
Central Puerto Acquires Central Costanera and Reinforces Its Growth in Argentina

Central Puerto Acquires Central Costanera and Reinforces Its Growth in Argentina

波多黎各中部收購 Costanera 中部並加強其在阿根廷的增長
Accesswire ·  2023/02/23 21:20
  • Central Costanera is one of the main power generation plants in Argentina.
  • From this operation, Central Puerto will consolidate as the largest company in the electricity generation sector with an installed capacity of more than 7,000 MW.
  • 科斯塔內拉中部是阿根廷的主要發電廠之一。
  • 通過這項操作,中央波多黎各將鞏固為發電行業最大的公司,裝機容量超過 7,000 兆瓦。

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA / ACCESSWIRE / February 23, 2023 / As part of the expansion strategy promoted by the main shareholders (Guillermo Reca, the Miguens-Bemberg family and Eduardo Escassany), Central Puerto, the leading company in the production of electrical energy nationwide, acquired Central Costanera for 48 million dollars.

阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯/布宜諾斯艾利斯/2023 年 2 月 23 日/ 由於由主要股東(吉列爾莫雷卡,米格恩-本貝格家族和愛德華多·埃斯卡薩尼),中央波多黎各,領先的公司在全國生產電能的領先公司,收購中央科斯塔內拉 48 萬美元。

By taking possession of Central Costanera, Central Puerto will add an installed capacity of 2,305 MW -to its already 4,809 MW- and thus will contribute a total of more than 7,100 MW to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI).

通過擁有 Costanera 中部,波多黎各中部將增加 2,305 兆瓦的裝機容量-其已經 4,809 MW-因此將貢獻總計超過 7,100 兆瓦的阿根廷互連 系統 (薩迪)).

After closing this operation, Osvaldo Reca was appointed as the new president of Central Costanera.


Regarding the advantages of the transaction, Gabriel Ures, commercial director of Central Puerto, recognized that "the value of Central Costanera does not lie only in the machines, but also in what represents the unified management of generation assets in which Central Puerto has extensive technical and operational experience, highlighting these pointsas just some of the advantages that this synergy represents for us".

關於交易的優勢,波多黎各中部的商務總監 Gabriel Uures 認識到:「中央 Costanera 的價值不僅在於機器上,而且代表了中央波多黎各擁有豐富技術和操作經驗的一致生成資產的統一管理,突出了這些要點只是這種協同效應對我們代表的一些優勢」。

"All of this means that the cost of the acquisition does not accurately reflect the enormous growth potential of Central Costanera and the efficient cost management that can be produced by the synergies mentioned," concluded Ures.

「所有這些都意味著收購的成本並不能準確地反映 Costanera 中央的巨大增長潛力以及通過上述協同作用可產生的高效成本管理,」歐爾斯總結道。

Fernando Bonnet, General Manager of Central Puerto, stated: "For Central Puerto, the acquisition of Central Costanera represents a great investment opportunity. As a result of its global decarbonization policy and the strategic decision to sell its assets in the country that emerges from the presentation of the Strategic Plan made in November 2022, Enel gave priority to closing the sale process of its thermal generation assets. This allowed us to acquire assets with high potential at a price that represents a unique opportunity for our company".

波多黎各中部總經理費爾南多·邦內(Fernando Bonnet)表示:「對於波多黎各中部,收購中央科斯塔內拉代表著一個巨大的投資機會。由於其全球脫碳政策以及在 2022 年 11 月制定的戰略計劃的演示中出售其資產在該國出售其資產的戰略決策的結果,Enel 優先關閉其熱能發電資產的銷售過程。這使我們能夠以代表我們公司獨特機會的價格獲得具有高潛力的資產。」

"We trust that Central Costanera will be strengthened with our arrival since we have the experience, the knowledge, the management and the most efficient management systems to carry it out. This new challenge is part of the conviction that it is necessary to increase the power availability of the Costanera machines in order to strengthen and cover the demand at the national level", added Bonnet.

「我們相信,由於我們擁有豐富的經驗,知識和管理,因此 Costanera 中央將在我們的到來後得到加強和最有效的管理系統來執行它。這項新挑戰是我們認為有必要增加 Costanera 機器的功率可用性,以加強和滿足國家層面的需求。」

Central Puerto is a leading Argentine company with extensive experience in the energy industry and already has experience operating generation plants throughout the country. With the incorporation of Central Costanera, the company will reach, together with its assets, a participation of 17% of the total generation capacity of the country.

波多黎各中 是一家領先的阿根廷公司,在能源行業擁有豐富的經驗,並且已經在全國各地經營發電廠的經驗。隨著 Costanera 中部的成立,該公司將連同其資產一起達到該國總發電容量的 17% 的參與。

Central Costanera is located in the City of Buenos Aires, reaching almost 6% participation in the total installed capacity of SADI and generates the energy demanded by 3.5 million homes throughout the country.

科斯塔內拉中心 位於布宜諾斯艾利斯市,在 SADI 的總裝機容量達到近 6% 的參與,並產生全國 350 萬家庭所需的能源。

Currently, the Costanera plant is made up of six turbo-steam units, with an installed capacity of 1,140 MW of power, and two Combined Cycle units of 315 MW and 850 MW. To this is added 35.6 MW in relation to the purchase of engines from the El Chocón hydroelectric plant.

目前,Costanera 工廠由六個渦輪增壓蒸汽單元組成,裝機容量為 1,140 MW 功率,以及兩個 315 兆瓦和 850 兆瓦的聯合循環單元。為此增加了 35.6 兆瓦相對於從厄爾尼諾 ChocoN 水力發電廠購買發動機。

About Central Puerto:


Central Puerto is a leading company in the production of electrical energy in Argentina that has 14 generation plants of various technologies, +1000 employees and reaches a 17% market share thanks to its operational excellence and profitability. Central Puerto is listed on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and, since 2018, on the New York Stock Exchange. Its mission is to produce electricity efficiently, sustainably and in harmony with the environment. In turn, it seeks to contribute to supplying demand, managing businesses in such a way that they create value not only for the company, but also for society. With an installed generation capacity of more than 7,000 MW, to which are added 150 MW of projects that are under construction.

Central Puerto 是阿根廷電能生產領先的公司,該公司擁有 14 個不同技術的發電廠,員工 +1000 名,並且憑藉其卓越的運營和盈利能力,達到 17% 的市場份額。中央波多黎各在布宜諾斯艾利斯證券交易所上市,自 2018 年起在紐約證券交易所上市。其使命是以高效率、可持續發展的方式生產電力,並與環境和諧相處。反過來,它力求為供應需求做出貢獻,以這種方式管理業務,使他們不僅為公司創造價值,而且為社會創造價值。裝機發電容量超過 7,000 兆瓦,其中增加了 150 兆瓦正在建設中的項目。

SOURCE: Central Puerto

來源: 波多黎各中

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