
Windsor Capital Management LLC Lowers Stock Position in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF (BATS:JPIB)

Windsor Capital Management LLC Lowers Stock Position in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF (BATS:JPIB)

溫莎資本管理有限責任公司降低摩根國際債券機會 ETF(BAT:JPIB)的股票頭寸
Financial News Live ·  2023/03/21 22:02

Windsor Capital Management LLC lowered its position in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF (BATS:JPIB – Get Rating) by 3.2% in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 145,630 shares of the company's stock after selling 4,840 shares during the period. JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF comprises about 2.4% of Windsor Capital Management LLC's portfolio, making the stock its 15th largest position. Windsor Capital Management LLC's holdings in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF were worth $6,696,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

根據該公司最近向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的 13F 表格,溫莎資本管理有限責任公司在第四季度下調了其在摩根國際債券機會 ETF(BAT:JPIB-獲得評級)的地位 3.2%。本基金於期內沽出 4,840 股股份後,持有該公司股票的 145,630 股。摩根國際債券機會 ETF 佔溫莎資本管理有限公司投資組合約 2.4%,使該股成為其第 15 大頭寸。溫莎資本管理有限公司在最近的報告期結束時,於摩根國際債券機會 ETF 的持股價值 6,696,000 美元。

Several other institutional investors and hedge funds also recently made changes to their positions in JPIB. UBS Group AG boosted its position in shares of JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF by 1,090.6% in the third quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 631 shares of the company's stock valued at $28,000 after acquiring an additional 578 shares during the period. Wescott Financial Advisory Group LLC purchased a new position in shares of JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF in the first quarter worth $211,000. Stonehearth Capital Management LLC increased its stake in shares of JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF by 9.3% in the third quarter. Stonehearth Capital Management LLC now owns 6,164 shares of the company's stock worth $274,000 after buying an additional 527 shares during the period. Royal Bank of Canada boosted its holdings in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF by 13.7% in the third quarter. Royal Bank of Canada now owns 6,316 shares of the company's stock valued at $281,000 after acquiring an additional 763 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Western Wealth Management LLC boosted its holdings in JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF by 8.8% in the third quarter. Western Wealth Management LLC now owns 6,429 shares of the company's stock valued at $285,000 after acquiring an additional 522 shares in the last quarter.

其他幾家機構投資者和對沖基金最近也對其在 JPIB 的頭寸進行了更改。瑞銀集團於第三季度提升其在摩根國際債券機會 ETF 股份的地位 1,090.6%。瑞銀集團股份有限公司在期內額外購入 578 股後,現擁有該公司 631 股價值 28,000 美元的股份。威斯科特金融諮詢集團有限責任公司在第一季度購買了摩根國際債券機會 ETF 股份的新頭寸,價值 211,000 美元。石爐資本管理有限責任公司在第三季度增加了 9.3% 在摩根國際債券機會 ETF 的股份權益。在此期間,石爐資本管理有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 6,164 股價值 274,000 美元。加拿大皇家銀行於第三季度將其在摩根國際債券機會 ETF 的持有量提升 13.7%。加拿大皇家銀行現在擁有該公司 6,316 股股份,價值 281,000 美元,在上個季度額外收購了 763 股股份。最後,西方財富管理有限責任公司在第三季度將其在摩根國際債券機會 ETF 的持股量提高了 8.8%。西方財富管理有限責任公司現在擁有該公司 6,429 股股票,價值為 285,000 美元,在上個季度額外收購 522 股後。

JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF
摩根國際債券機會 ETF

JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF Stock Down 0.3 %

摩根國際債券機會 ETF 股價下跌 0.3%

BATS:JPIB traded down $0.16 during trading hours on Tuesday, hitting $46.64. The company had a trading volume of 25,792 shares. The firm has a market cap of $279.84 million, a P/E ratio of 9.91 and a beta of 0.22. The company's 50 day simple moving average is $47.08 and its 200-day simple moving average is $46.02.

BAT: 週二交易時間內,JPIB 下跌 0.16 美元,觸及 46.64 美元。該公司的交易量為 25,792 股。該公司的市值為 27984 億美元,市盈率為 9.91,貝塔值為 0.22。該公司的 50 天簡單移動平均線為 47.08 美元,其 200 天的簡單移動平均線為 46.02 美元。

JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF Profile

摩根國際債券機會 ETF 簡介

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The JPMorgan International Bond Opportunities ETF (JPIB) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the Bloomberg U.S. Universal Bond index. The fund provides total return through the active management of a broad based, broad maturity bond portfolio reaching sectors in both developed and emerging markets around the world outside of the US.

摩根國際債券機會 ETF (JPIB) 是以彭博美國環球債券指數為基礎的交易所買賣基金。基金透過主動管理廣泛、廣泛的到期債券投資組合,涵蓋美國以外已發展及新興市場的行業,提供總回報。

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