
Bluebird Bio (NASDAQ:BLUE) Shares Up 5.5% on Analyst Upgrade

Bluebird Bio (NASDAQ:BLUE) Shares Up 5.5% on Analyst Upgrade

藍鳥生物(納斯達克:藍)分析師升級上漲 5.5%
Defense World ·  2023/01/25 17:01

Shares of bluebird bio, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLUE – Get Rating) were up 5.5% during mid-day trading on Tuesday after Morgan Stanley raised their price target on the stock from $3.00 to $4.00. Morgan Stanley currently has an underweight rating on the stock. bluebird bio traded as high as $6.60 and last traded at $6.53. Approximately 3,046,105 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 37% from the average daily volume of 4,807,327 shares. The stock had previously closed at $6.19.


Other equities analysts have also recently issued reports about the stock. started coverage on shares of bluebird bio in a research report on Wednesday, October 12th. They set a "sell" rating for the company. Royal Bank of Canada decreased their price target on shares of bluebird bio to $8.00 and set a "sector perform" rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, November 8th. Finally, SVB Leerink decreased their price target on shares of bluebird bio from $9.00 to $8.00 and set a "market perform" rating for the company in a research report on Monday. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, six have assigned a hold rating and one has assigned a buy rating to the company's stock. According to data from, the stock has an average rating of "Hold" and an average price target of $6.75.

其他股票分析師最近也發佈了有關該股的報告。股票新聞網站在10月12日星期三的一份研究報告中開始對藍鳥生物的股票進行報道。他們為該公司設定了“賣出”評級。11月8日,加拿大皇家銀行在一份週二的研究報告中將藍鳥生物的目標股價下調至8.00美元,併為該公司設定了“行業表現”評級。最後,SVB Leerink將藍鳥生物股票的目標價從9.00美元下調至8.00美元,並在週一的一份研究報告中為該公司設定了“市場表現”評級。三位股票研究分析師對該股的評級為賣出,六位分析師給出了持有評級,一位分析師給出了該公司股票的買入評級。根據MarketBeat.com的數據,該股的平均評級為持有,平均目標價為6.75美元。

bluebird bio

Insider Transactions at bluebird bio


In other news, Director Nick Leschly sold 4,290 shares of the stock in a transaction on Wednesday, January 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $7.80, for a total transaction of $33,462.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now directly owns 280,149 shares in the company, valued at $2,185,162.20. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is available at this link. Insiders sold a total of 9,506 shares of company stock worth $72,088 over the last three months. 2.20% of the stock is owned by company insiders.


Institutional Investors Weigh In On bluebird bio


A number of large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Inspire Investing LLC grew its holdings in bluebird bio by 3.6% in the second quarter. Inspire Investing LLC now owns 50,497 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $209,000 after purchasing an additional 1,773 shares during the period. Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. grew its holdings in bluebird bio by 6.4% in the third quarter. Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. now owns 35,817 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $227,000 after purchasing an additional 2,156 shares during the period. Captrust Financial Advisors grew its holdings in bluebird bio by 22.5% in the third quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 14,679 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $93,000 after purchasing an additional 2,700 shares during the period. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co NY grew its holdings in bluebird bio by 142.4% in the third quarter. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co NY now owns 4,671 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $30,000 after purchasing an additional 2,744 shares during the period. Finally, US Bancorp DE grew its holdings in bluebird bio by 82.9% in the first quarter. US Bancorp DE now owns 8,486 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $41,000 after purchasing an additional 3,847 shares during the period. 79.01% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.
一些大型投資者最近買賣了該股的股票。第二季度,Inspire Investment LLC對藍鳥生物的持股增加了3.6%。Inspire Investment LLC現在擁有這家生物技術公司50,497股股票,價值20.9萬美元,在此期間又購買了1,773股。雷蒙德·詹姆斯金融服務顧問公司(Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.)在第三季度增持了藍鳥生物6.4%的股份。雷蒙德·詹姆斯金融服務顧問公司(Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.)目前持有這家生物技術公司35,817股股票,價值22.7萬美元,在此期間又購買了2,156股。CapTrust Financial Advisors在第三季度增持了藍鳥生物22.5%的股份。CapTrust Financial Advisors目前持有這家生物技術公司14,679股股票,價值93,000美元,在此期間又購買了2,700股。紐約大都會人壽保險公司第三季度對藍鳥生物的持有量增長了142.4%。紐約大都會人壽保險公司在此期間又購買了2744股,現在擁有4671股生物技術公司的股票,價值3萬美元。最後,US Bancorp DE在第一季度增持了82.9%的藍鳥生物。US Bancorp DE現在持有這家生物技術公司8486股股票,價值4.1萬美元,在此期間又購買了3847股。79.01%的股票目前由機構投資者和對衝基金持有。

bluebird bio Price Performance


The firm has a market capitalization of $541.49 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -1.07 and a beta of 0.99. The business's fifty day simple moving average is $7.40 and its 200 day simple moving average is $6.52.


bluebird bio (NASDAQ:BLUE – Get Rating) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Monday, November 7th. The biotechnology company reported ($0.92) EPS for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of ($1.28) by $0.36. The business had revenue of $0.07 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $2.25 million. bluebird bio had a negative net margin of 8,828.28% and a negative return on equity of 173.58%. Equities research analysts expect that bluebird bio, Inc. will post -4.36 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

青鳥生物(納斯達克:Blue-Get Rating)最近一次公佈季度收益是在11月7日(星期一)。這家生物技術公司公佈了該季度每股收益(0.92美元),比分析師普遍預期的(1.28美元)高出0.36美元。該業務本季度營收為70萬美元,高於分析師預期的225萬美元。藍鳥生物的淨利潤率為負8828.28%,淨資產回報率為負173.58%。股票研究分析師預計,藍鳥生物公司本財年每股收益將達到4.36美元。

About bluebird bio


(Get Rating)


bluebird bio, Inc, a biotechnology company, researches, develops, and commercializes transformative gene therapies for severe genetic diseases. Its product candidates for severe genetic diseases include betibeglogene autotemcel for the treatment of transfusion-dependent ß-thalassemia; lovotibeglogene autotemcel for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD); and elivaldogene autotemcel to treat cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy.

藍鳥生物公司是一家生物技術公司,研究、開發和商業化針對嚴重遺傳病的變革性基因療法。其用於治療嚴重遺傳性疾病的候選產品包括用於治療輸血依賴型β-地中海貧血的貝替貝吉基因Autotemcel;用於治療鐮狀細胞病(SCD)的lovotieglogene autemcel;以及用於治療大腦腎上腺腦白質營養不良的伊利伐多烯Autotemcel。

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