
Kapruvia (Difelikefalin) Recommended by England's NICE for the Treatment of Adults With Moderate-to-severe CKD-associated Pruritus

Kapruvia (Difelikefalin) Recommended by England's NICE for the Treatment of Adults With Moderate-to-severe CKD-associated Pruritus

Kapruvia(Difelikefalin)被英格蘭 NICE 推薦用於治療患有中度至重度 CKD 相關瘙癢症的成年人
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/05/18 14:00

Recommendation will enable eligible patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to access the first licensed treatment for moderate-to-severe chronic kidney disease (CKD)-associated pruritus in adult patients on haemodialysis

該建議將使英格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭符合條件的患者能夠在接受血液透析的成年患者中度至重度慢性腎臟病 (CKD) 相關瘙癢症中度至重度獲得許可的治療

ST. GALLEN, Switzerland and STAMFORD, Conn., May 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma (VFMCRP) and Cara Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CARA) today announced that England's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended Kapruvia for the treatment of moderate-to-severe CKD-associated pruritus in adult patients on haemodialysis. The decision follows authorisation from the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in April 2022.

ST。瑞士加倫和康涅狄格州斯坦福德,2023年5月18日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Lenal Pharma(VFMCRP)和Cara Therapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:CARA)今天宣佈,英格蘭國家健康與護理卓越研究所(NICE)已推薦Kapruvia 用於治療接受血液透析的成年患者的中度至重度 CKD 相關瘙癢。該決定是在英國藥品和保健產品監管局 (MHRA) 於 2022 年 4 月批准後作出的。

"The recommendation of Kapruvia by NICE is a key step on our journey to bring this breakthrough treatment to in-centre haemodialysis patients living with moderate-to-severe CKD-associated pruritus in the UK," said Fabio Dorigotti, Head Global Medical Affairs of CSL Vifor. "We look forward to continue working with the National Health Service to ensure access to this important medicine for patients as quickly as possible."

“卡普魯維亞的建議 by NICE是我們在英國爲患有中度至重度CKD相關瘙癢症的中心血液透析患者提供這種突破性治療的關鍵一步。” CSL Vifor全球醫學事務主管法比奧·多里戈蒂說。“我們期待繼續與國家衛生局合作,確保患者儘快獲得這種重要藥物。”

"We are pleased that Kapruvia will be available to CKD patients in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are undergoing haemodialysis and suffering from moderate-to-severe CKD-associated pruritus," said Christopher Posner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cara Therapeutics. "Together with VFMCRP, we are committed to bringing our first-of-its kind therapy to providers and patients around the world to help change the way pruritus is managed."

“我們很高興卡普魯維亞 將提供給英格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭正在接受血液透析並患有中度至重度CKD相關瘙癢症的CKD患者。” Cara Therapeutics總裁兼首席執行官克里斯托弗·波斯納說。“我們與VFMCRP一起,致力於將我們首創的療法帶給世界各地的提供者和患者,以幫助改變瘙癢症的管理方式。”

"Chronic kidney disease-related itch is common for people on haemodialysis and represents a significant unmet need; leading to poor sleep and reduced quality of life for patients," said Dr. Kieran McCafferty, Consultant Nephrologist, Barts Health NHS Trust. "We now have an option to help reduce the burden of CKD-related itch."

Barts Health NHS Trust的腎臟科顧問醫生基蘭·麥卡弗蒂博士說:“慢性腎臟病相關的瘙癢在接受血液透析的人中很常見,是一種未得到滿足的嚴重需求;導致患者睡眠不佳和生活質量下降。”“我們現在可以選擇幫助減輕 CKD 相關瘙癢的負擔。”

MHRA approval and the NICE recommendation were supported by positive data from two pivotal phase-III trials – KALM-1, conducted in the U.S. (New England Journal of Medicine 2020; 382:222-232), and the global KALM-2, as well as supportive data from an additional 32 clinical studies.

MHRA 的批准和 NICE 的建議得到了在美國進行的兩項關鍵的 III 期試驗(KALM-1)的積極數據的支持。(新英格蘭醫學雜誌 2020;382:222-232)和全球 KALM-2,以及來自另外 32 項臨床研究的支持數據。

About CSL Vifor

關於 CSL Vifor

CSL Vifor is a global partner of choice for pharmaceuticals and innovative, leading therapies in iron deficiency and nephrology. We specialize in strategic global partnering, in-licensing and developing, manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical products for precision healthcare, aiming to help patients around the world lead better, healthier lives. Headquartered in St. Gallen, Switzerland, CSL Vifor also includes the joint company Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma (with Fresenius Medical Care).

CSL Vifor 是缺鐵和腎臟病領域藥物和創新領先療法的全球首選合作伙伴。我們專注於全球戰略合作、許可和開發、製造和營銷用於精準醫療的藥品產品,旨在幫助世界各地的患者過上更好、更健康的生活。CSL Vifor總部位於瑞士聖加侖,還包括合資公司Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Lenal Pharma(與費森尤斯醫療保健)。

The parent company, CSL (ASX:CSL; USOTC:CSLLY), headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, employs 32,000 people and delivers its lifesaving therapies to people in more than 100 countries. For more information about CSL Vifor visit, .

