
DSG Global Triples Head Office Space, Sales, and Operations to Facilitate Q3/Q4 Growth and Upcoming Product Launches, Adding Key Personnel and Leadership.

DSG Global Triples Head Office Space, Sales, and Operations to Facilitate Q3/Q4 Growth and Upcoming Product Launches, Adding Key Personnel and Leadership.

DSG Global將總部空間、銷售和運營增加了三倍,以促進第三季度/第四季度的增長和即將推出的產品,增加了關鍵人員和領導力。
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/05/18 08:00

SURREY, BC Canada, May 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DSG Global [OTCQB:DSGT] is pleased to announce expansion of the North American Head Office, sales and operations with a tripling of the square footage to facilitate the growth requirements of all the product lines in Q3 and beyond, signing a new three-year lease agreement for both administrative staff, engineering dept, warehouse in Surrey and a new lease for assembly facility for all the golf cart assembly in Lakeland Florida and storage facility in Sacramento CA. This will allow a savings in shipment and logistics all over NA with seaports at all locations. "Even though our expansion in Surrey is in the same building we had the opportunity to acquire much needed office space and retain our existing space that is now dedicated to Engineering and Installations." said Bob Silzer, CEO.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省薩里,2023 年 5 月 18 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— DSG Global [OTCQB: DSGT] 很高興地宣佈擴大北美總部、銷售和運營,將佔地面積擴大三倍,以滿足第三季度及以後所有產品線的增長需求,爲管理人員、工程部門、薩里倉庫簽署了爲期三年的租賃協議,並簽署了佛羅里達州萊克蘭所有高爾夫球車裝配和加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託存儲設施的新租約。這將節省北美各地的運輸和物流費用,所有地點都有海港。首席執行官鮑勃·西爾澤說:“儘管我們在薩里的擴建是在同一棟大樓裏,但我們有機會收購了急需的辦公空間,並保留了現在專門用於工程和安裝的現有空間。”

"We are at key juncture in our growth plan with multiple new products coming to market in Q2 and Q3 /2023 and this was necessary to ensure we had adequate physical plant and office space to support the integration of new personnel from installers to executives. We prioritize maintaining quality standards, ensuring that our products/services continue to meet and exceed customer expectations. We invest in scaling our infrastructure, bolstering our resources to support and facilitate the coming activities in Q3 and Q4." added Silzer.

“我們正處於增長計劃的關鍵時刻,2023年第二季度和第三季度有多款新產品上市,這對於確保我們有足夠的物理工廠和辦公空間來支持從安裝人員到高管的新人員的整合是必要的。我們優先考慮維持質量標準,確保我們的產品/服務繼續達到並超過客戶的期望。我們投資於擴展基礎設施,增加資源,以支持和促進第三季度和第四季度即將開展的活動。” Silzer補充說。

With the introduction of the new Infinity 10-inch HD screen, Q3 will be a critical period, given the unprecedented pipeline of over $16.5 million. Alongside the strong sales of the high-performance consumer carts in the Shelby line-up, the V-Club Fleet carts are also experiencing robust sales, with numerous containers on order for all products. The exciting SR-1 single rider cart, developed in Detroit, MI as a made in USA product, is set to hit the market in Q4. Already, there are commitments for over 7,800 SR-1's to be delivered to golf courses throughout North America. All SR-1's will come equipped with state-of-the-art technology and programmatic advertising, with more announcements to follow in the coming weeks. This innovation is expected to generate substantial shared revenue for golf courses, primarily by significantly increasing the pace of play by up to 35%.THE SR-1 WILL CHANGE THE GAME OF GOLF

隨着全新Infinity 10英寸高清屏幕的推出,鑑於前所未有的超過1,650萬美元的產品線,第三季度將是關鍵時期。除了謝爾比系列中高性能消費車的強勁銷售外,V-Club Fleet 購物車的銷售也表現強勁,所有產品都訂購了大量集裝箱。這款令人興奮的SR-1單人車作爲美國製造的產品在密歇根州底特律開發,定於第四季度投放市場。已經承諾向北美各地的高爾夫球場交付7,800多架SR-1。所有 SR-1 都將配備最先進的技術和程序化廣告,未來幾周還會發布更多公告。預計這項創新將爲高爾夫球場帶來可觀的共享收入,主要是通過將比賽節奏顯著提高多達35%。SR-1 將改變高爾夫的遊戲規則

"We wanted to ensure our infrastructure could support the activity levels necessary for implementation of these initiatives. Furthermore, we place great emphasis on talent acquisition and development, we are bringing on exceptional individuals who have certain expectations of their work environment with high end manufacturing, assembly design and engineering to the team. By adopting a measured and calculated approach such as ensuring we have adequate space and professionalism, we safeguard the integrity of our organization while capitalizing on opportunities for expansion. Our commitment to disciplined growth allows us to maximize our potential and generate sustainable value for all stakeholders involved." continued Silzer. The growth of DSG GLOBAL has been beyond our expectations and this is just the beginning.

