
Combatting The 'Bad Trip': New Research Project Seeks Solutions That Go Beyond Psychedelics

Combatting The 'Bad Trip': New Research Project Seeks Solutions That Go Beyond Psychedelics

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2023/02/04 01:46

Ehave, Inc. (OTC:EHVVF) has completed the first of three planned phases of its studies with the University of Melbourne to determine the cause and possible cure for hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD).

伊海夫股份有限公司 OTC: EHVVF)已經完成了與墨爾本大學的三個計劃研究階段中的第一個階段,以確定致幻覺持續性感知障礙(HPPD)的原因和可能的治療方法。

The Miami-based company entered into the research project agreement with the University of Melbourne in 2021 to gather data and bio-markers to target HPPD, which is characterized by prolonged or reoccurring perceptual symptoms reminiscent of acute hallucinogen effects, panic attacks and depression.

這家總部位於邁阿密的公司於 2021 年與墨爾本大學簽訂研究項目協議,以收集數據和生物標誌物以目標 HPPD,其特徵在於長期或再發生的感知症狀讓人聯想到急性致幻劑效應,恐慌發作和抑鬱症。

Also known as a "bad trip," HPPD causes individuals to have recurring visual disturbances recalling only the part of the psychedelic experience that involved visions.

也被稱為「不好的旅行,」HPPD 導致個人有經常性的視覺障礙召回只涉及視覺的迷幻體驗的一部分.

Ehave is exploring the potential of monetizing its HPPD research by developing a cure that extends beyond psychedelics by identifying biomarkers to identify individuals with a higher risk of developing HPPD if they take psychedelics.

Ehad 正在通過識別生物標誌物來確定患 HPPD 風險較高的人,如果他們服用迷幻藥,開發一種超越迷幻藥的治療方法,從而探索將其 HPPD 研究貨幣化的潛力。

"Ehave's goal in completing phase one of this study with the University of Melbourne was to develop data for our active psychedelic-based and potential clinical programs for mental health," Ben Kaplan, the company's CEO, said. "We are very pleased with the progress so far."

「Ein 與墨爾本大學完成這項研究的第一階段的目標是為我們活躍的迷幻藥和潛在的心理健康臨床計劃開發數據,」 本·卡普蘭,該公司的首席執行官說。「我們對到目前為止的進展感到非常滿意。」

The First Phase


The first stage of the study identified a battery of visual tasks to cover a broad assessment of optical processing that included a pilot comprised of visual tasks and survey questions in approximately 300 undergraduate students.

該研究的第一階段確定了一系列視覺任務,涵蓋了對光學處理的廣泛評估,其中包括一個由視覺任務和調查問題組成的試點,約 300 名本科生。

Participants were 18-41 years old with a median age of 20. Approximately 15% of the sample had taken psychedelics recreationally and almost 80% of the sample reported some form of visual disturbance.

參加者年齡介乎 18-41 歲,中位年齡為 20 歲。大約 15% 的樣本已經採取了迷幻娛樂 Allya,幾乎 80% 的樣本報告了某種形式的視覺干擾。

The phase one testing process results found there's a much higher incidence of visual disturbances in people with no diagnosis of HPPD.

第一階段的測試結果發現,沒有診斷 HPPD 的人視覺障礙的發生率要高得多。

Photo: Courtesy of Chokniti Khongchum by Pexels


