
New Break Acquires Additional Property at Its Moray Project

New Break Acquires Additional Property at Its Moray Project

New Break 在其 Moray 項目中收購了更多房產
newsfile ·  2023/05/15 18:45

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 15, 2023) - New Break Resources Ltd. (CSE: NBRK) ("New Break" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a mining claim acquisition agreement (the "Agreement") with three arm's length individuals (the "Vendors") pursuant to which New Break will acquire the Beyer Kitchiming Lake gold-copper property (the "Property") from the Vendors. The acquisition increases the land position at New Break's Moray property ("Moray") to 5,354 hectares from 2,894 hectares (see also news release dated March 15, 2023).

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年5月15日)-New Break Resources Ltd.(CSE:NBRK)(“新突破”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,它已經簽訂了一項採礦權收購協定(“協定“)與三個臂長的個體(”賣主“)據此,New Break將收購Beyer Kitchiming Lake金銅礦(”屬性“)。收購增加了New Break的Moray物業的土地頭寸(”馬利“)從2,894公頃增至5,354公頃(另見2023年3月15日的新聞稿)。

(Figure 1 - Moray Project, property map)

(圖1-Moray Project,Property Map)

The new claims cover approximately 2,460 hectares (dark green area). Under the terms of the Agreement, the Vendors will receive a cash payment of $80,000 and will be issued 1,500,000 common shares of New Break (the "Consideration Shares") at closing in exchange for 100% ownership in the Property. The Consideration Shares are subject to an escrow arrangement from which 25% of the Consideration Shares will be released four months and one day following closing, 25% six (6) months from closing, 25% twelve (12) months from closing and 25% eighteen (18) months from closing. In addition, the Company has granted the Vendors a 1.5% net smelter return ("NSR") royalty on the commercial production of minerals from the Property, 1.0% of which may be purchased by the Company at any time for a cash payment of $750,000. All cash payments and issuances of Consideration Shares will be split 50%, 30% and 20% corresponding to the respective ownership percentages of the Vendors. The acquisition of the Property is subject to the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange.

新的索賠面積約為2460公頃(深綠色區域)。根據協定條款,賣方將獲得80,000美元的現金支付,並將獲得1,500,000股New Break(“對價股份)成交時換取該物業的100%所有權。對價股份受託管安排的約束,25%的對價股份將在成交後四個月零一天、成交後六(6)個月、成交後十二(12)個月和成交後十八(18)個月後釋放25%。此外,本公司還向賣方提供1.5%的冶煉廠淨回報(NSR“)該礦產商業生產的特許權使用費,公司可隨時以750,000美元的現金支付其中1.0%。所有現金支付和發行的對價股份將根據賣方各自的所有權百分比分成50%、30%和20%。收購該物業須經加拿大證券交易所批准。

The Kitchiming Lake property is dominantly underlain by a sequence of Tisdale assemblage mafic metavolcanic flow rocks, with exploration in the 1970's focused on widespread copper mineralization. The southern part of the Property features a syenite intrusive, which is an extension of the gold mineralized Fiset syenite associated with New Break's existing Moray claims. High-grade gold mineralization was discovered by the vendors in 2010 along a corridor defined by an east-west striking synclinal structure transecting the Property immediately north of the syenite intrusive.

Kitchiming Lake主要由一系列提斯代爾組合鎂鐵質變質火山流巖構成,20世紀70年代S的勘探重點是廣泛的銅礦化。該地產的南部以正長巖侵入岩為特色,它是與New Break現有的Moray主張有關的金礦化費塞特正長巖的延伸。2010年,供應商沿著一條由東西向斜構造界定的走廊發現了高品位金礦化,該向斜構造橫貫正長巖侵入體的正北面。

Grab sampling by the vendors taken over a 1,600-metre distance along the axis of the syncline realized numerous high-grade gold assay results from several locations. 2021 trenching efforts returned grab samples of 3.31 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au"), 3.58 g/t Au, 5.38 g/t Au and 8.92 g/t Au from shear zones hosting quartz stockwork veining and potassic, hematite, and pyrite alteration at the KW trench. Quartz veining at the BB showing located 800 metres west of the KW trench yielded grab sample results of 1.70 g/t Au, 4.30 g/t Au and 8.90 g/t Au in similar geology. No historical diamond drilling has occurred in the vicinity of the high-grade gold showings on the Property.

供應商在向斜層軸線上超過1600米的距離內進行的抓取採樣,實現了來自多個地點的大量高品位金分析結果。2021年挖掘工作返回的抓取樣本為每噸3.31克黃金(“G/t Au)、3.58克/噸Au、5.38 g/t Au和8.92 g/t Au來自KW海溝的石英網脈和鉀礦、赤鐵礦和黃鐵礦蝕變剪切帶。位於KW海溝以西800米的BB顯示的石英脈在類似地質條件下獲得了1.70 g/t Au、4.30 g/t Au和8.90 g/t Au的樣品。該礦區高品位金礦床附近沒有進行過歷史上的鑽石鑽探。

To date, the Vendors have incurred $217,099 of exploration expenditures on the Property, with $182,500 having been applied historically to keeping the claims in good standing and $34,699 available in reserve as assessment credits for future distribution. The annual work commitment on the new ground is $45,600, with all but $1,600 (February 2024) not due until dates ranging from January to July 2025. The newly acquired ground is not subject to any area of influence requirement and is automatically added to ground covered by the October 22, 2021, Memorandum of Understanding between New Break and the Matachewan and Mattagami First Nations.

