11.32%,這還不包括Neural未來發行的任何股份。

As a result of the Plan of Arrangement, Robert Wilson, the former CFO of Vertical Peak and Neural, received 2,318 Neural Shares and an additional 129,145 Neural Shares were received by EWC Corporation ("EWC"), a company controlled by Mr. Wilson. Prior to the Plan of Arrangement, EWC and Mr. Wilson held an aggregate of 3,579,999 Neural Shares, 66,667 common share purchase warrants exercisable into Neural Shares at a price of $0.10 per Neural Share, and has an entitlement ("RSU Grant Entitlement") to receive restricted share units of Neural ("Neural RSUs") that would result in a grant of 366,667 Neural RSUs, together representing approximately 9.07% of the issued and outstanding Neural Shares on a non-diluted basis, and approximately 10.06% on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of Neural Seed Warrants, and grant and exercise of Neural RSUs pursuant to RSU Grant Entitlement, but without taking into account any other future share issuances by Neural. Following completion of the Plan of Arrangement, EWC and Mr. Wilson will own an aggregate of 3,711,469 Neural Shares, 66,667 Neural Seed Warrants and continue to have an RSU Grant Entitlement that would result in a grant of 366,667 Neural RSUs, representing approximately 9.40% of the issued and outstanding Neural Shares on a non-diluted basis, and approximately 10.39% on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of Neural Seed Warrants, and grant and exercise of Neural RSUs pursuant to RSU Grant Entitlement, but without taking into account any other future share issuances by Neural.

由於安排計劃,Vertical Peak and Neural的前首席財務官羅伯特·威爾遜獲得了2318股神經股票,EWC Corporation又獲得了129,145股神經股票(”EWC“),一家由威爾遜先生控制的公司。在安排計劃出臺之前,EWC和Wilson先生共持有3,579,999股神經股票,66,667份普通股購買權證,可行使到神經股份,價格爲每股神經股0.10美元,並有權利(”RSU 補助金權利“) 接收 Neural 的限制性股票單位 (”神經 RSU“)這將導致授予366,667只Neural RSU,按未攤薄計算,合計約佔已發行和流通的神經股的9.07%,假設行使神經種子認股權證,根據RSU授予權授予和行使Neural RSU,但不考慮Neural未來發行的任何其他股票,按部分攤薄計算約爲10.06%。安排計劃完成後,EWC和Wilson先生將總共擁有3,711,469股神經股票、66,667份神經種子認股權證,並繼續擁有RSU的授予權,這將導致366,667股神經RSU的授予,按未攤薄計算,約佔已發行和流通的神經股的9.40%,假設行使神經種子認股權證,按部分攤薄計算約爲10.39%,以及根據RSU補助金權利行使神經限制性股票,但不考慮任何其他未來Neural 發行的股票發行。

A copy of the Early Warning Report for each of HCA, Mr. Durfy, Vertical Peak, EWC and Mr. Wilson will appear on Neural's SEDAR profile and may also be obtained by calling (888) 262-4645.

HCA、Durfy 先生、Vertical Peak、EWC 和 Wilson 先生每人的預警報告的副本將出現在Neural的SEDAR個人資料中,也可以致電 (888) 262-4645 獲得。

About Vertical Peak Holdings Inc.

關於 Vertical Peak 控股公司

Vertical Peak Holdings Inc. is focused on developing and manufacturing branded products in the cannabis industry with a specific focus on flower, pre-rolls, vapes, edibles and oil extracts for medical and adult recreational use. Vertical Peak operates and controls licenses in California, which include manufacturing, retail and cultivation operations in California. Vertical Peak's main portfolio includes the OutCo and Thrive brands that it has acquired in 2021 pursuant to the acquisition of business of OutCo.

Vertical Peak Holdings Inc. 專注於開發和製造大麻行業的品牌產品,特別專注於用於醫療和成人娛樂用途的花卉、預卷、電子煙、零食和油提取物。Vertical Peak在加利福尼亞經營和控制許可證,其中包括加利福尼亞的製造、零售和種植業務。Vertical Peak的主要投資組合包括其在收購OutCo業務後於2021年收購的OutCo和Thrive品牌。

For updates on the Vertical Peak's activities and highlights of the Vertical's press releases and other media coverage, please visit .

有關Vertical Peak活動的最新消息以及Vertical新聞稿和其他媒體報道的亮點,請訪問。

About Neural Therapeutics Inc.


Neural is a drug-discovery company focusing on plant-based active substances with the goal of delivering beneficial, over-the-counter dietary supplements and psychedelic-based therapeutic medicines to treat serious mental ailments where no significant treatment is available today. Neural's key ingredient is mescaline derived from sustainable legal and cultivated sources, including the San Pedro cactus.

