
Stratolaunch Expands Fleet With Virgin Orbit's Modified Boeing 747

Stratolaunch Expands Fleet With Virgin Orbit's Modified Boeing 747

StratoLaunch 用維珍軌道改裝後的波音 747 擴大機隊
PR Newswire ·  2023/05/25 23:48

Builds on Company's Mission to Deliver Routine and Accessible Hypersonic Testing


MOJAVE, Calif., May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Stratolaunch, LLC ("Stratolaunch") today announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware to acquire Virgin Orbit's modified Boeing 747 and its related parts and equipment, marking an expansion of Stratolaunch's air-launch fleet. The acquisition is expected to close by July 31, 2023.

加利福尼亞州莫哈韋2023年5月25日 /PRNewswire/ — Stratolaunch, LLC(“Stratolaunch”)今天宣佈,它已獲得美國特區破產法院的批准 特拉華 收購維珍軌道改裝後的波音747及其相關零件和設備,這標誌着Stratolaunch的空中發射機隊的擴張。此次收購預計將於下半年完成 2023年7月31日

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Conceptual rendering of Stratolaunch 747 air-launch vehicle, anticipated to be operational in 2024. Credit: Stratolaunch / Delta Research Digital Products
Stratolaunch 747 空中運載火箭的概念圖,預計將於 2024 年投入使用。來源:Stratolaunch /Delta Research 數字產品
Conceptual rendering of Stratolaunch 747 air-launch vehicle, in launch configuration with the reusable Talon-A hypersonic testbed. Credit: Stratolaunch / Delta Research Digital Products
StratoLaunch 747 空中運載火箭的概念圖,採用可重複使用的 Talon-A 高超音速測試平臺的發射配置。來源:Stratolaunch /Delta Research 數字產品

Stratolaunch is a technology accelerator that enables reusable and routine hypersonic testing through world-class aerospace vehicles and in-flight test capabilities. Upon closing of the acquisition, the additional aircraft will be repurposed as a launch platform for Stratolaunch's Talon-A reusable hypersonic testbeds and is expected to be fully operational in 2024. The expansion of Stratolaunch's fleet will increase its in-flight test capacity and ability to support government and commercial customers globally.

StratoLaunch 是一種技術加速器,可通過世界一流的航空航天器和飛行中測試能力實現可重複使用的常規高超音速測試。收購完成後,新增的飛機將被重新用作StratoLaunch的Talon-A可重複使用的高超音速試驗檯的發射平臺,預計將於2024年全面投入運營。Stratolaunch機隊的擴張將提高其機上測試能力和支持全球政府和商業客戶的能力。

"The addition of this aircraft is a transformational milestone," said Dr. Zachary Krevor, President and CEO of Stratolaunch. "With Roc remaining as our mainstay aircraft, an additional 747 brings expanded capabilities and flexibility to our platform. We will be able to increase both our flight test capacity and reach to become an even stronger partner to global customers."

博士說:“這架飛機的加入是一個變革性的里程碑。” 扎卡里·克雷沃爾,StratoLaunch 總裁兼首席執行官。“由於Roc仍然是我們的主要飛機,另外的747飛機爲我們的平臺帶來了更大的功能和靈活性。我們將能夠提高我們的飛行測試能力和覆蓋範圍,成爲全球客戶更強大的合作伙伴。”

The acquisition of the modified 747 follows Stratolaunch's first successful Talon-A vehicle separation test on May 13. During the separation release trial, Stratolaunch demonstrated clean and safe separation of hypersonic vehicles and confirmed telemetry between the vehicles and on-the-ground communication assets. With this landmark test complete, Stratolaunch will progress toward its first hypersonic flight of the TA-1 expendable testbed in late summer 2023.

收購修改後的 747 是在 StratoLaunch 首次成功進行了 Talon-A 車輛分離測試之後發生的 5 月 13 日。在分離釋放試驗中,Stratolaunch演示了高超音速飛行器的乾淨安全的分離,並證實了車輛與地面通信資產之間的遙測數據。這項具有里程碑意義的測試完成後,Stratolaunch 將朝着 2023 年夏末的 TA-1 消耗性試驗檯的首次超音速飛行邁進。

Krevor continued: "The need for hypersonic testing has never been greater and we are committed to fulfilling this national imperative. We are making tremendous strides as we continue to enable the future of hypersonic testing. With the recent successful Talon-A separation test, we are excited to prepare for our first hypersonic flight of the TA-1 testbed."

克雷沃爾繼續說:“對高超音速測試的需求從未像現在這樣大,我們致力於履行這一國家當務之急。在我們繼續爲高超音速測試的未來提供支持的同時,我們正在取得長足的進步。隨着最近成功進行的 Talon-A 分離測試,我們很高興能爲 TA-1 試驗檯的首次超音速飛行做準備。”

The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions. Following closing of the acquisition, the aircraft will undergo maintenance and modification to accommodate its new hypersonic test mission. The launch platform will also be renamed in the coming months.


About Stratolaunch

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Stratolaunch's mission is to advance high-speed technology through innovative design, manufacturing, and operation of world-class aerospace vehicles. For the latest news and information, visit and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.


SOURCE Stratolaunch

來源 StratoLaunch