總部位於澳大利亞墨爾本的母公司CSL(ASX: CSL;USOTC: CSLY)擁有32,000名員工,爲100多個國家的人們提供救生療法。有關 CSL Vifor 的更多信息,請訪問。

About Cara Therapeutics


Cara Therapeutics is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company leading a new treatment paradigm to improve the lives of patients suffering from pruritus. The Company's Kapruvia (difelikefalin) injection is the first and only MHRA-approved treatment for moderate-to-severe pruritus associated with chronic kidney disease in adults undergoing hemodialysis. The Company is developing an oral formulation of difelikefalin and has Phase 3 programs ongoing for the treatment of pruritus in patients with non-dialysis dependent advanced chronic kidney disease and atopic dermatitis. In addition, the Company has initiated a Phase 2/3 program of oral difelikefalin for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pruritus in patients with notalgia paresthetica. For more information, visit and follow the company on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Cara Therapeutics是一家處於商業階段的生物製藥公司,引領一種新的治療模式,以改善瘙癢症患者的生活。該公司的卡普魯維亞 (difelikefalin)注射劑是第一種也是唯一一種獲得MHRA批准的治療接受血液透析的成年人與慢性腎臟病相關的中度至重度瘙癢的治療方法。該公司正在開發difelikefalin的口服配方,並正在進行3期項目,用於治療非透析依賴性晚期慢性腎臟病和特應性皮炎患者的瘙癢。此外,該公司還啓動了口服difelikefalin的2/3期項目,用於治療夜間疼痛患者的中度至重度瘙癢。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問並在推特、領英和Instagram上關注該公司。

About Chronic Kidney Disease-Associated Pruritus


CKD-associated pruritus is an intractable systemic itch condition that occurs with high frequency and intensity in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis. Pruritus has also been reported in patients with stage III-V CKD who are not on dialysis.1 The majority of dialysis patients in the UK (approximately 70%) report pruritus, with nearly half reporting moderate or severe pruritus.2 Recent data from the ITCH National Registry Study showed that among those with pruritus, approximately 59% experienced symptoms daily or nearly daily for more than a year. Given its association with CKD/ESRD, most afflicted patients will continue to have symptoms for months or years, with currently employed antipruritic treatments, such as antihistamines and gabapentinoids, unable to provide consistent, adequate relief. Moderate-to-severe chronic pruritus has repeatedly been shown to directly decrease quality of life, contribute to symptoms that impair quality of life (such as poor sleep quality), and is associated with depression.3

CKD 相關瘙癢症是一種難以治癒的系統性瘙癢,在接受透析的慢性腎臟病患者中發生的頻率和強度都很高。據報道,未接受透析的 III-V 期 CKD 患者也出現了瘙癢。1 在英國,大多數透析患者(約70%)報告了瘙癢,近一半的人報告了中度或重度瘙癢。2 ITCH國家登記研究的最新數據顯示,在瘙癢症患者中,大約有59%的人在一年多的時間裏每天或幾乎每天都會出現症狀。鑑於其與 CKD/ESRD 的關係,大多數患病患者將在數月或數年內繼續出現症狀,而目前使用的止癢療法,例如抗組胺藥和加巴噴丁類藥物,無法提供持續、充分的緩解。中度至重度慢性瘙癢症一再被證明會直接降低生活質量,導致損害生活質量的症狀(例如睡眠質量差),並與抑鬱症有關。3

CSL Vifor Media Contact

CSL Vifor 媒體聯繫人

Thomas Hutter
M. +41 79 957 96 73

M. +41 79 957 96 73

Cara Therapeutics Contacts:


Media Contact
Annie Spinetta
6 Degrees
M. +1 973-768-2170

6 度
M. +1 973-768-2170

Investor Contact
Iris Francesconi, PhD
Cara Therapeutics
M. +1 203-406-3700

M. +1 203-406-3700



  1. Rayner, H. C., Larkina, M., Wang, M., Graham-Brown, M., van der Veer, S. N., Ecder, T., ... Pisoni, R. L. (2017). International Comparisons of Prevalence, Awareness, and Treatment of Pruritus in People on Hemodialysis. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 12(12), 2000–2007. doi:10.2215/CJN.03280317
  2. Nidhi Sukul, Angelo Karaboyas, Philipp A. Csomor, Thilo Schaufler, Warren Wen, Frédérique Menzaghi, Hugh C. Rayner, Takeshi Hasegawa, Issa Al Salmi, Saeed M.G. Al-Ghamdi, Fitsum Guebre-Egziabher, Pablo-Antonio Urena-Torres, and Ronald L. Pisoni. Self-reported Pruritus and Clinical, Dialysis-Related, and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Hemodialysis Patients. Kidney Medicine 3(1):42-53. Published online 2020.
  3. Mathur VS, et al. A longitudinal study of Uremic Pruritus in hemodialysis patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 5(8):1410-1419
  1. Rayner、H.C.、Larkina、M.、Wang、M.、Graham-Brown、M.、van der Veer、S. N.、Eder、T.Pisoni,R.L.(2017)。血液透析患者瘙癢症患病率、認識和治療的國際比較。《美國腎臟病學會臨床雜誌》,12 (12),2000—2007。doi: 10.2215/cjn.03280317
  2. Nidhi Sukul、Angelo Karaboyas、Philipp A. Csomor、Thilo Schaufler、Warren Wen、Frederique M.G.Rayner、Hagmawa、Issa Al Salmi、Saeed M.G. Al-Ghamdi、Fitsum Guebre-Egziabher、Pablo-Antonio Urena-Torres 和 Ronald L. Pisoni。血液透析患者自我報告的瘙癢和臨床、透析相關和患者報告的預後。腎臟醫學 3 (1): 42-53。2020 年在線發佈。
  3. Mathur VS 等人。一項關於血液透析患者尿毒症瘙癢症的縱向研究。clin J Am Soc Nephrol。2010;5 (8): 1410-1419

