
Turbulence At Skymint: CEO, Chairman Ousted Amid Legal Battles And Receivership

Turbulence At Skymint: CEO, Chairman Ousted Amid Legal Battles And Receivership

Benzinga ·  2023/04/20 02:45

Cannabis company Skymint has been going through a rough patch lately.

大麻公司 天空鑄幣廠 最近經歷了一段艱難的時期。

Its CEO and chairman, Jeff Radway, who founded Skymint in 2018, bid farewell to his team in an email on April 18, thanking them for the memories and the ride of a lifetime, as first reported by Crain's Detroit.

它的首席執行官兼董事長 傑夫·拉德威正如Crain's Detroit首次報道的那樣,他於2018年創立了Skymint,他在4月18日的一封電子郵件中向他的團隊道別,感謝他們留下了終身難忘的回憶和旅程。

Radway has been on an indefinite leave of absence since April 7 and has now officially left the company as it battles through court-ordered receivership.


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The Michigan-based company currently owes more than $127 million to Canadian investment firm Tropics LP, a subsidiary of Calgary-based Sundial Growers Inc.(NASDAQ:SNDL), and has reportedly been burning through $3 million in cash per month.

這家總部位於密歇根州的公司目前欠加拿大投資公司超過1.27億美元 Tropics LP,總部位於卡爾加里的子公司 Sundial Growers Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:SNDL),據報道,每月消耗300萬美元的現金。

The situation grew worse with multiple lawsuits against Radway, who is accused of mismanagement of funds, including allegations that he operated the company "as his personal piggybank" and engaged in multiple extramarital affairs with employees, according to the case, filed in Oakland County Circuit Court.

根據奧克蘭縣巡迴法院提起的訴訟,情況變得更糟,拉德韋被指控資金管理不善,包括指控他 “以個人存錢罐” 的身份經營公司並與員工發生多起婚外情。

Skymint operates primarily under the parent company of Green Peak Innovations Inc.

Skymint主要在母公司旗下運營 綠峯創新有限公司

The lawsuit brought by Tropics LP alleges that Skymint generated $110 million in revenue in 2022 — $153 million below its forecast of $263 million in sales for the year.

Tropics LP提起的訴訟稱,Skymint在2022年創造了1.1億美元的收入,比其預測的該年度2.63億美元的銷售額低了1.53億美元。

Another lawsuit was filed concurrently by New York-based cannabis investment firm Merida Capital Holdings and its affiliates against Green Peak and its executives alleging misrepresentation of financials and mismanagement.

總部位於紐約的大麻投資公司同時提起了另一起訴訟 梅里達資本控股公司 及其關聯公司對Green Peak及其高管提起訴訟,指控其對財務狀況的虛假陳述和管理不善。

An Ingham County Circuit Court judge sent Skymint into receivership in March due to the company's financial woes. As a result, Skymint is struggling to keep its stores running, with 3Fifteen, a company it acquired, taking control of several stores in violation of the court's receivership order. The court has since ordered 3Fifteen to cede control of those stores back to Skymint and to return funds removed from the 3Fifteen bank accounts to Skymint employees.

由於公司的財務困境,英厄姆縣巡迴法院的一名法官在三月份將Skymint送入破產管理階段。結果,Skymint正在努力維持門店的運營, 3十五,它收購的一家公司,控制了幾家門店,違反了法院的破產管理令。此後,法院下令3Fifteen將這些商店的控制權交還給Skymint,並將從3Fifteen銀行賬戶中提取的資金退還給Skymint員工。

Skymint's situation underscores the need for prudent financial management in the rapidly evolving cannabis industry.


The news comes on the heels of Flora Growth Corp. (NASDAQ:FLGC) also naming a new CEO. Hussein Rakine's appointment was confirmed Tuesday after former CEO Luis Merchan announced his resignation.

這個消息是緊隨其後的 弗洛拉增長公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:FLGC)也任命了新的首席執行官。 侯賽因·拉金在前首席執行官之後,他的任命於週二得到確認 路易斯·默尚 宣佈辭職。

As the industry continues to mature, it will become increasingly important for cannabis companies to have a solid financial plan in place and to operate transparently to gain and maintain the trust of investors and customers alike.


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Image Credits: AJEL, lindsayfox by Pixabay Edited By Benzinga

圖片來源:Pixabay 的 AJEL、lindsayfox 編輯 Benzinga

