Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:HCOM) Stock Price Down 1.1%
Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:HCOM) Stock Price Down 1.1%
Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:HCOM – Get Rating)'s stock price fell 1.1% during trading on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $15.43 and last traded at $15.45. 144 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 97% from the average session volume of 5,505 shares. The stock had previously closed at $15.62.
哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略ETF(NYSEARCA: HCOM — 獲取評級)的股價在週二的交易中下跌了1.1%。該公司的交易價格低至15.43美元,最後一次交易價格爲15.45美元。午盤交易中有144股易手,較平均交易量5,505股下降了97%。該股此前收於15.62美元。
Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF Price Performance
哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略 ETF 價格表現
The firm has a market cap of $38.63 million, a PE ratio of 12.95 and a beta of 0.33. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $15.84 and a 200 day moving average price of $16.52.
Institutional Inflows and Outflows
A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. OLD Mission Capital LLC acquired a new position in Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF in the fourth quarter valued at $58,000. Susquehanna International Group LLP acquired a new position in Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF in the fourth quarter valued at $270,000. Legacy CG LLC boosted its holdings in Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF by 12.7% in the first quarter. Legacy CG LLC now owns 538,738 shares of the company's stock valued at $8,558,000 after acquiring an additional 60,831 shares during the last quarter. UBS Group AG boosted its holdings in Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF by 43.3% in the fourth quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 431,776 shares of the company's stock valued at $7,280,000 after acquiring an additional 130,500 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC lifted its stake in shares of Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF by 107.0% during the fourth quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 253,894 shares of the company's stock worth $4,279,000 after purchasing an additional 131,223 shares in the last quarter.
一些對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近增加了或減少了在該公司的股份。OLD Mission Capital LLC在第四季度收購了哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略ETF的新頭寸,價值58,000美元。薩斯奎哈納國際集團有限責任公司在第四季度收購了哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略ETF的新頭寸,價值27萬美元。Legacy CG LLC在第一季度將其在哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略ETF的持股量增加了12.7%。Legacy CG LLC在上個季度又收購了60,831股股票後,現在擁有該公司538,738股股票,價值85.58萬美元。瑞銀集團股份公司在第四季度將其在哈特福德施羅德大宗商品策略ETF的持股量增加了43.3%。瑞銀集團股份公司在上個季度又收購了130,500股股票後,現在擁有該公司431,776股股票,價值728萬美元。最後,Jane Street Group LLC在第四季度將其持有的哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略ETF的股份增加了107.0%。Jane Street Group LLC在上個季度又購買了131,223股股票後,現在擁有該公司253,894股股票,價值427.9萬美元。
Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF Company Profile
哈特福德·施羅德大宗商品策略 ETF 公司簡介
(Get Rating)
The Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF (HCOM) is an exchange-traded fund that mostly invests in broad market commodities. The fund is an actively managed fund that utilizes a subsidiary to provide exposure to a broad range of commodity-related derivative instruments. The objective of the fund is long-term total return.
See Also
- Get a free copy of the StockNews.com research report on Hartford Schroders Commodity Strategy ETF (HCOM)
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