Neural是一家藥物發現公司,專注於植物性活性物質,目標是提供有益的非處方膳食補充劑和迷幻類治療藥物,以治療目前尚無明顯治療方法的嚴重精神疾病。Neural 的關鍵成分是源自可持續合法和種植來源的 mescaline,包括聖佩德羅仙人掌。

For further information, please contact:


Vertical Peak Holdings Inc.
Bill Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer and Director
(888) 262-4645

(888) 262-4645

Neural Therapeutics Inc.
Marc Lakmaaker, Investor Relations
T: +1.647.289.6640

Marc Lakmaaker,投資者關係
T: +1.647.289.6640

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information:




This news release may contain forward-looking statements and information based on current expectations. These statements include statements regarding: the timing of the distribution of the Neural shares, the development of the Corporation's business, timing of receiving certain regulatory approvals and the ability of Neural to list on a Canadian stock exchange. These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those implied by such statements. This forward-looking information reflects the Corporation's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to the Corporation and on assumptions the Corporation believes are reasonable. These assumptions include, but are not limited to: the ability of the Corporation to successfully execute its business plans and legal changes relating to the cannabis industry proceeding as anticipated.


Neither the Corporation's nor Neural's securities have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or applicable state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold to, or for the account or benefit of, persons in the United States or "U.S. Persons", as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act, absent registration or an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in the United States or any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

公司和Neural的證券均未根據經修訂的1933年《美國證券法》進行註冊(”《美國證券法》“) 或適用的州證券法,未經註冊或未獲得此類註冊要求的適用豁免,不得向美國境內的個人或 “美國個人”(該術語定義見《美國證券法案》第 S 條所定義)提供或出售,或爲其提供或利益。本新聞稿不構成出售要約或徵求買入要約,也不得在美國或任何將此類要約、招攬或出售爲非法的司法管轄區出售證券。

Additionally, there are known and unknown risk factors which could cause the Corporation's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information contained herein. Such risks and other factors may include, but are not limited to: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; general capital market conditions and market prices for securities; the actual results of the Corporation's future operations; competition; changes in legislation affecting the Corporation; obtaining and maintaining regulatory approvals including acquiring and renewing U.S. state, local or other licenses, the uncertainty of existing protection from U.S. federal or other prosecution, regulatory or political change such as changes in applicable laws and regulations, including U.S. state-law legalization, market and general economic conditions of the cannabis sector or otherwise; the timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms; lack of qualified, skilled labor or loss of key individuals; risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic including various recommendations, orders and measures of governmental authorities to try to limit the pandemic, including travel restrictions, border closures, non-essential business closures, service disruptions, quarantines, self-isolations, shelters-in-place and social distancing, disruptions to markets, economic activity, financing, supply chains and sales channels, and a deterioration of general economic conditions including a possible national or global recession; and a deterioration of financial markets that could limit the Corporation's ability to obtain external financing.

此外,還有一些已知和未知的風險因素可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與本文包含的前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。 此類風險和其他因素可能包括但不限於:一般業務、經濟、競爭、政治和社會的不確定性;一般資本市場狀況和證券市場價格;公司未來運營的實際業績;競爭;影響公司的立法變化;獲得和維持監管部門的批准,包括獲得和續訂美國州、地方或其他許可證;現有保護措施免受美國聯邦或其他起訴、監管或政治變革的不確定性,例如適用法律和法規的變化,包括美國州法律合法化、大麻行業的市場和總體經濟狀況或其他方面;以可接受條件提供外部融資的時機和可用性;缺乏合格的熟練勞動力或關鍵人物的流失;與 COVID-19 疫情相關的風險,包括政府當局爲限制疫情而提出的各種建議、命令和措施,包括旅行限制、邊境關閉、不必要的業務關閉、服務中斷、隔離、自我保護孤立、就地避難和保持社交距離、市場、經濟活動、融資、供應鏈和銷售渠道受到干擾,總體經濟狀況惡化,包括可能出現的國家或全球衰退;以及可能限制公司獲得外部融資能力的金融市場惡化。

A description of additional risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking information can be found in the Corporation's disclosure documents on the SEDAR website at . Although the Corporation has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated.

A 有關可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息存在重大差異的其他風險因素的描述,可在SEDAR網站上的公司披露文件中找到。儘管公司試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。請讀者注意,上述因素清單並不詳盡。還提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息,因爲無法保證這些信息所依據的計劃、意圖或期望會實現。儘管管理層在編寫時認爲此類信息是合理的,但可能被證明是不正確的,實際結果可能與預期結果存在重大差異。

Forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of the Corporation as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, are subject to change after such date. However, the Corporation expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities law.


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