
Certification Underway for Gogo Galileo on Bombardier Challenger 300 Series Aircraft

Certification Underway for Gogo Galileo on Bombardier Challenger 300 Series Aircraft

Gogo Galileo 正在對龐巴迪挑戰者 300 系列飛機進行認證
PR Newswire ·  2023/05/24 14:01

GENEVA, May 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Gogo Business Aviation (NASDAQ: GOGO) today announced the process to secure the first-article Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for its Gogo Galileo HDX system on the Bombardier Challenger 300 series of aircraft is underway.

日內瓦2023年5月24日 /PRNewswire/ — Gogo Business Aviation(納斯達克股票代碼:GOGO)今天宣佈,龐巴迪挑戰者300系列飛機上的Gogo Galileo HDX系統獲得第一篇補充型號認證(STC)的程序正在進行中。

"The Bombardier Challenger 300 is one of the most popular super midsize jets on the market, making it a perfect candidate for our Gogo Galileo HDX system," said Sergio Aguirre, Gogo's president and chief operating officer. "Pursuing the STC for parts manufacture approval (PMA) is a critical step as we ready for commercial launch next year."

他說:“龐巴迪挑戰者300是市場上最受歡迎的超中型噴氣式飛機之一,使其成爲我們的Gogo Galileo HDX系統的完美候選飛機。” 塞爾吉奧·阿吉雷,Gogo 的總裁兼首席運營官。“爭取獲得零件製造批准(PMA)的STC是關鍵的一步,因爲我們爲明年商業化做好了準備。”

Nearly 900 Challenger 300 series aircraft (300, 350 and 3500 models) have been sold since its inception in 2004 and 595 are installed with a Gogo Air-to-Ground (ATG) system. Approximately half of the 595 are equipped with AVANCE, Gogo's industry-leading platform, providing an easy path for upgrade to the newly announced Gogo Galileo product line, harnessing the power of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) network technology.

自2004年問世以來,已售出近900架Challenger 300系列飛機(300、350和3500型號),其中595架安裝了Gogo空對地(ATG)系統。595中約有一半配備了AVANCE,這是Gogo行業領先的平臺,利用低地球軌道(LEO)網絡技術的力量,爲升級到新發布的Gogo Galileo產品線提供了簡便的途徑。

Duncan Aviation, the largest family-owned maintenance, repair, and overhaul service provider in the United States, is providing engineering and certification services to Gogo for the STC.

鄧肯航空,美國最大的家族維護、維修和大修服務提供商 美國,正在爲Gogo提供STC的工程和認證服務。

"The anticipation for Gogo Galileo remains high among business jet operators, so we are pleased to support Gogo's efforts to secure this STC," said Mike Minchow, Duncan Aviation's executive vice president and chief operating officer. "Our team of engineers and certification experts have the skill and know-how to help bring this revolutionary inflight connectivity to installation readiness."

他說:“公務機運營商對Gogo Galileo的期望仍然很高,因此我們很高興支持Gogo努力確保這份STC的安全。” 邁克·明喬,鄧肯航空執行副總裁兼首席運營官。“我們的工程師和認證專家團隊擁有必要的技能和專業知識,可以幫助這種革命性的機上連接做好安裝準備。”

Gogo Galileo, an extension of the AVANCE platform, will provide business aviation operators with a new era of inflight connectivity performance for all sizes of business aircraft around the globe. The HDX product is light and small in size making it suitable for a broad range of jet sizes while offering lower latency and greater speed than today's geosynchronous (GEO) satellite systems.

作爲AVANCE平臺的延伸,Gogo Galileo將爲全球各種尺寸的公務機爲公務航空運營商提供一個新的機上連接性能時代。HDX 產品重量輕,體積小,適用於各種噴氣式飛機,同時比當今的地球同步 (GEO) 衛星系統提供更低的延遲和更快的速度。

When combined with Gogo 5G, Gogo Galileo will have an unmatched offering in North America fusing LEO and 5G connectivity for the fastest and highest capacity, superior performance of any inflight connectivity service.