到目前為止,供應商在該財產上的勘探支出為217,099美元,其中182,500美元歷來用於保持索賠的良好狀態,34,699美元可作為未來分配的評估信用。新地面的年度工作承諾為45600美元,除1600美元(2024年2月)外,所有工作都要到2025年1月至7月才到期。新獲得的土地不受任何影響區域要求,並自動添加到2021年10月22日New Break與Matachewan和Mattagami原住民之間的諒解備忘錄涵蓋的土地上。

Michael Farrant, President and CEO of New Break stated, "This is an extremely important property acquisition that immediately adds significant value to the Moray project and to the Company. The Fiset syenite represents one of the key targets for drilling at Moray and has been interpreted to be closest to surface underneath the adjoining ground. This acquisition now provides New Break with the best and most cost-effective way to test this target. The acquisition also represents excellent financial value given the work completed to date by the Vendors, the available assessment credits on the claims and the fact that no work is required on the majority of the Property until 2025. In addition, the Vendors bring with them a wealth of local prospecting and geological knowledge and their acceptance of the escrow related to the Consideration Shares demonstrates their longer-term view of the success of the Moray project. We expect to continue working closely with them as we advance Moray and welcome them in partnership as shareholders of New Break."

New Break首席執行官兼首席執行官邁克爾·法蘭特表示:“這是一次極其重要的物業收購,立即為Moray專案和公司增加了重大價值。費塞特正長巖是馬利鑽探的關鍵目標之一,據解釋,它最接近鄰近地面下的地表。此次收購現在為New Break提供了測試這一目標的最佳和最具成本效益的方式。考慮到供應商迄今完成的工作、索賠的可用評估積分以及在2025年之前不需要對該物業的大部分進行任何施工,此次收購也具有極高的財務價值。此外,賣方帶來了豐富的當地勘探和地質知識,他們接受與對價股份有關的託管表明了他們對Moray專案成功的較長期看法。我們希望在推進Moray的過程中繼續與他們密切合作,並歡迎他們成為New Break的股東。“

William Love, Vice-President, Exploration of New Break further noted, "The newly acquired ground contains some compelling gold assays, including instances of visible gold. It also offers the potential for copper mineralization. Continued exploration efforts by New Break are being designed to expand on the known gold-bearing shear structures and focus on defining priority drill targets for testing, including the submission of an exploration permit application in respect of ground hosting the syenite intrusive not previously owned by New Break. This property acquisition expands the list of priority drill targets to be tested in our planned first-pass drilling program."

New Break勘探副總裁總裁威廉·洛夫進一步指出:“新收購的土地包含一些令人信服的黃金分析,包括可見的金礦實例。它還提供了銅礦化的潛力。New Break正在繼續進行勘探工作,以擴大已知的含金剪切構造,並專注於確定優先鑽探目標進行測試,包括就先前不屬於New Break擁有正長巖侵入岩的土地提交勘探許可證申請。此次財產收購擴大了優先鑽探目標的名單,將在我們計劃的首道鑽探計劃中進行測試。”

Moray is located approximately 49 km south of Timmins, Ontario and 32 km northwest of the Young-Davidson gold mine, operated by Alamos Gold Inc. Moray exhibits comparable geology, mineralization and alteration characteristics to Young-Davidson, including mafic volcanic hosted and syenite hosted auriferous quartz vein zones. Current annual gold production at Young-Davidson runs 190,000 to 200,000 ounces at an average grade of 2.3 g/t Au, generating in excess of US$100 million of free cash flow annually at current gold prices. Disclaimer: The mineralization style and setting associated with the Young-Davidson gold mine is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization observed on the Moray property.

Moray位於安大略省蒂明斯以南約49公里處,Young-Davidson金礦西北約32公里處,由Alamos Gold Inc運營。Moray具有與Young-Davidson相似的地質、礦化和蝕變特徵,包括賦存鎂鐵質火山和賦存正長巖的含金石英脈帶。Young-Davidson目前的黃金年產量為190,000至200,000盎司,平均品位為2.3克/噸金,按當前金價計算,每年產生的自由現金流超過1億美元。免責聲明:與Young-Davidson金礦相關的礦化風格和環境並不一定表明在Moray金礦觀察到的礦化。

Qualified Person


Peter C. Hubacheck, P. Geo., consulting geologist to New Break, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release.

Peter C.Hubacheck,P.Geo,New Break的地質學家顧問,也是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。

About New Break Resources Ltd.

關於New Break Resources Ltd.

New Break is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a dual vision for value creation. In northern Ontario, New Break is focused on its Moray Project, in a well-established mining camp, within proximity to existing infrastructure, while at the same time, through our prospective land holdings in Nunavut, we provide our shareholders with significant exposure to the vast potential for exploration success in one of the most up and coming regions in Canada for gold exploration and production. New Break is supported by a highly experienced team of mining professionals committed to placing a premium on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance. Information on New Break is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at and on the Company's website at . New Break began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange () on September 7, 2022 under the symbol CSE: NBRK.

New Break是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,擁有創造價值的雙重願景。在安大略省北部,New Break專注於Moray專案,該專案位於一個完善的採礦營地,靠近現有的基礎設施,同時,通過我們在努納武特的預期土地持有,我們向我們的股東提供了在加拿大最具潛力的黃金勘探和生產地區之一取得勘探成功的巨大潛力的重大敞口。New Break由一支經驗豐富的採礦專業團隊提供支持,該團隊致力於重視環境、社會和公司治理。有關New Break的資訊可以在SEDAR上的公司簡介中獲得,也可以在公司網站上獲得。New Break於2022年9月7日在加拿大證券交易所()開始交易,交易代碼為CSE:NBRK

For further information on New Break, please visit or contact:

有關New Break的更多資訊,請訪問或聯繫方式:

Michael Farrant, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 416-278-4149


And follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook


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