
Southern Silver Provides Mineral Resource Update That Includes Newly Identified Shallow High-Grade Deposit at the Cerro Las Minitas Project

Southern Silver Provides Mineral Resource Update That Includes Newly Identified Shallow High-Grade Deposit at the Cerro Las Minitas Project

南方銀礦提供礦產資源更新,其中包括 Cerro Las Miniitas 項目中新確定的淺高品位礦床
newsfile ·  2023/03/23 01:06

Mineral Resource Update:
Indicated 140Mozs AgEq or 2.3Blbs ZnEq: 42.7Mozs Ag, 364Mlbs Pb, and 903Mlbs Zn; and
Inferred 210Mozs AgEq or 3.5Blbs ZnEq: 80.0Mozs Ag, 571Mlbs Pb, and 1,029Mlbs Zn

表示 140 莫茲年齡 Q 或 2.3 百分比 ZNEQ:42.7 莫茲股份公司、364 毫升 PB 和 903 毫升鋅;及
推斷 210 莫茲年齡 Q 或 3.5 毫升 ZNEQ: 80.0 莫茲股份公司, 571 毫升 PB, 和 1,029 毫升鋅

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 22, 2023) - Southern Silver Exploration Corp. (TSXV: SSV) ("Southern") reports that Kirkham Geosystems Ltd. has completed an update of its independent Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") on the Cerro Las Minitas project in Durango State, Mexico. The updated MRE significantly expands sulphide resources in the La Bocona deposit through the incorporation of the North Felsite zone into the resource model. The revised estimate utilizes the same metal pricing and metallurgical recoveries as the previous 2021 MRE, utilizes a Net Smelter Return ("NSR") cut-off, as detailed in Table 1, and reports average grades on a AgEq, ZnEq and $US/t NSR basis. The Mineral Resource estimates for the South Skarn, Blind-El Sol Skarn Front and Las Victorias deposits and the small oxide resource initially estimated in 2021, remains unchanged in this current update.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞檔公司-2023 年 3 月 22 日)- 南方銀礦勘探股份有限公司(TSXV:SSV)(「南方」) 報告說,柯克漢姆地質系統有限公司已經完成了其獨立礦產資源估計(「MRE」)的更新 拉斯米尼塔斯山 墨西哥杜蘭戈州的項目。更新後的 MRE 通過將北 Felsite 區納入資源模型中,顯著擴大了拉博科納礦床中的硫化物資源。經修訂的估計採用與 2021 年之前相同的金屬價格和冶金回收率,採用了冶煉廠淨回報(「NSR」)截止數據,如表 1 所述,並報告年齡 Q、ZNEQ 和 $US/T NSR 基礎的平均評級。礦產資源對南斯卡恩,盲艾爾索爾斯卡恩陣線和拉斯維多利亞斯礦床的估計,以及最初在 2021 年估計的小氧化物資源,在本次更新中保持不變。

The newly modelled mineral resources represent an approximate 63% increase in the size of the La Bocona deposit (on a AgEq basis) and an overall 4.5% increase in the mineral resources of the entire project.

新建模擬的礦產資源代表拉博科納礦床的大小約增加 63%(以 ageQ 為基礎),整個項目的礦產資源總體增加了 4.5%。

The now extended La Bocona deposit projects laterally along the eastern margin of the central intrusion and together with the previously identified South Skarn deposit forms a 1,200 metre long, semi-continuous zone of mineralization featuring three separate higher-grade "shoots" which project to 500m below surface and remain open at depth for further resource expansion (Figure 1).

現在擴展的 La Bocina 礦床項目沿中央入侵東部邊緣橫向,以及先前確定的 South Skarn 礦床形成了一個 1200 米長的半連續礦區,具有三個獨立的高品位「芽」,投射到表面以下 500 米,並在深處保持開放以進一步擴展資源(圖 1)。

Vice President of Exploration, Rob Macdonald stated "This latest resource update represents one more step in the continued evolution of the Cerro La Minitas project through the identification of further shallow, high-grade mineralization which is accretive to the existing mineral resources on the property and adjacent to the planned project infrastructure. Future work will maintain a focus on adding value to the project early in the production time-line for maximum economic benefit. This includes: further engineering upgrades to the project design; a detailed review of the capital expenditures; the addition of gold payables to the cash-flow model; and pre-concentration to improve the project economics. Mineralization remains open at depth, particularly on the eastern side of the Cerro which with further exploration can continue to add high margin mineralization early in the production scenario."

