
Arya Resources Ltd (RBZ.V) Has Acquired 20,611 Acres of Potential Lithium (Li) Bearing Spodumene Pegmatite Claims in Saskatchewan, Canada

Arya Resources Ltd (RBZ.V) Has Acquired 20,611 Acres of Potential Lithium (Li) Bearing Spodumene Pegmatite Claims in Saskatchewan, Canada

亞利亞資源有限公司(RBZ.V)在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省收購了 20,611 英畝潛在的鋰(Li)軸承銅礦索賠
newsfile ·  2023/02/08 00:10

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 7, 2023) - Arya Resources Ltd. (TSXV: RBZ) ("Arya" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has acquired 20,611 acres of Potential Lithium (Li) bearing Spodumene Pegmatite claims In Saskatchewan, Canada.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年2月7日)-Arya Resources Ltd.(TSXV:RBZ)(“艾莉亞“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省收購了20,611英畝的潛在鋰礦(Li),其中含有鋰輝石偉晶巖。

Historical drill-hole data on the newly acquired claims indicates the presence of Pink Pegmatites and several other pegmatite drill-hole intercepts. Spodumene can occur in lithium-rich granite pegmatites and is found in many colours including pink. Drill core was not sampled for Lithium assays, in the past.


Spodumene is an important source / ore of lithium, a light metal that finds applications in the manufacture of lubricants, as a flux in the aluminum industry, in ceramics, batteries as well as air conditioning. Varieties of gems, pale pink kunzite (Spodumene) and green hiddenite are used in jewelry, also.


The pegmatites are located in the Rottenstone domain of Saskatchewan, Canada about 30 kilometres south-east of Athabasca basin. The claims are near an all-weather road. Recently, other companies like Brunswick Exploration Inc. (BRW.V) announced similar land acquisitions about 12 miles south of the claim blocks, in Saskatchewan.

偉晶巖位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的羅滕斯通地區,位於阿薩巴斯卡盆地東南約30公里處。這些主張位於一條全天候道路附近。最近,布倫瑞克勘探公司(Brunswick Explore Inc.)等其他公司也宣佈了在薩斯喀徹溫省索賠區塊以南約12英里處進行類似的土地收購。

The company is planning a field work program to map and sample the pegmatites for Lithium (Li) and other metals.


The Historical Drill Holes select intercepts summary:
Drill Hole: BUSS-1
6.7 - 46.4 intercalated qtz-hbl±bio gneiss and pegmatite
46.4 - 58.0 pegmatite
114.3 - 281.0 intercalated qtz-biotite gneiss and pegmatite


This news release has been reviewed by J Paul Sorbara, MSc., P.Geo., an independent Director of the Company who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

本新聞稿已由J Paul Sorbara,MSC.,P.Geo審閱,他是公司的獨立董事,根據NI 43-101要求擔任QP。

Arya Resources is focused on acquiring and developing "critical minerals" as well as energy-metals projects including Uranium in stable jurisdictions.

Arya Resources專注於在穩定的司法管轄區收購和開發“關鍵礦產”以及包括鈾在內的能源金屬專案。

About the Company


Arya Resources Ltd (RBZ.V) is a tier-2 listed mining and mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on exploration and development of "critical minerals" as well as energy-metals in stable jurisdictions.

Arya Resources Ltd(RBZ.V)是一家二級上市的採礦和礦產勘探公司。該公司專注於勘探和開發“關鍵礦物”以及能源--金屬在穩定的司法管轄區。

On behalf of the Board of Directors:
Rasool Mohammad, CEO
Telephone: (604) 868-7737

Rasool Mohammad,首席執行官

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