
Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July (BATS:NJUL) Shares Purchased by Valtinson Bruner Financial Planning LLC

Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July (BATS:NJUL) Shares Purchased by Valtinson Bruner Financial Planning LLC

創新者增長 -100 功率緩衝 ETF — 7 月(BAT:NJUL)由華爾汀森布魯納財務規劃有限責任公司購買的股票
Financial News Live ·  2023/03/27 23:23

Valtinson Bruner Financial Planning LLC increased its holdings in shares of Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July (BATS:NJUL – Get Rating) by 11.2% during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 19,405 shares of the company's stock after acquiring an additional 1,955 shares during the quarter. Valtinson Bruner Financial Planning LLC's holdings in Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July were worth $849,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

根據其最近與證券交易委員會的披露,瓦爾丁森布魯納財務規劃有限責任公司在 7 月(BAT:NJUL-獲得評級)在第四季度增加了 11.2% 的創新者增長者增加了 100 電力緩衝 ETF 的股份持有量。該基金在本季度額外購入 1,955 股股份後,擁有該公司股票的 19,405 股。瓦爾丁森布魯納財務規劃有限責任公司在創新者增長 -100 功率緩衝 ETF 的持股-7 月份價值 $849,000 在最近的報告期結束時。

Separately, Brookstone Capital Management boosted its holdings in Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July by 32.8% in the 4th quarter. Brookstone Capital Management now owns 9,242 shares of the company's stock valued at $395,000 after purchasing an additional 2,282 shares during the last quarter.

另外,布魯克斯通資本管理公司在第四季度提高了其在創新者增長 100 功率緩衝 ETF 的持有量-7 月 32.8%。布魯克斯通資本管理公司在上一季度額外購買 2,282 股股票後,擁有價值 395,000 美元的公司股票 9,242 股。

Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF - July
創新者增長 -100 功率緩衝 ETF-七月

Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July Stock Performance

創新者增長 -100 功率緩衝 ETF-7 月股票表現

Shares of Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July stock traded down $0.04 on Monday, reaching $46.98. The company had a trading volume of 362 shares. The business has a 50-day simple moving average of $45.64 and a 200 day simple moving average of $44.05.

創新者增長 100 能量緩衝 ETF-7 月份股票週一下跌 0.04 美元,達到 46.98 美元。該公司的交易量為 362 股。該業務有一個 50 天的簡單移動平均線 45.64 美元和 200 天的簡單移動平均線 44.05 美元。

About Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July

關於創新者增長 -100 功率緩衝 ETF-7 月

(Get Rating)


The Innovator Nasdaq-100 Power Buffer ETF – July (NJUL) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the Nasdaq 100 index. The fund aims for specific buffered losses and capped gains on the NASDAQ 100 over a specific holdings period. The actively-managed fund holds options and collateral. NJUL was launched on Jul 1, 2020 and is managed by Innovator.

創新者納斯達克 100 功率緩衝 ETF-7 月(NJUL)是一種基於納斯達克 100 指數的交易所買賣基金。基金旨在在特定持有期內實現納斯達克 100 指數的特定緩衝虧損和上限收益。主動管理基金持有期權及抵押品。NJUL 於 2020 年 7 月 1 日推出,由創新者管理。

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Want to see what other hedge funds are holding NJUL? Visit to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF – July (BATS:NJUL – Get Rating).

想看看還有哪些對沖基金持有 NJUL? 訪問 以獲取有關創新者增長 100 功率緩衝 ETF 的最新 13 樓文件和內幕交易(BAT:NJUL-獲得評級)。

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