
Introducing Coachtopia: A New World of Circular Craft From Coach

Introducing Coachtopia: A New World of Circular Craft From Coach

介紹 Coachtopia:來自 Coachtopia 的循環工藝新世界
Accesswire ·  2023/04/20 22:17

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 20, 2023 / Today, Coach launches Coachtopia, a new sub-brand focused on circular craft and collaborative creativity, catalyzing the brand's progress towards a fully circular business model. Launching in the United States, Canada and the UK, Coachtopia will expand to Asia later this year. With a mission to help advance a circular fashion system, Coachtopia is built from the outset for circularity, grounded in its Made Circular design philosophy-a set of three principles that inform how the sub-brand designs, crafts, and reuses products. Harnessing more than 80 years of Coach leather expertise, Coachtopia reimagines the product lifecycle from end to beginning- reducing the creation of new materials by crafting with waste and designing products that can be reimagined, remade and recycled to live multiple lives. In so doing, it is working to create beautiful things that have a significantly reduced impact on the planet compared to conventional luxury products.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/Accesswire/2023 年 4 月 20 日/ 今天,Coach推出了Coachtopia,這是一個專注於循環工藝和協作創造力的新子品牌,推動該品牌向完全循環的商業模式邁進。Coachtopia在美國、加拿大和英國推出,將於今年晚些時候擴展到亞洲。Coachtopia 的使命是幫助推動循環時尚體系的發展,從一開始就以循環爲基礎,以 Made Circular 設計理念爲基礎,即指導子品牌如何設計、製作和重複使用產品的三項原則。Coachtopia 利用 Coach 超過 80 年的皮革專業知識,從頭到尾重新構想了產品生命週期,通過利用廢棄物製作減少了新材料的產生,設計了可以重新構想、重製和回收的產品,從而過上多種生活。通過這樣做,它正在努力創造與傳統奢侈品相比,能夠顯著減少對地球的影響的美麗事物。

"Circularity is about reimagining not just the product lifecycle, but the relationship between brand, planet and consumer. That's why we've created Coachtopia as both a discovery lab to pioneer circularity in fashion and a collaborative platform for change," says Joon Silverstein, SVP, Global Marketing, Creative and Sustainability at Coach and Head of Coachtopia. "We know that to transform our impacts, we need to fundamentally shift mindsets-from seeing opportunity in waste to designing backwards to taking a more open-source approach to creativity. We've built Coachtopia as an entirely new world within Coach-an agile start-up with a mission to reimagine the end-to-end system. We're building it not just for our consumers, but with them, inviting a growing community of hundreds of Gen Z individuals to join us on our Slack channel, collaborate with us on products, take center stage in our content and campaigns-and reimagine our future together."

“Circularity不僅要重新構想產品生命週期,還要重新構想品牌、地球和消費者之間的關係。這就是爲甚麼我們創建Coachtopia既是開創時尚循環的探索實驗室,又是變革的合作平臺。” Coachtopia全球營銷、創意和可持續發展高級副總裁Joon Silverstein說。“我們知道,要改變我們的影響力,我們需要從根本上改變思維方式——從浪費中看機會到向後設計,再到採用更加開源的創造方式。我們在Coach內將Coachtopia打造成一個全新的世界。Coach是一家敏捷的初創公司,其使命是重新構想端到端系統。我們不僅在爲消費者打造,還爲他們打造這個平臺,邀請一個由數百名Z世代組成的不斷壯大的社區加入我們的Slack頻道,與我們合作開發產品,在我們的內容和活動中佔據中心位置,共同重新構想我們的未來。”

Designed for and with a new generation of consumers who are increasingly passionate about addressing the climate crisis and determined to drive change, Coachtopia is resetting the paradigm between brand and consumer, co-creating a new brand in collaboration with a growing community of Gen Z individuals-from climate activists, designers and upcyclers to journalists, film makers, entrepreneurs and fashion enthusiasts. The Coachtopian community has been actively involved in Coachtopia since its earliest founding days, with members continually sharing their perspectives on circular fashion, shaping concepts, and setting expectations of the change they want to see. As part of its mission, Coachtopia is investing in this next generation of talent through collaborative programs, harnessing and showcasing new talent to find solutions to the problems facing fashion.


"We were inspired by our shared desire to do better for the planet by inventing new circular ways of dreaming, designing and creating," said Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers. "It's a bigger, bolder step forward in realizing our vision for sustainability at Coach, where we prioritize experimenting and learning, and ethical design intentions over cookie cutter perfection. Coachtopia takes this to a new level by challenging us to 'design in reverse,' with the end goal of circularity top of mind, in collaboration with the next generation and their optimistic vision for tomorrow."

