
Schwab US Broad Market ETF (NYSEARCA:SCHB) Stake Raised by Benchmark Wealth Management LLC

Schwab US Broad Market ETF (NYSEARCA:SCHB) Stake Raised by Benchmark Wealth Management LLC

基準財富管理有限責任公司籌集了施瓦布美國大盤ETF(NYSEARCA: SCHB)的股份
Financial News Live ·  2023/05/02 22:42

Benchmark Wealth Management LLC increased its position in shares of Schwab US Broad Market ETF (NYSEARCA:SCHB – Get Rating) by 27.8% during the 4th quarter, Holdings reports. The firm owned 46,135 shares of the company's stock after buying an additional 10,045 shares during the quarter. Schwab US Broad Market ETF accounts for 1.5% of Benchmark Wealth Management LLC's investment portfolio, making the stock its 13th biggest holding. Benchmark Wealth Management LLC's holdings in Schwab US Broad Market ETF were worth $2,067,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

據Holdings Channel.com報道,Benchmark Wealth Management LLC在第四季度將其在嘉信理財美國廣泛市場ETF(NYSEARCA:SCHB-GET Rating)的股票頭寸增加了27.8%。該公司在本季度額外購買了10,045股後,持有46,135股該公司股票。嘉信理財美國遠景ETF佔Benchmark Wealth Management LLC投資組合的1.5%,是該股第13大持有量。截至最近提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的檔案,Benchmark Wealth Management LLC持有的嘉信理財美國寬市ETF價值206.7萬美元。

Other hedge funds and other institutional investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Clear Perspectives Financial Planning LLC acquired a new position in Schwab US Broad Market ETF in the third quarter worth approximately $25,000. First Capital Advisors Group LLC. purchased a new position in Schwab US Broad Market ETF during the 3rd quarter worth approximately $25,000. Geneos Wealth Management Inc. grew its position in Schwab US Broad Market ETF by 100.8% during the 1st quarter. Geneos Wealth Management Inc. now owns 488 shares of the company's stock worth $26,000 after purchasing an additional 245 shares in the last quarter. Oxford Financial Group Ltd. grew its position in Schwab US Broad Market ETF by 100.0% during the 1st quarter. Oxford Financial Group Ltd. now owns 506 shares of the company's stock worth $27,000 after purchasing an additional 253 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Worth Asset Management LLC purchased a new position in Schwab US Broad Market ETF during the 1st quarter worth approximately $27,000.

其他對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近也增持或減持了該公司的股份。Clear Perspections財務規劃有限責任公司在第三季度收購了嘉信理財美國寬泛市場ETF的新頭寸,價值約25,000美元。第一資本顧問集團有限公司。在第三季度購買了嘉信理財美國廣泛市場ETF的新頭寸,價值約25,000美元。Geneos Wealth Management Inc.在第一季度將其在嘉信理財美國寬泛市場ETF的頭寸增加了100.8%。Geneos Wealth Management Inc.現在持有該公司488股股票,價值2.6萬美元,該公司在上個季度又購買了245股。牛津金融集團有限公司第一季度在嘉信理財美國寬泛市場ETF的持倉增加了100.0%。牛津金融集團有限公司目前持有506股該公司股票,價值27,000美元,該公司在上個季度又購買了253股。最後,沃思資產管理有限責任公司在第一季度購買了嘉信理財美國廣泛市場ETF的新頭寸,價值約27,000美元。

Schwab US Broad Market ETF

Schwab US Broad Market ETF Price Performance


NYSEARCA SCHB traded down $0.49 on Tuesday, hitting $47.85. 135,480 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 919,567. Schwab US Broad Market ETF has a 52-week low of $40.92 and a 52-week high of $50.85. The company has a market capitalization of $21.29 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 17.59 and a beta of 1.03. The company's 50-day moving average price is $47.12 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $46.47.

NYSEArca SCHB週二下跌0.49美元,觸及47.85美元。該股成交量為135,480股,而平均成交量為919,567股。嘉信理財美國廣泛市場ETF的52周低點為40.92美元,52周高位為50.85美元。該公司市值為212.9億美元,本益比為17.59倍,貝塔係數為1.03。該公司的50日移動均線價格為47.12美元,200日移動均線價格為46.47美元。

About Schwab US Broad Market ETF


(Get Rating)


Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF (the Fund) seeks to track the total return of the Dow Jones U.S. Small-Cap Total Stock Market Index (the Index). The Index is a float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that reflects the shares of securities actually available to investors in the marketplace. The Fund's index includes the 2,500 publicly traded United States companies for, which pricing information is available.

嘉信理財美國寬泛市場ETF(The Fund)尋求跟蹤道瓊恩斯美國小盤股總市場指數(The Index)的總回報。該指數是一個浮動調整的市值加權指數,反映了市場上投資者實際可獲得的證券份額。該基金的指數包括2500家上市的美國公司,這些公司的定價資訊可供參考。

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想看看其他對沖基金持有渣打銀行嗎?訪問HoldingsChannel.com獲取嘉信理財美國廣泛市場ETF(NYSEARCA:SCHB-GET Rating)的最新13F備案和內幕交易資訊。

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