勘探副總裁, 羅伯·麥克唐納表示」這次最新的資源更新代表了 Cerro La Miniitas 項目的持續發展的另一步,通過識別更淺的高品位礦化區,這些礦化可以增加物業上的現有礦產資源以及毗鄰計劃項目基礎設施的現有礦產資源。未來的工作將繼續專注於在生產時間線的早期為項目增加價值,以獲得最大的經濟效益。這包括:對項目設計進行進一步的工程升級;詳細審查資本支出;在現金流模型中添加黃金應付帳款;以及預先集中以改善項目經濟效益。礦化區在深處保持開放,尤其是在 Cerro 東側,通過進一步勘探,可以在生產場景的早期繼續增加高利潤的礦化。」

Figure 1: South Skarn and La Bocona deposits looking southwest at NSR = US$60/t, US$90/t and US$150/t cut-offs. Mineralization now extends over 1200m along strike on the east side of the Cerro.

圖 1:南斯卡恩和拉博科納存款,位於西南地區,位於 NSR = 每噸 60 美元,90 美元/噸和 150 美元的截止金額。礦化區現在沿著 Cerro 東側的攻擊延伸超過 1200 米。

Resource Model Highlights:


Compared to the 2021 Mineral Resource estimate, the 2023 update, at a US$60/t NSR cut-off, features:

與 2021 年礦產資源估算相比,2023 年的更新以每噸 60 美元的 NSR 截止日期為 60 美元,具有:

  • Indicated Mineral Resources: A 0.18Mt increase to 12.5Mt averaging 106g/t Silver, 0.07g/t Gold, 0.2% Copper, 1.3% Lead and 3.3% Zinc (349g/t AgEq; 8.5% ZnEq) equalling a US$130/t NSR value, containing:
  • 表示的礦產資源: 一個 0.18 山 增加到 12.5 毫克平均每噸白銀每噸,0.07 克/噸金,0.2% 的銅,1.3% 鉛和 3.3% 的鋅(349 克/噸年齡 Q; 8.5% 鋅) 等同一個 每噸的 NSR 價值 130 美元, 包含:

42.7 million ounces of silver; 29 thousand ounces of gold; 46 million pounds of copper, 364 million pounds of lead; and 903 million pounds of zinc.

白銀 4.27 億盎司;黃金 29 萬盎司;銅 4600 萬磅,鉛 364 百萬磅;鋅 9.03 億磅。

This equates to 140 million ounces silver equivalent or 2.3 billion pounds zinc equivalent; and

這相當於 1.4 億盎司白銀當量或 23 億磅鋅當量;

  • Inferred Mineral Resources: A 1.4Mt increase to 21.0Mt averaging 118g/t Silver, 0.1g/t Gold, 0.2% Copper, 1.2% Lead and 2.2% Zinc (311g/t AgEq; 7.6% ZnEq) equalling a US$123/t NSR value containing:
  • 推斷礦產資源: 一個 1.4 公噸 增加到 21.0 公噸平均每噸白銀,每噸 0.1 克金,0.2% 的銅,1.2% 的鉛和 2.2% 的鋅(年齡為 311 克/噸,季度為 7.6%) 等同一個 每噸 123美元/年的NSR 價值 包含:

80.0 million ounces of silver; 85 thousand ounces of gold; 101 million pounds of copper, 571 million pounds of lead; and 1,029 million pounds of zinc (1.03 billion pounds Zn).

白銀 8.0.0 百萬盎司,黃金 85 萬盎司,銅 101 億磅,鉛 5.71 億磅;鋅為 10.29 億磅(Zn 十億英鎊)。

This equates to 210 million ounces silver equivalent or 3.5 billion pounds zinc equivalent.