Coach創意總監Stuart Vevers說:“我們共同渴望通過發明新的循環式夢想、設計和創造方式,爲地球做得更好,這激發了我們的靈感。”“這是我們在Coach實現可持續發展願景方面向前邁出的更大、更大膽的一步,我們優先考慮實驗和學習以及符合道德的設計意圖,而不是千篇一律的完美。Coachtopia向我們提出挑戰,要求我們'逆向設計',將循環性放在首位,與下一代合作,將他們對未來的樂觀願景置於首位,從而將其提升到一個新的水平。”

Coachtopia is a world in progress-advancing iteratively towards a continually evolving vision of circularity. It builds upon the investments that Coach is making to improve the end-to-end sustainability of its business, as well as the learnings and capabilities developed through the brand's Coach (Re)Loved program. By giving a second life to more than 20,000 Coach products since its April 2021 launch, Coach (Re)Loved has provided critical insights into the aspects of traditional luxury craftsmanship that make circularity challenging, and thus the need to design for circularity from the start in order to achieve it at scale. Coachtopia takes up this challenge, innovating through rapid prototyping and forming a continuous feedback loop with Coach to drive mutual progress.

Coachtopia 是一個不斷進步的世界,它不斷向着不斷演變的循環願景邁進。它建立在Coach爲改善其業務端到端可持續性而進行的投資以及通過該品牌的Coach(Re)Loved 計劃培養的學習和能力的基礎上。自 2021 年 4 月推出以來,Coach (Re) Loved 賦予了 20,000 多款 Coach 產品重獲新生,爲傳統奢華工藝帶來挑戰的各個方面提供了重要的見解,因此從一開始就爲循環性進行設計以實現循環性提供了重要見解。Coachtopia 接受了這一挑戰,通過快速原型設計進行創新,並與 Coach 形成持續的反饋迴路,推動共同進步。

Coachtopia launches today with an all-gender collection of bags, accessories, ready-to-wear and footwear made with recycled, repurposed and renewable materials and designed with our Made Circular principles in mind. As Coachtopia grows, it will continue to innovate through limited drops of experimental products that push circular craft ever further-with a commitment to take back every product at end-of-life for reuse, remaking or recycling. Each bag, wallet, footwear and ready-to-wear product also comes with a unique digital passport-accessed via an embedded NFC chip -that gives customers transparency into its materials, Made Circular design and impacts. This digital passport also provides the means to follow the product's journey as it is repaired, restored, reused and reimagined over multiple lives.

Coachtopia 今天推出了全性別的包袋、配飾、成衣和鞋類系列,採用可回收、再利用和可再生材料製成,設計時充分考慮了我們的 Made Circular 原則。隨着Coachtopia的發展,它將繼續通過有限的實驗產品進行創新,進一步推動循環工藝的發展,並承諾收回所有報廢的產品以供重複使用、翻新或回收。每款包包、錢包、鞋類和成衣產品還配有獨特的數字護照,可通過嵌入式 NFC 芯片訪問,讓客戶能夠透明地瞭解其材料、Made Circular 設計和影響。這本數字護照還提供了跟蹤產品歷程的途徑,讓人們能夠在多個生命週期中對其進行維修、修復、重複使用和重新構想。

Coachtopia is available today on in the US, Canada and UK and in Selfridges, London. Coachtopia will then launch in Spitalfields, London on April 28; Coach stores across the US including Coach House Fifth Avenue, New York; N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago; The Grove, Los Angeles; and Dadeland, Miami; and additional Selfridges stores across the UK in May; Coach House Regent Street, London in early June; and Coach Soho, New York in July. Coachtopia will also expand to Asia later this year.

Coachtopia現已在美國、加拿大和英國的Coach.com以及倫敦的塞爾福裏奇百貨公司上線。然後,Coachtopia將於4月28日在倫敦Spitalfields上市;在美國各地的Coach門店包括紐約第五大道的Coach House;芝加哥的北密歇根大道;洛杉磯的格羅夫和邁阿密的戴德蘭;以及5月在英國各地的其他Selfridges門店;6月初在倫敦攝政街的Coach House門店;7月在紐約的Coach Soho門店。Coachtopia也將在今年晚些時候擴展到亞洲。

That's just the short version. Take a full tour of Coachtopia, including details on its Made Circular principles, material innovations, strategic partnerships and launch campaign below. Learn more about Coachtopia at Connect on social @coachtopia.

那只是簡短的版本。全面瀏覽Coachtopia,包括下方詳細介紹其 “循環制造” 原則、材料創新、戰略合作伙伴關係和啓動活動。在 上了解有關 Coachtopia 的更多信息。在社交上連接 @coachtopia。

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