
KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF (NYSEARCA:KFVG) Shares Down 0.3%

KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF (NYSEARCA:KFVG) Shares Down 0.3%

kraneShares 中金中國 5G 和半導體ETF(NYSEARCA: KFVG)股價下跌0.3%
Defense World ·  2023/04/12 14:51

Shares of KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF (NYSEARCA:KFVG – Get Rating) traded down 0.3% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as $18.45 and last traded at $18.45. 755 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 77% from the average session volume of 3,316 shares. The stock had previously closed at $18.50.

KraneShares中金中國5G和半導體ETF(NYSEARCA: KFVG — 獲取評級)的股價在週二午盤交易中下跌了0.3%。該股的交易價格低至18.45美元,最後一次交易價格爲18.45美元。午盤交易中有755股交易,較平均交易日交易量3,316股下降了77%。該股此前收於18.50美元。

KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF Stock Down 0.3 %

KraneShares 中金中國5G和半導體ETF股票下跌0.3%

The company's fifty day moving average is $16.96 and its 200-day moving average is $16.01. The company has a market cap of $16.61 million, a PE ratio of 22.28 and a beta of 0.49.


KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF
kraneShares 中金中國 5G 和半導體ETF

Institutional Inflows and Outflows


Several institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in KFVG. Credit Suisse AG bought a new stake in KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF in the 2nd quarter valued at $1,015,000. OLD Mission Capital LLC lifted its holdings in shares of KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF by 73.0% in the 4th quarter. OLD Mission Capital LLC now owns 114,309 shares of the company's stock valued at $1,753,000 after acquiring an additional 48,235 shares during the last quarter. Jane Street Group LLC grew its position in KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF by 148.3% in the third quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 42,790 shares of the company's stock worth $625,000 after acquiring an additional 25,557 shares in the last quarter. Flow Traders U.S. LLC purchased a new stake in KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF during the first quarter valued at approximately $238,000. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada boosted its holdings in shares of KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF by 164.9% in the 3rd quarter. Royal Bank of Canada now owns 16,286 shares of the company's stock worth $238,000 after purchasing an additional 10,139 shares during the period.

一些機構投資者最近增加了或減少了在KFVG的股份。瑞士信貸股份公司在第二季度收購了KraneShares CICC中國5G和半導體ETF的新股份,價值爲1,015,000美元。OLD Mission Capital LLC在第四季度將其持有的KraneShares CICC中國5G和半導體ETF的股票增加了73.0%。OLD Mission Capital LLC在上個季度又收購了48,235股股票後,現在擁有該公司114,309股股票,價值17.53萬美元。Jane Street Group LLC在KraneShares中金中國5G和半導體ETF中的頭寸在第三季度增長了148.3%。Jane Street Group LLC在上個季度又收購了25,557股股票後,現在擁有該公司42,790股股票,價值62.5萬美元。Flow Traders U.S. LLC在第一季度購買了KraneShares CICC中國5G和半導體ETF的新股份,價值約23.8萬美元。最後,加拿大皇家銀行在第三季度將其持有的KraneShares CICC中國5G和半導體ETF的股票增加了164.9%。加拿大皇家銀行在此期間又購買了10,139股股票後,現在擁有該公司16,286股股票,價值23.8萬美元。

KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor ETF Company Profile

kraneShares 中金中國 5G 和半導體 ETF 公司簡介

(Get Rating)


The KraneShares CICC China 5G & Semiconductor Index ETF (KFVG) is an exchange-traded fund that mostly invests in information technology equity. The fund tracks a market-cap weighted index of Chinese companies in the 5G and semiconductor-related industries. KFVG was launched on Nov 24, 2020 and is managed by KraneShares.

KraneShares CICC中國5G和半導體指數ETF(KFVG)是一家交易所交易基金,主要投資於信息技術股票。該基金追蹤5G和半導體相關行業的中國公司的市值加權指數。KFVG 於 2020 年 11 月 24 日上線,由 KraneShares 管理。

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