與Gogo 5G結合使用後,Gogo Galileo將提供無與倫比的產品 北美 融合 LEO 和 5G 連接,以實現任何機上連接服務中最快、最高的容量和卓越的性能。

EBACE 2023 attendees are invited to attend a demonstration of the Gogo Galileo system at Gogo's static display located at AD_04 to experience this transformative global broadband connectivity firsthand.

EBACE 2023 與會者受邀在位於 AD_04 的 Gogo 靜態顯示屏上參加 Gogo 伽利略系統的演示,親身體驗這種變革性的全球寬帶連接。

Follow program updates with the Gogo Galileo milestone tracker and sign up to get updates here.

使用 Gogo Galileo 關注計劃更新 里程碑跟蹤器在此處註冊以獲取更新

About Gogo
Gogo is the world's largest provider of broadband connectivity services for the business aviation market. We offer a customizable suite of smart cabin systems for highly integrated connectivity, inflight entertainment and voice solutions. Gogo's products and services are installed on thousands of business aircraft of all sizes and mission types from turboprops to the largest global jets, and are utilized by the largest fractional ownership operators, charter operators, corporate flight departments and individuals.

關於 Gogo

As of March 31, 2023, Gogo reported 3,447 business aircraft flying with Gogo's AVANCE L5 or L3 system installed, 7,046 aircraft flying with its ATG systems onboard, and 4,485 aircraft with narrowband satellite connectivity installed. Connect with us at

截至 2023年3月31日,Gogo報告說,有3,447架安裝了Gogo的AVANCE L5或L3系統的公務機,7,046架裝有ATG系統的飛機在飛行,4,485架安裝了窄帶衛星連接的飛機。通過以下方式聯繫我們

About Duncan Aviation
Duncan Aviation is an aircraft service provider supporting the aviation needs of government and business operators and other service providers. Services include major and minor airframe inspections, engine maintenance, major retrofits for cabin and cockpit systems, full paint and interior services, engineering and certification services, and preowned aircraft sales and acquisitions. Duncan Aviation also has international aircraft components solutions experts available 24/7/365 at +1 402.475.4125 who can handle any aircraft system problem with immediate exchanges, rotables, loaners or avionics/instrument/accessory repairs and overhauls.

Duncan Aviation是一家飛機服務提供商,爲政府和企業運營商以及其他服務提供商的航空需求提供支持。服務包括主要和次要機身檢查、發動機維護、客艙和駕駛艙系統的重大改造、全面的塗裝和內飾服務、工程和認證服務以及二手飛機的銷售和收購。Duncan Aviation還擁有國際飛機部件解決方案專家,電話爲+1 402.475.4125,他們可以通過即時交換、旋轉、借用或航空電子設備/儀器/配件維修和大修來處理任何飛機系統問題。

Complete service facilities are located in Battle Creek, Mich., Lincoln, and Provo. We also have dozens of other facilities strategically located throughout the United States to provide customers with regional support and the quickest response possible to avionics, engine and airframe Aircraft-on-Ground (AOG) situations.

完善的服務設施位於 密歇根州巴特爾克里克林肯,還有普羅沃。我們還在各處戰略性地佈置了數十個其他設施 美國 爲客戶提供區域支持,並對航空電子設備、發動機和機身地面飛機 (AOG) 情況做出儘可能快的響應。

For more information about any of Duncan Aviation's services, call +1 402.475.2611 or visit .

有關鄧肯航空任何服務的更多信息,請致電 +1 402.475.2611 或訪問 。

Media Relations Contact:

Investor Relations Contact:

Dave Mellin

William Davis

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+1 917-519-6994

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+1 720-840-4788

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SOURCE Gogo Business Aviation

來源 Gogo 商務航空

