
What's In A Name? Elon Musk's And Grime's Child Now Named After A Symbol, 'Curiosity, The Eternal Question'

What's In A Name? Elon Musk's And Grime's Child Now Named After A Symbol, 'Curiosity, The Eternal Question'

名字里有什么?埃隆·马斯克的《And Grime's Child》现在以 “好奇心,永恒的问题” 符号命名
Benzinga ·  2023/03/28 01:06

If William Shakespeare had created California's baby name laws, Grimes and Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk may have been able to officially change their daughter's name to a symbol.

如果 威廉·莎士比亚 制定了加利福尼亚的婴儿名字法 格莱姆斯特斯拉公司 首席执行官 埃隆马斯克 可能已经能够正式将他们女儿的名字改成象征了。

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet," the famous English playwright and poet wrote in "Romeo and Juliet," first performed in 1597.

“名字里有什么?英国著名剧作家和诗人在 1597 年首次演出的 “罗密欧与朱丽叶》中写道,我们用任何其他名字称之为玫瑰,闻起来同样甜美。

Unfortunately for Grimes, California law prohibits the use of symbols in a name, which means she won't be able to change her one-year-old daughter's name from Exa Dark Sideræl to "?" At least on the birth certificate, according to Business Insider.

对于格莱姆斯来说,不幸的是,加利福尼亚州法律禁止在名字中使用符号,这意味着她将无法将一岁女儿的名字改为 Exa Dark Siderael 到”“据《商业内幕》报道,至少在出生证上是这样。

What Happened: Grimes revealed on Twitter Thursday that her daughter, formerly known as Exa, is now Y, "Why" or just "?" The Canadian singer and songwriter, born Claire Elise Boucher, said her daughter's new name reflects "curiosity, the eternal question, .. and such."

发生了什么: 格莱姆斯周四在推特上透露,她的女儿,前身为 Exa,现在是 Y,“为什么” 或者只是 “?”这位出生于克莱尔·艾丽斯·鲍彻的加拿大歌手兼词曲作者说,她女儿的新名字反映了 “好奇心、永恒的问题... 等等”。

Grimes, who broke up with Musk in March of last year, has two children with the billionaire, both with names that fall far from what is traditional. Y's older brother, born in May 2020, was renamed X Æ A-Xii after the Office of Vital Records in California wouldn't allow Grimes and Musk to name him X Æ A-12. Musk regularly refers to his youngest-born son as just X.

去年三月与马斯克分手的格莱姆斯与这位亿万富翁育有两个孩子,这两个孩子的名字都与传统的名字相去甚远。Y 的哥哥出生于 2020 年 5 月,改名为 X A-Xii 之后加州重要记录办公室不允许格莱姆斯和马斯克给他起名 X A-12。马斯克经常将他出生最小的儿子称为 X。

It likely won't take Y long to get used to her new name. In an April 2022 Vanity Fair interview, when Grimes accidentally revealed her daughter's existence when the baby started crying, she said Y was the child's nickname.

Y 可能不久就会习惯她的新名字。在 2022 年 4 月的《名利场》采访中,当宝宝开始哭的时候,格莱姆斯不小心透露了女儿的存在,她说Y是孩子的昵称。

What's More: Grimes and Musk, who are known to be secretive about their relationship status, also rarely post pictures of their children to social media.


On Thursday, Grimes posted a picture of Y with green hair and a red jumpsuit next to a picture of herself in a similar style, which she captioned with Y, dragon emoji, C (an alphabetical letter Grimes answers to).

周四,格莱姆斯在一张类似风格的自己的照片旁边张贴了一张绿头发和一件红色连身裤的Y的照片,她用Y、dragon emoji、C(格莱姆斯回答的字母顺序排列的字母)给这张照片加了标题。

With the two parents and two children having single-letter nicknames — Grimes refers to Musk as just "E" — it could be fitting if Grimes and Musk reunited to have a third child to finish off the alphabet and give X and Y a little brother or sister named Z.

由于两个父母和两个孩子的昵称是单字母——格莱姆斯称马斯克只是 “E” ——如果格莱姆斯和马斯克重聚生第三个孩子来完成字母表然后给 X 和 Y 一个名叫 Z 的弟弟或妹妹,那可能很合适。

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