
ONGOING INVESTIGATION ALERT: Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP Investigates FinServ Acquisition Corp.'s Directors and Officers for Breach of Fiduciary Duties - KPLT, FSRV

ONGOING INVESTIGATION ALERT: Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP Investigates FinServ Acquisition Corp.'s Directors and Officers for Breach of Fiduciary Duties - KPLT, FSRV

正在進行的調查警報:斯科特 + 斯科特律師在法律 LLP 調查 FinServ 收購公司 '的董事和高級職員違反受託責任-KPLT, FSRV
newsfile ·  2023/03/08 00:31

New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - March 7, 2023) - Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP ("Scott+Scott"), an international securities and consumer rights litigation firm, continues investigating whether certain directors and officers of FinServ Acquisition Corp. ("FinServ") (NASDAQ: FSRV); n/k/a Katapult Holdings, Inc. ("Katapult") (NASDAQ: KPLT) breached their fiduciary duties to FinServ's shareholders. If you were a FinServ shareholder, you may contact attorney Joe Pettigrew for additional information toll-free at 844-818-6982, or

紐約,紐約--(新聞文件公司-2023 年 3 月 7 日)-斯科特 + 斯科特律師在法律 LLP(「斯科特 + 斯科特」),一家國際證券和消費者權益訴訟公司繼續調查是否有某些董事和高管金融收購公司(「FinServ」)(納斯達克:FSRV); N/Katapult 控股有限公司(NASDAQ:Katapult 控股公司)PLT)違反了他們對 FinServ 股東的受信責任。 如果您是金融服務公司股東,您可以聯繫律師喬·佩蒂格魯(Joe Pettigrew)以獲取更多信息,電話號碼為 844-818-6982 免費電話,或

Scott+Scott is investigating whether FinServ's board of directors or executive officers breached their duties of disclosure, duties of candor, and requirements to act in good faith, and whether FinServ's shareholders suffered damages as a result.

斯科特 + 斯科特(Scott)正在調查 FinServ 的董事會或執行官是否違反了披露責任,坦誠職責和誠信行事的要求,以及 FinServ 的股東是否因此遭受損害。

On June 7, 2021, FinServ shareholders of record as of May 11, 2021, approved a merger between FinServ and Katapult.

2021 年 6 月 7 日,截至 2021 年 5 月 11 日,獲得記錄的金融服務公司股東批准了金融服務公司和卡塔普爾特之間的合併。

On August 10, 2021, Katapult announced quarterly financial results, which included disappointing revenue and earnings numbers. Katapult also pulled all future guidance. The stock has continued to decline.

2021 年 8 月 10 日,Katapult 公佈了季度財務業績,其中包括令人失望的收入和收益數字。卡塔普爾特還拉動了所有未來的指導。股票繼續下跌。

Overall, the stock price has declined by over 90% since the merger, with shares currently trading at $0.96 per share.

總體而言,自合併以來,股價下跌了 90% 以上,股票目前的價格為每股 0.96 美元。

What You Can Do


If you were a FinServ shareholder, you may have legal claims against FinServ's directors and officers. If you wish to discuss this investigation, or have questions about this notice or your legal rights, please contact attorney Joe Pettigrew toll-free at 844-818-6982, or

如果您是 FinServ 股東,您可能會對 FinServ 的董事和高級職員提出法律申索。如果您希望討論此調查,或對本通知或您的合法權利有疑問, 請聯繫律師喬·佩迪格魯免費電話 844-818-6982, 或

About Scott+Scott

關於斯科特 + 斯科特

Scott+Scott has significant experience in prosecuting major securities, antitrust, and consumer rights actions throughout the United States. The firm represents pension funds, foundations, individuals, and other entities worldwide with offices in New York, London, Amsterdam, Connecticut, California, and Ohio.

Scott +Scott 在檢控美國各地的主要證券、反壟斷和消費者權益行動方面擁有豐富的經驗。該公司代表全球退休基金、基金會、個人和其他實體,在紐約、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹、康乃狄克州、加利福尼亞州和俄亥俄州設有辦事處。

Attorney Advertising


Joe Pettigrew
Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP
600 W. Broadway, Suite 3300, San Diego, CA 92101
(844) 818-6982

斯科特 + 斯科特律師在法律 LLP
600 W 百老匯,套房 3300,加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥
(844) 818-6982

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