這相當於 2.1 億盎司的銀當量或 35 億磅的鋅當量。

The new Mineral Resource Estimate incorporates results from 26 additional drill holes totalling 11,801.5 metres which tested the north-western extension the La Bocona deposit. Mineralization was also identified in several holes specifically along the northern margin of the central intrusion that were not incorporated into the new resource update and with further drilling, represent additional expansion opportunities.

新的礦產資源估算結果包含了 26 個額外鑽孔的結果,共計 11,801.5 米,測試了拉博科納礦床的西北部擴展。還在中央入侵北部邊緣的幾個孔中發現了礦化區,這些孔沒有納入新的資源更新中,並進一步鑽探,代表了更多的擴展機會。

NSR Calculation Parameters

NSR 計算參數

The NSR values were calculated using average long-term prices of $20/oz. silver, $1,650/oz. gold, $3.25/lb. copper, $1.00/lb. lead and $1.20/lb. zinc. Metallurgical test work identified three saleable concentrates for the Skarn zones and two from the Blind, El Sol and Las Victorias zones (BESS). NSR values for each concentrate were calculated utilizing the parameters summarized in Table 1 and summed to determine a total NSR value for each block.

NSR 價值的計算方式是使用 20 美元/盎司白銀、1,650 美元/盎司黃金、3.25 磅銅、鉛 1.00 美元/磅和 1.20 美元的鋅來計算。冶金 test 工作確定了斯卡恩區的三個可銷售濃縮物,另外兩個來自盲區,El Sol 和拉斯維多利亞斯區(BESS)。使用表 1 中摘要的參數計算每個濃縮物的 NSR 值,並加總以決定每個區塊的 NSR 總值。

Gold recovery was not assessed in the sulphide concentrates and as a result was not included in the NSR calculation. Work is proceeding to determine gold recoveries/payables from the sulphide concentrates. Results are pending.

硫化物濃縮物中沒有評估黃金回收率,因此不包括在 NSR 計算中。工作正在進行確定硫化物濃縮物中的黃金回收/應付款項。結果正在等待中。

All prices are stated in $USD.


Table 1: Variables considered in the NSR calculations for each concentrate.

表 1:每個濃縮物的 NSR 計算中考慮的變數。

Item Pb Concentrate Zn Concentrate Cu Conc.
Skarn BESS Skarn BESS Skarn
Pb Recovery 84% 90%
Zn Recovery 95% 78%
Cu Recovery 60%
Ag Recovery 77% 79% 8% 12% 7%
Au Recovery
Payable Metals Pb, Ag Pb, Ag Zn, Ag Zn, Ag Cu, Ag

Concentrate grade,(primary base metal)

65% 70% 54% 52% 27%

Transport, Treatment,
Penalty charges, $ dmt

230 267 358 364 183

Base metal Concentrate
Grade Deduction

3 units 3 units 8 units 8 units 1 units

Ag Concentrate
Grade Deduction, g/t

50 50 93 93
Ag Refining charge, $/oz 0.6 0.6 0.4

Base metal
Refining, $/lb

Ag payable 90%
項目 Pb 濃縮液 鋅濃縮液 銅共
斯卡恩 貝絲 斯卡恩 貝絲 斯卡恩
PB 恢復 84% 90%
鋅恢復 95% 78%
銅回收 60%
Ag 恢復 77% 79% 8% 12% 7%
應付金屬 PB, AG PB, AG 鋅 (AG) 鋅 (AG) 銅, AG


65% 70% 54% 52% 27%


230 267 358 364 183


3 個單位 3 個單位 8 個單位 8 個單位 1 個單位

Ag 濃縮液
等級扣除 (克/噸)

50 50 93 93
Ag 精煉費,美元/盎司 0.6 0.6 0.4

精煉,$ /磅

Ag 應付款 90%

Table 2: Base-case Sulphide Mineral Resource Estimate for CLM Project Utilizing a US$60/t NSR cut-off value:

表 2:CLM 項目的基本案例硫化物礦產資源估算,採用每噸 60 美元的 NSR 截止價值:

