
KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:KRBN) Shares Acquired by Brevan Howard Capital Management LP

KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:KRBN) Shares Acquired by Brevan Howard Capital Management LP

克雷萬·霍華德資本管理有限公司收購的克雷斯全球碳策略 ETF(紐約代碼:KRBN)股份
Financial News Live ·  2023/02/28 00:32

Brevan Howard Capital Management LP grew its holdings in KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:KRBN – Get Rating) by 310.1% in the 3rd quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the SEC. The institutional investor owned 35,055 shares of the company's stock after acquiring an additional 26,508 shares during the quarter. Brevan Howard Capital Management LP owned 0.20% of KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF worth $1,304,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

布雷萬·霍華德資本管理有限公司在最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的 13F 表格中表示,在第三季度將其在克拉尼斯哈雷斯全球碳策略 ETF(紐約 SEARCA:KRBN — 獲得評級)的持有量增長了 310.1%。機構投資者在本季度額外購入 26,508 股股票後擁有該公司股票 35,055 股。在最近的報告期結束時,布雷萬·霍華德資本管理有限公司擁有克雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的 0.20%,價值 1,304,000 美元。

Other institutional investors have also added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Jane Street Group LLC raised its stake in shares of KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF by 1.0% in the second quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 434,730 shares of the company's stock worth $21,402,000 after purchasing an additional 4,508 shares during the last quarter. Summit Trail Advisors LLC raised its stake in shares of KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF by 15.0% in the second quarter. Summit Trail Advisors LLC now owns 363,747 shares of the company's stock worth $17,907,000 after purchasing an additional 47,478 shares during the last quarter. Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund raised its stake in shares of KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF by 123.8% in the second quarter. Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund now owns 326,100 shares of the company's stock worth $16,054,000 after purchasing an additional 180,400 shares during the last quarter. Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC raised its stake in shares of KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF by 1.3% in the second quarter. Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC now owns 217,795 shares of the company's stock worth $10,722,000 after purchasing an additional 2,824 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Flow Traders U.S. LLC purchased a new position in KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF during the second quarter valued at approximately $9,864,000.

其他機構投資者也增加或減少了他們在公司的股份。簡街集團有限責任公司在第二季度將克雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的股份的股份增加了 1.0%。在上一季度購買額外 4,508 股股票後,簡街集團有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票 434,730 股價值 21,402,000 美元的股份。峰會步道顧問有限責任公司在第二季度增加了克雷斯哈雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的股份的股份 15.0%。峰會之路顧問有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 363,747 股,價值 17,907,000 美元,在上一季度額外購買 47,478 股股票後。安大略省退休金計劃信託基金的醫療保健在第二季度將其在克雷斯哈雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的股份中增加了 123.8% 的股份。安大略省退休金計劃信託基金的醫療保健在上一季度額外購買 180,400 股股票後,現在擁有該公司股票的 326,100 股價值 16,054,000 美元。地平線動力資產管理有限責任公司在第二季度將克雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的股份的股份增加了 1.3%。地平線動力資產管理有限責任公司在上一季度額外購買 2,824 股股票後,現在擁有該公司股票的 217,795 股價值 10,722,000 美元。最後,流量交易美國有限責任公司在第二季度購買了克雷斯哈雷斯全球碳策略 ETF 的新頭寸,價值約為 9,864,000 美元。

KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF
克雷斯海爾全球碳策略 ETF

KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF Stock Up 2.5 %

克雷斯海爾全球碳策略 ETF 股票增長 2.5%

KRBN stock traded up $0.99 during trading on Monday, hitting $40.94. 28,659 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 163,352. The stock's 50-day simple moving average is $39.13 and its 200 day simple moving average is $41.29. KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF has a 1 year low of $34.64 and a 1 year high of $51.88.

韓國圜股票周一交易期間上漲 0.99 美元,觸及 40.94 美元。該公司成交手中的 28,659 股,而其平均交易量為 163,352 宗。該股票的 50 天簡單移動平均線為 39.13 美元,其 200 日簡單移動平均線為 41.29 美元。克雷斯海爾全球碳策略 ETF 擁有 1 年低點 34.64 美元,創下 1 年新高的 51.88 美元。

KraneShares Global Carbon Strategy ETF Company Profile

克雷斯海爾全球碳策略 ETF 公司簡介

(Get Rating)


The KraneShares Global Carbon ETF (KRBN) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the IHS Markit Global Carbon index. The fund seeks to track a carbon credit futures index that weights holdings based on trade volume. The fund holds December futures from three major cap-and-trade programs KRBN was launched on Jul 30, 2020 and is managed by KraneShares.

克雷斯全球碳 ETF (KRBN) 是以 IHS 麥蓋提全球碳指數為基礎的交易所買賣基金。該基金旨在追踪碳信用期貨指數,該指數根據交易量進行權衡。該基金持有三個主要的上限和交易計劃的 12 月期貨 KRBN 於 2020 年 7 月 30 日推出,並由克雷斯哈爾管理。

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