
Bailard Inc. Sells 1,485 Shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS)

Bailard Inc. Sells 1,485 Shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS)

Bailard Inc. 出售 Sprott Physical Gold Trust(NYSEARCA: PHYS)的 1,48
Financial News Live ·  2023/04/19 22:25

Bailard Inc. lowered its holdings in Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS – Get Rating) by 0.5% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 314,411 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock after selling 1,485 shares during the period. Bailard Inc. owned approximately 0.08% of Sprott Physical Gold Trust worth $4,433,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

根據Bailard Inc.在向美國證券交易委員會的最新披露中,該公司在第四季度將其在Sprott Physical Gold Trust(NYSEARCA: PHYS — Get Rating)的持股量下調了0.5%。該公司在此期間出售了1,485股股票後,擁有該交易所交易基金的314,411股股票。截至最近一個季度末,Bailard Inc.擁有Sprott Physical Gold Trust約0.08%的股份,價值443.3萬美元。

A number of other institutional investors also recently modified their holdings of PHYS. Asset Dedication LLC bought a new stake in Sprott Physical Gold Trust during the 3rd quarter valued at $43,000. Goodman Advisory Group LLC purchased a new stake in Sprott Physical Gold Trust during the 4th quarter worth about $43,000. Missouri Trust & Investment Co boosted its stake in Sprott Physical Gold Trust by 111.9% in the 3rd quarter. Missouri Trust & Investment Co now owns 4,337 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $56,000 after purchasing an additional 2,290 shares during the period. Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC grew its holdings in Sprott Physical Gold Trust by 25.0% during the 3rd quarter. Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC now owns 5,000 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock valued at $64,000 after buying an additional 1,000 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Wolverine Asset Management LLC bought a new stake in shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust during the third quarter valued at about $65,000.

其他一些機構投資者最近也修改了他們對PHYS的持股。Asset Defersional LLC在第三季度收購了Sprott Physical Gold Trust的新股份,古德曼諮詢集團有限責任公司在第四季度收購了Sprott Physical Gold Trust的新股份,價值約43,000美元。密蘇里信託與投資公司在第三季度將其在Sprott Physical Gold Trust的股份增加了111.9%。密蘇里信託與投資公司在此期間又購買了2,290股股票後,現在擁有該交易所交易基金的4,337股股票,價值56,000美元。納爾遜·范登堡和坎貝爾財富管理集團有限責任公司在第三季度將其在Sprott Physical Gold Trust的持股量增加了25.0%。Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC在上個季度又購買了1,000股股票後,現在擁有該交易所交易基金的5,000股股票,價值64,000美元。最後,Wolverine Asset Management LLC在第三季度收購了Sprott Physical Gold Trust的新股份,價值約爲65,000美元。

Sprott Physical Gold Trust
Sprott 實物黃金信託基金

Sprott Physical Gold Trust Price Performance

Sprott 實物黃金信託價格表現

Shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust stock opened at $15.68 on Wednesday. The company's 50-day moving average price is $14.88 and its 200-day moving average price is $14.15. Sprott Physical Gold Trust has a 12-month low of $12.48 and a 12-month high of $16.02.

Sprott Physical Gold Trust股票週三開盤價爲15.68美元。該公司的50天移動平均價格爲14.88美元,其200天移動平均線價格爲14.15美元。Sprott Physical Gold Trust的12個月低點爲12.48美元,爲12個月高點16.02美元。

Sprott Physical Gold Trust Profile

Sprott 實物黃金信託簡介

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Sprott Physical Gold Trust operates as a closed-end investment trust, which engages in investing and holding all of its assets in physical gold bullion. Its investment objective is to provide a secure, convenient, and exchange-traded investment alternative for investors through investing primarily in long-term holdings of unencumbered, fully allocated, physical gold bullion and will not speculate with regard to short-term changes in gold prices.

Sprott Physical Gold Trust是一家封閉式投資信託基金,從事以實物金條投資和持有其所有資產。其投資目標是通過主要投資於長期持有的未抵押的、全額配置的實物金條,爲投資者提供安全、便捷和交易所交易的投資選擇,並且不會對黃金價格的短期變化進行投機。

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