“我們希望確保我們的基礎設施能夠支持實施這些舉措所需的活動水平。此外,我們非常重視人才的招聘和發展,我們正在爲團隊引進對高端製造、裝配設計和工程等工作環境有一定期望的傑出人才。通過採取謹慎和經過深思熟慮的方法,例如確保我們有足夠的空間和專業精神,我們在利用擴張機會的同時捍衛了組織的完整性。我們對嚴格增長的承諾使我們能夠最大限度地發揮潛力,爲所有參與的利益相關者創造可持續的價值。” 西爾澤繼續說道。DSG GLOBAL的增長超出了我們的預期,這僅僅是個開始。

For more information contact:


Bob Silzer, CEO
P. 1.604.575.3848

P. 1.604.575.3848

About Description – DSGT

關於描述 — DSGT

DSG Global [OTCQB: DSGT] was founded over 10 years ago by the team that were one of the original pioneers of the GPS Golf Fleet Management industry. DSGT will continue to offer the industry leading GPS Management System to operators worldwide under the Vantage-Tag brand.

DSG Global [OTCQB: DSGT] 由最初的GPS高爾夫車隊管理行業先驅之一的團隊在十多年前創立。DSGT將繼續以Vantage-Tag品牌向全球運營商提供行業領先的GPS管理系統。

The company has 3 distinct brands to deliver on the explosive opportunities in the LSV (Low Speed Electric Vehicle) & HSV (High Speed Electric Vehicle) markets. Liteborne Motor Company will address the HSV market with the new Aurium SEV (Sport Electric Vehicle) and many other vehicles in the pipeline including buses and commercial vehicles.

該公司擁有3個不同的品牌,可以把握LSV(低速電動汽車)和HSV(高速電動汽車)市場的爆炸性機遇。Liteborne Motor Company將推出新的Aurium SEV(運動型電動汽車)以及包括公共汽車和商用車在內的許多其他車輛進入HSV市場。

The LSV market will be supported and expanded by the established Vantage Tag Systems brand, building on the 10-year track record of innovation in the marketspace with a comprehensive product line-up of GPS Fleet Management integrated carts for golf operators, to the legendary Shelby golf and multi-passenger carts for consumers and designated golf communities.

LSV市場將得到成熟的Vantage Tag Systems品牌的支持和擴展,該品牌在10年的市場創新記錄基礎上再接再厲,爲高爾夫運營商提供全面的GPS Fleet Management綜合推車,以及爲消費者和指定高爾夫社區提供的傳奇謝爾比高爾夫和多人座手推車。

About Description – Vantage Tag

關於描述 — Vantage Tag

Our products are trusted by hundreds of golf operators around the world to manage their critical fleet assets with industry leading GPS Fleet Management technology. Under the Vantage brand, we are the people behind many of the innovations that operators rely on and golfers expect.

我們的產品受到全球數百家高爾夫運營商的信賴,可使用行業領先的 GPS 車隊管理技術管理其關鍵車隊資產。在Vantage品牌下,我們是運營商所依賴和高爾夫球手期望的許多創新的幕後黑手。

We are expanding our 25 years of fleet management experience by introducing our own line of carts under the recognized Vantage brand. Integrated with our renowned GPS Fleet Management System the Vantage V-Club/Pro carts are a combination of advanced hardware/software creating the most complete and best value Cart/Management solution on the market. Currently projected for release later in 2023 are the consumer-oriented Vantage Tour (2-seater) and Vantage Bay car (4-seater).

我們正在擴大我們25年的車隊管理經驗,推出我們自己的公認Vantage品牌的手推車系列。Vantage V-Club/Pro 推車與我們著名的 GPS 車隊管理系統集成,將先進的硬件/軟件結合在一起,創造了市場上最完整、最有價值的購物車/管理解決方案。目前預計將於2023年晚些時候發佈的是面向消費者的Vantage Tour(2人座)和Vantage Bay汽車(4人座)。

As the Vantage Tag solution line-up evolves, we are adding complementary products to the portfolio for consumer and commercial purchase. The most recent of which is the opportunity to market the legendary Shelby Golf Carts to the North American golf community market such as the Villages in Florida and Peachtree City in Georgia, where low speed electric vehicles are the primary mode of transportation and a status symbol. In January 2023, the industry got its first look at a true revolution in personal transport vehicles (PTV's) with the debut of the SR1 single rider golf cart.

隨着Vantage Tag解決方案陣容的發展,我們正在向產品組合中添加補充產品,以供消費者和商業購買。最近的一次是有機會向北美高爾夫社區市場推銷傳奇的謝爾比高爾夫球車,例如佛羅里達州的村莊和佐治亞州的桃樹城,低速電動汽車是主要的交通方式,也是身份的象徵。2023 年 1 月,隨着 SR1 單人高爾夫球車的首次亮相,該行業首次看到了私人交通工具 (PTV) 的真正革命。