Indicated Resources Average Grade
Zone Tonnes Ag Au Pb Zn Cu AgEq ZnEq NSR
(Kt) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%) (g/t) (%) (US$/t)
Blind Zone 2,347 97 0.04 1.9 2.1 0.11 295 7.2 108
El Sol Zone 1,154 80 0.04 2.2 2.0 0.09 279 6.8 100
Skarn Front Zone 7,254 108 0.06 0.8 4.2 0.19 383 9.3 140
La Bocona Zone 1,755 130 0.18 2.2 1.7 0.21 326 7.9 136
Total 12,510 106 0.07 1.3 3.3 0.17 349 8.5 130
Inferred Resources Average Grade
Zone Tonnes Ag Au Pb Zn Cu AgEq ZnEq NSR
(Kt) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%) (g/t) (%) (US$/t)
Blind Zone 1,347 83 0.14 1.4 1.8 0.06 248 6.0 88
El Sol Zone 863 65 0.03 1.8 2.3 0.05 263 6.4 90
Las Victorias Zone 1,083 148 0.66 2.1 2.6 0.14 431 10.5 145
Skarn Front Zone 11,466 115 0.05 0.7 2.7 0.32 318 7.7 126
South Skarn Zone 3,789 140 0.18 2.0 1.3 0.09 309 7.5 130
La Bocona Zone 2,481 125 0.17 1.8 1.3 0.13 285 6.9 120
Total 21,030 118 0.12 1.2 2.2 0.22 311 7.6 123
指示的資源 平均等級
區域 公噸 AG 非盟 PB Zn 年齡 Q ZneQ NSR
(克拉) (克/噸) (克/噸) (%) (%) (%) (克/噸) (%) (美元/噸)
盲區 2,347 97 0.04 1.9 2.1 0.11 295 7.2 108
艾爾索爾區 1,154 80 0.04 2.2 2.0 0.09 279 6.8 100
斯卡恩前區 7,254 108 0.06 0.8 4.2 0.19 383 9.3 140
拉博科納區 1,755 130 0.18 2.2 1.7 0.21 326 7.9 136
總計 12,510 106 0.07 1.3 3.3 0.17 349 8.5 130
推斷資源 平均等級
區域 公噸 AG 非盟 PB Zn 年齡 Q ZneQ NSR
(克拉) (克/噸) (克/噸) (%) (%) (%) (克/噸) (%) (美元/噸)
盲區 1,347 83 0.14 1.4 1.8 0.06 248 6.0 88
艾爾索爾區 863 65 0.03 1.8 2.3 0.05 263 6.4 90
拉斯維多利亞斯專區 1,083 148 0.66 2.1 2.6 0.14 431 10.5 145
斯卡恩前區 11,466 115 0.05 0.7 2.7 0.32 318 7.7 126
南斯卡恩区 3,789 140 0.18 2.0 1.3 0.09 309 7.5 130
拉博科納區 2,481 125 0.17 1.8 1.3 0.13 285 6.9 120
總計 21,030 118 0.12 1.2 2.2 0.22 311 7.6 123
Indicated Resources Contained Metal
Zone Tonnes Ag TrOz Au TrOz Pb Zn Cu Lbs AgEq TrOz ZnEq Lbs
(Kt) (000's) (000's) (Mlbs) (Mlbs) (Mlbs) (000's) (Mlbs)
Blind Zone 2,347 7,350 3 99 109 5.5 22,291 371
El Sol Zone 1,154 2,956 2 55 51 2.2 10,337 172
Skarn Front Zone 7,254 25,106 14 126 678 30.7 89,421 1,490
La Bocona Zone 1,755 7,331 10 84 65 8.0 18,406 307
Total 12,510 42,742 29 364 903 46 140,455 2,341
Inferred Resources Contained Metal
Zone Tonnes Ag TrOz Au TrOz Pb Zn Cu Lbs AgEq TrOz ZnEq Lbs
(Kt) (000's) (000's) (Mlbs) (Mlbs) (Mlbs) (000's) (Mlbs)
Blind Zone 1,347 3,582 6 40 55 2 10,749 179
El Sol Zone 863 1,816 1 35 43 1 7,283 121
Las Victorias Zone 1,083 5,152 23 51 62 3 15,006 250
Skarn Front Zone 11,466 42,462 18 177 687 80 117,065 1,951
South Skarn Zone 3,789 17,007 22 167 112 7 37,660 628
La Bocona Zone 2,481 9,977 14 100 71 7 22,702 378
Total 21,030 79,997 85 571 1,029 101 210,464 3,507
指示的資源 含金屬
區域 公噸 AG 特羅茲 欧特罗兹 PB Zn 銅磅 AgeQ 特洛 Z 金克磅
(克拉) (千年代) (千年代) (美國職棒大聯盟) (美國職棒大聯盟) (美國職棒大聯盟) (千年代) (美國職棒大聯盟)
盲區 2,347 7,350 3 99 109 5.5 22,291 371
艾爾索爾區 1,154 2,956 2 55 51 2.2 10,337 172
斯卡恩前區 7,254 25,106 14 126 678 30.7 89,421 1,490
拉博科納區 1,755 7,331 10 84 65 8.0 18,406 307
總計 12,510 42,742 29 364 903 46 140,455 2,341
推斷資源 含金屬
區域 公噸 AG 特羅茲 欧特罗兹 PB Zn 銅磅 AgeQ 特洛 Z 金克磅
(克拉) (千年代) (千年代) (美國職棒大聯盟) (美國職棒大聯盟) (美國職棒大聯盟) (千年代) (美國職棒大聯盟)
盲區 1,347 3,582 6 40 55 2 10,749 179
艾爾索爾區 863 1,816 1 35 43 1 7,283 121
拉斯維多利亞斯專區 1,083 5,152 23 51 62 3 15,006 250
斯卡恩前區 11,466 42,462 18 177 687 80 117,065 1,951
南斯卡恩区 3,789 17,007 22 167 112 7 37,660 628
拉博科納區 2,481 9,977 14 100 71 7 22,702 378
總計 21,030 79,997 85 571 1,029 101 210,464 3,507

