
Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund (NYSEARCA:EBLU) Trading Up 0.9%

Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund (NYSEARCA:EBLU) Trading Up 0.9%

Ecofin Global Water ESG 基金(NYSEARCA: EBLU)交易價格上漲0.9%
Defense World ·  2023/04/12 14:22

Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund (NYSEARCA:EBLU – Get Rating) shot up 0.9% on Tuesday . The company traded as high as $39.36 and last traded at $39.31. 841 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 88% from the average session volume of 6,865 shares. The stock had previously closed at $38.96.

週二,Ecofin全球水資源ESG基金(NYSEARCA: EBLU — 獲取評級)飆升了0.9%。該公司的交易價格高達39.36美元,最後一次交易價格爲39.31美元。午盤交易中有841股交易,較平均交易日交易量6,865股下降了88%。該股此前收於38.96美元。

Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund Trading Up 0.9 %


The company has a market capitalization of $51.10 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 22.21 and a beta of 0.93. The firm has a 50-day simple moving average of $39.20 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $37.60.


Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund
Ecofin 全球水資源 ESG 基金

Institutional Investors Weigh In On Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund


A number of large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Flow Traders U.S. LLC bought a new stake in shares of Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund during the 1st quarter worth $896,000. JPMorgan Chase & Co. bought a new position in Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund during the second quarter valued at about $83,000. OLD Mission Capital LLC bought a new stake in shares of Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund in the 4th quarter worth approximately $25,000. Finally, WFA of San Diego LLC bought a new stake in shares of Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund in the 4th quarter worth approximately $25,000.

許多大型投資者最近買入和賣出了該公司的股票。Flow Traders U.S. LLC在第一季度購買了Ecofin Global Water ESG基金的新股份,價值89.6萬美元。摩根大通在第二季度購買了Ecofin全球水資源ESG基金的新頭寸,價值約83,000美元。OLD Mission Capital LLC在第四季度購買了Ecofin Global Water ESG基金的新股份,價值約25,000美元。最後,聖地亞哥有限責任公司的WFA在第四季度購買了Ecofin Global Water ESG基金的新股份,價值約爲25,000美元。

About Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund

關於 Ecofin 全球水資源 ESG 基金

(Get Rating)


The Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund (EBLU) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the Ecofin Global Water ESG index. The fund tracks an index of water infrastructure and management companies listed in developed countries. EBLU was launched on Feb 15, 2017 and is managed by Tortoise.

Ecofin全球水資源ESG基金(EBLU)是一家基於Ecofin全球水資源ESG指數的交易所交易基金。該基金追蹤了在發達國家上市的水基礎設施和管理公司的指數。EBLU 於 2017 年 2 月 15 日推出,由 Tortoise 管理。

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