
Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:WEBS) Trading Down 0.1%

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:WEBS) Trading Down 0.1%

每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股 (紐約證券交易代碼:WEBS) 交易跌 0.1%
Defense World ·  2023/04/05 13:42

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:WEBS – Get Rating)'s share price dropped 0.1% on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as $18.87 and last traded at $19.34. Approximately 337,688 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 38% from the average daily volume of 546,622 shares. The stock had previously closed at $19.35.

每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股票(紐西爾加股票代碼:WEBS — 獲取評級)的股價週二下跌 0.1%。該股票的交易價格低至 18.87 美元,最後交易價為 19.34 美元。在日間交易期間成交約 337,688 股股份,較每日平均成交量 546,622 股下跌 38%。該股票之前已收盤 19.35 美元。

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares Price Performance

每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股價表現

The company's fifty day moving average is $22.74 and its two-hundred day moving average is $31.93.

該公司的五十天移動平均線為 22.74 美元,其 200 日移動平均線為 31.93 美元。

Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares
每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares

對沖基金權衡道瓊斯互聯網每日熊證 3X 股

Several institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Citadel Advisors LLC grew its stake in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares by 5.8% in the third quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 22,373 shares of the company's stock worth $973,000 after acquiring an additional 1,226 shares in the last quarter. Quantbot Technologies LP acquired a new position in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares in the second quarter worth $64,000. Kingfisher Capital LLC grew its stake in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares by 90.9% in the third quarter. Kingfisher Capital LLC now owns 10,500 shares of the company's stock worth $456,000 after acquiring an additional 5,000 shares in the last quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC acquired a new position in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares in the second quarter worth $386,000. Finally, IMC Chicago LLC acquired a new position in shares of Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares during the third quarter worth $464,000.

一些機構投資者最近修改了他們對業務的持有情況。城堡顧問有限責任公司在第三季度增加了每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股份的股份股份的股份 5.8%。城堡顧問有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 22,373 股價值 $973,000 在上個季度獲得額外的 1,226 股後。廣博科技有限公司在第二季度收購道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股份的股份的新位置,價值 64,000 美元。翠鳥資本有限責任公司在第三季度增加了每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股份的股份份額 90.9%。翠鳥資本有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 10,500 股,價值 456,000 美元,在上一季度額外收購 5,000 股股票後。文藝復興科技有限責任公司收購了每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股份在第二季度股份的新位置 $386,000.最後,IMC 芝加哥有限責任公司在第三季度價值 464,000 美元期間收購了每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股份的股份的新頭寸。

About Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares

關於每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股

(Get Rating)


The Direxion Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares (WEBS) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the DJ Internet Composite index. The fund provides 3x daily inverse exposure to a market-cap-weighted index of the largest and most liquid U.S. Internet companies. WEBS was launched on Nov 7, 2019 and is managed by Direxion.

Durexion 每日道瓊斯互聯網熊證 3X 股票(WEBS)是一種基於 DJ 互聯網綜合指數的交易所交易基金。該基金為最大和流動性最高的美國互聯網公司的市值加權指數提供每日 3 倍反向敞口。WEBS 於 2019 年 11 月 7 日推出,由迪瑞松管理。

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