1) The current Resource Estimate was prepared by Garth Kirkham, P.Geo., of Kirkham Geosystems Ltd.


2) All mineral resources have been estimated in accordance with Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Petroleum ("CIM") definitions, as required under National Instrument 43-101 ("NI43-101").

2) 根據國家儀器 43-101(「NI43-101」)的要求,所有礦產資源均按照加拿大礦業冶金和石油研究所(「CIM」)的定義進行估計。

3) Mineral resources were constrained using continuous mining units demonstrating reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction.


4) Silver Equivalents were calculated from the interpolated block values using relative recoveries and prices between the component metals and silver to determine a final AgEq value. The same methodology was used to calculate the ZnEq value.

4) 白銀等價物是根據內插區塊值,使用成分金屬與白銀之間的相對回收率和價格來計算,以確定最終的 ageQ 值。使用相同的方法來計算 ZneQ 值。

5) Silver Equivalents and NSR$/t values were calculated using average long-term prices of $20/oz. silver, $1,650/oz. gold, $3.25/lb. copper, $1.0/lb. lead and $1.20/lb. zinc. Metal recoveries, payables and deductions are reported in Table 1. All prices are stated in $USD.

5) 白銀等價物和不鏽鋼/噸值的計算方法是使用 20 美元/盎司白銀、黃金 1,650 美元、銅、1.0/ 磅鉛和 1.20 磅/磅鋅的平均長期價格來計算。金屬回收、應付款項及扣除額列於表 1。所有價格均以美元表示。

6) Mineral resources are not mineral reserves until they have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral resource estimates do not account for a resource's mineability, selectivity, mining loss, or dilution.

6) 礦產資源不是礦產儲量,直到它們已經證明了經濟可行性。礦產資源估計不會考慮資源的可開採性、選擇性、採礦損失或稀釋。

7) An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

7) 推斷礦物資源的信心水平低於適用於指定礦產資源的信心水平,不得轉換為礦物儲備。合理地預計,大多數推斷礦產資源可以升級到指示礦產資源,繼續進行勘探。

8) All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate and therefore numbers may not appear to add precisely.

