
Here's Why Hope Bancorp (NASDAQ:HOPE) Has Caught The Eye Of Investors

Here's Why Hope Bancorp (NASDAQ:HOPE) Has Caught The Eye Of Investors

這就是Hope Bancorp(納斯達克股票代碼:HOPE)引起投資者注意的原因
Simply Wall St ·  2023/03/08 19:02

The excitement of investing in a company that can reverse its fortunes is a big draw for some speculators, so even companies that have no revenue, no profit, and a record of falling short, can manage to find investors. Unfortunately, these high risk investments often have little probability of ever paying off, and many investors pay a price to learn their lesson. Loss-making companies are always racing against time to reach financial sustainability, so investors in these companies may be taking on more risk than they should.


Despite being in the age of tech-stock blue-sky investing, many investors still adopt a more traditional strategy; buying shares in profitable companies like Hope Bancorp (NASDAQ:HOPE). While this doesn't necessarily speak to whether it's undervalued, the profitability of the business is enough to warrant some appreciation - especially if its growing.

儘管處於科技股藍天投資時代,但許多投資者仍然採用更傳統的策略;購買盈利公司的股票,例如 Hope Bancorp (納斯達克股票代碼:HOPE)。儘管這並不一定說明其估值是否被低估,但該業務的盈利能力足以保證一定程度的升值,尤其是在其增長的情況下。

View our latest analysis for Hope Bancorp

查看我們對 Hope Bancorp 的最新分析

How Quickly Is Hope Bancorp Increasing Earnings Per Share?

Hope Bancorp增加每股收益的速度有多快?

The market is a voting machine in the short term, but a weighing machine in the long term, so you'd expect share price to follow earnings per share (EPS) outcomes eventually. That means EPS growth is considered a real positive by most successful long-term investors. We can see that in the last three years Hope Bancorp grew its EPS by 11% per year. That's a pretty good rate, if the company can sustain it.

從短期來看,市場是一臺投票機,但從長遠來看,市場是一臺衡器,因此你預計股價最終將跟隨每股收益(EPS)結果。這意味着大多數成功的長期投資者都認爲每股收益增長確實是積極的。我們可以看到,在過去的三年中,Hope Bancorp的每股收益每年增長11%。如果公司能夠維持的話,這是一個相當不錯的利率。

It's often helpful to take a look at earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins, as well as revenue growth, to get another take on the quality of the company's growth. Not all of Hope Bancorp's revenue this year is revenue from operations, so keep in mind the revenue and margin numbers used in this article might not be the best representation of the underlying business. EBIT margins for Hope Bancorp remained fairly unchanged over the last year, however the company should be pleased to report its revenue growth for the period of 9.1% to US$620m. That's progress.

查看利息和稅前收益(EBIT)利潤率以及收入增長通常會有所幫助,以重新了解公司的增長質量。並非Hope Bancorp今年的全部收入都是收入 來自運營,因此請記住,本文中使用的收入和利潤數字可能不是標的業務的最佳代表。Hope Bancorp的息稅前利潤率與去年相比保持基本不變,但該公司應該很高興地報告其收入增長9.1%,達到6.2億美元。這就是進步。

You can take a look at the company's revenue and earnings growth trend, in the chart below. To see the actual numbers, click on the chart.


NasdaqGS:HOPE Earnings and Revenue History March 8th 2023
納斯達克證券交易所:HOPE 2023 年 3 月 8 日收益和收入記錄

The trick, as an investor, is to find companies that are going to perform well in the future, not just in the past. While crystal balls don't exist, you can check our visualization of consensus analyst forecasts for Hope Bancorp's future EPS 100% free.

作爲投資者,訣竅是找到符合投資者的公司 在未來表現良好,而不僅僅是在過去。雖然水晶球不存在,但你可以100%免費查看我們對Hope Bancorp未來每股收益的共識預測的可視化。

Are Hope Bancorp Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Hope Bancorp內部人士是否與所有股東保持一致?

It should give investors a sense of security owning shares in a company if insiders also own shares, creating a close alignment their interests. Shareholders will be pleased by the fact that insiders own Hope Bancorp shares worth a considerable sum. Holding US$69m worth of stock in the company is no laughing matter and insiders will be committed in delivering the best outcomes for shareholders. This should keep them focused on creating long term value for shareholders.

如果內部人士也擁有股份,那麼投資者在擁有公司股票時應該有一種安全感,從而使他們的利益緊密一致。股東們會對內部人士擁有價值可觀的Hope Bancorp股票感到高興。持有該公司價值6900萬美元的股票不是笑話,內部人士將致力於爲股東帶來最佳業績。這應該使他們專注於爲股東創造長期價值。

While it's always good to see some strong conviction in the company from insiders through heavy investment, it's also important for shareholders to ask if management compensation policies are reasonable. Well, based on the CEO pay, you'd argue that they are indeed. The median total compensation for CEOs of companies similar in size to Hope Bancorp, with market caps between US$1.0b and US$3.2b, is around US$5.3m.

儘管看到內部人士通過大量投資對公司抱有堅定的信念總是件好事,但股東詢問管理層薪酬政策是否合理也很重要。好吧,根據首席執行官的薪酬,你會爭辯說確實如此。規模與Hope Bancorp相似、市值在10億美元至32億美元之間的公司首席執行官的總薪酬中位數約爲530萬美元。

Hope Bancorp's CEO took home a total compensation package worth US$3.4m in the year leading up to December 2021. That seems pretty reasonable, especially given it's below the median for similar sized companies. While the level of CEO compensation shouldn't be the biggest factor in how the company is viewed, modest remuneration is a positive, because it suggests that the board keeps shareholder interests in mind. Generally, arguments can be made that reasonable pay levels attest to good decision-making.

在截至2021年12月的一年中,Hope Bancorp的首席執行官獲得了總價值340萬美元的薪酬待遇。這似乎相當合理,特別是考慮到它低於類似規模公司的中位數。儘管首席執行官的薪酬水平不應該是影響人們如何看待公司的最大因素,但適度的薪酬是積極的,因爲這表明董事會牢記股東的利益。通常,可以提出合理的薪酬水平證明了良好的決策。

Should You Add Hope Bancorp To Your Watchlist?

你應該將 Hope Bancorp 添加到你的關注名單嗎?

One important encouraging feature of Hope Bancorp is that it is growing profits. The growth of EPS may be the eye-catching headline for Hope Bancorp, but there's more to bring joy for shareholders. With company insiders aligning themselves considerably with the company's success and modest CEO compensation, there's no arguments that this is a stock worth looking into. Don't forget that there may still be risks. For instance, we've identified 1 warning sign for Hope Bancorp that you should be aware of.

Hope Bancorp的一個重要令人鼓舞的特點是它正在增加利潤。每股收益的增長可能是Hope Bancorp引人注目的頭條新聞,但還有更多值得爲股東帶來歡樂的地方。由於公司內部人士非常認同公司的成功和適度的首席執行官薪酬,因此沒有人認爲這是一隻值得研究的股票。別忘了,可能仍然存在風險。例如,我們已經確定 Hope Bancorp 有 1 個警告標誌 你應該知道的。

The beauty of investing is that you can invest in almost any company you want. But if you prefer to focus on stocks that have demonstrated insider buying, here is a list of companies with insider buying in the last three months.


Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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