8) 所有數字都會四捨五入以反映估計值的相對準確性,因此數字可能看起來不會精確地增加。

Model Parameters for the Bocona/North Felsite and North Felsite HW Zones


  • The estimate was carried out using separate block models constrained by 3D wireframes of the individual mineralized zones. The block model is comprised of an array of blocks measuring 10m x 1m x 10m which are sub-blocked to 1m x 1m x 1m, with grades for Ag, Au, Cu, Pb and Zn interpolated using Ordinary Kriging within the Bocona/North Felsite zone and Inverse Distance to the Second Power (ID2) weighting for the North Felsite Hangingwall zones. NSR/t, silver equivalent and zinc equivalent values were subsequently calculated from the interpolated block grades.
  • The interpolation was carried out in two passes using progressively larger search radii along strike and down dip of 60m x 60m to a maximum of 100m x 100m. Composites were restricted to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 9 composites, with a maximum of 3 composites from any one drill hole.
  • Bulk densities were based on sample interval measurements taken by Southern field personnel. For each sample interval, sub-samples were taken from each individual length of core and the weighted average for the sample used. Density values were interpolated on a block-by-block basis using an inverse distance to the second power. An average value of 2.85 t/m3 was assigned to blocks that were not interpolated.
  • Silver composite values have been capped in order to remove the effects of potential overestimation due to statistical outliers. The threshold chosen was 700 g/t silver for the Bocona/North Felsite and North Felsite HW zones. In addition, outlier values for the co-product metals were capped at the threshold levels of 1.5 g/t gold, 2% copper, 18% lead and 10% zinc at Bocona/North Felsite and 2 g/t gold, 0.2% copper, 3% lead and 5% zinc for the North Felsite HW zones, respectively.
  • The mineralized zones were initially defined by Southern personnel and subsequently adjusted and redefined, validated and verified by KGL. The mineralized wire frames were defined using a combination of geological constraints and grade boundaries in addition to consideration of potential reasonable mining thickness. Intervals that were not sampled were assigned a zero grade.
  • For all zones, blocks are classified as Inferred if they are included within 100m of at least one drill hole intercept. Blocks within 40m of the nearest intercept, and estimated by at least two drill holes were classified as Indicated. However, an interpreted boundary is the final determination of indicated and inferred resources in order to remove outlier blocks and the "spotted dog" effect. In addition, continuous potentially underground mining panels were created to demonstrate "reasonable prospect of eventual economic extraction".
  • 該估計是使用受個別礦化區域的 3D 線架構約束的單獨圖塊模型進行的。該塊模型由測量 10m x 1m x 10m 的塊數組組成,這些塊被子阻塞到 1m x 1m,其等級用於 Ag,金,銅,Pb 和 Zn 使用在博科納/北菲爾斯特區域內的普通 Kriging 和與第二次力量反向距離(ID2)加權北 Felsite 懸掛牆區域內插的等級。隨後從內插塊等級計算出 NSR/T、銀等效值和鋅等效值。
  • 插值是在兩個過程中進行的,使用逐步更大的搜索半徑沿著擊球和下傾 60 米 x 60 米的下降到最大 100 米 x 100 米。複合材料限制為最少 3 個,最多 9 個複合材料,其中任何一個鑽孔最多 3 個複合材料。
  • 批量密度是基於南方現場人員採取的樣本間隔測量。對於每個樣本間隔,從每個鐵芯長度和所用樣品的加權平均值中獲取子樣本。密度值是使用與第二次方的反向距離,逐個區塊內插。平均值 2.85 t/m3 已指定給未內插的圖塊。
  • 銀複合值已被上限,以消除由於統計離群值導致潛在高估的影響。選擇的門檻為博科納/北菲爾斯蒂和北費爾斯特硬件區域的銀幣 700 克/噸。此外,輔產品金屬的離群值在博科納/北菲爾施特區分別上限為 1.5 克/噸金、2% 銅、18% 鉛和 10% 鋅,以及 2 克/噸金、0.2% 銅、3% 鉛和 5% 鋅的閾值。
  • 礦化區最初由南方人員定義,隨後由 KGL 調整和重新定義,驗證和驗證。除了考慮潛在的合理採礦厚度之外,礦化線框是使用地質限制和坡度邊界的組合來定義的。未取樣的間隔被指定為零坡度。
  • 對於所有區域,如果區塊包含在至少一個鑽孔截取的 100 公尺內,則區塊將被分類為「推論」。最近截距 40 米以內的塊,並由至少兩個鑽孔估計被分類為指示。但是,解釋的邊界是指示和推斷資源的最終決定,以消除異常塊和「斑點狗」效應。此外,還創建了連續潛在的地下採礦面板,以展示「最終經濟開採的合理前景」。

Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be classified as Mineral Reserves. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.


Qualified Persons


The independent Qualified Person for the mineral resource disclosure for the project is Garth Kirkham, P.Geo., Principal, Kirkham Geosystems Ltd., who has reviewed and approved the contents of this release.‎ In accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Robert Macdonald, P.Geo, Vice President Exploration, is the Qualified Person for the Company and has validated and approved the technical and scientific content of this news release.

該項目礦產資源披露的獨立合格人員是 Garth Kirkham,P.Geo.,校長,柯克漢姆 Geosystems 有限公司,他已審查並批准本發布的內容。根據國家儀器 43-101 礦產項目披露標準,勘探副總裁羅伯特·麥克唐納(Robert Macdonald)是該公司的合格人員,並已對本新聞稿的技術和科學內容進行了驗證和批准。

Risk Factors


Southern Silver is aware this project is subject to the same types of risks that large precious and base metal projects experience at an early stage of development in Mexico. The Company has engaged experienced management and specialized consultants to identify, manage and mitigate those risks. However, the types of risks will change as the project evolves and more information becomes available.

Southern Silver 意識到該項目承受與大型貴金屬和基本金屬項目在墨西哥發展初期所經歷的相同類型的風險。本公司聘請了經驗豐富的管理層和專業顧問,以識別、管理和減輕這些風險。但是,隨著項目的發展和更多信息可用,風險的類型將發生變化。

About Southern Silver Exploration Corp.


Southern Silver Exploration Corp. is an exploration and development company with a focus on the identification of world-class mineral deposits in major jurisdictions, advancing them either directly or through joint-venture relationships. Our specific emphasis is on advancing the 100% owned Cerro Las Minitas project, one of the world's largest undeveloped silver-lead-zinc deposits, to a production decision.

南銀勘探公司是一家勘探和開發公司,專注於在主要司法管轄區識別世界一流的礦床,直接或通過合資關係推動它們。我們的特別重點是將 100% 擁有的 Cerro Las Miniitas 專案 (世界上最大的未開發銀-鉛-鋅礦床之一) 推進生產決策。

Southern has assembled a team of highly experienced technical, operational and transactional professionals to support our efforts in developing (recent robust PEA) the Cerro Las Minitas project into a premier, high-grade, silver-lead-zinc mine. Our property portfolio also includes the Oro porphyry copper-gold project and the Hermanas gold-silver vein project where permitting applications for a drilling is underway; both are located in southern New Mexico, USA.

南方已經組建了一支由經驗豐富的技術,運營和交易專業人員組成的團隊,以支持我們開發(最近強大的 PEA)Cerro Las Miniitas 項目的努力,成為一個首屈一指的,高品位的銀鉛鋅礦。我們的房地產組合還包括 Oro 斑岩銅-金項目和 Hermanas 金銀礦脈項目,該項目正在進行鑽井許可申請;兩者均位於美國新墨西哥州南部。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Lawrence Page"


Lawrence Page, Q.C.
President & Director, Southern Silver Exploration Corp.


For further information, please visit Southern Silver's website at or contact us at 604.641.2759 or by email at

有關更多信息,請訪問南銀的網站:南銀集團網站或致電 604.641.2759 或通過電子郵件與我們聯繫。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX 風險交易所或其監管服務供應商(如 TSX 創業交易所政策中所定義的術語)對此版本的充分性或準確性承擔任何責任。

This news release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include the timing and receipt of government and regulatory approvals, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Southern Silver Exploration Corp. does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.


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