
UCASU to Acquire 10,000 Sqft Cannabis Property and Build 5,000 Sqft More

UCASU to Acquire 10,000 Sqft Cannabis Property and Build 5,000 Sqft More

UCASU 將收購 10,000 平方英尺大麻物業並建造更多 5,000 平方英尺
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/01/12 23:15

Atlanta, Jan. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UC Asset LP (OTCQB: UCASU) announces today that the company has entered a MOU to acquire a 10,000 square foot cannabis cultivation property in the State of Oklahoma, through a non-cash acquisition and investment deal. Upon closing, UCASU will invest $1 million to build extra 5,000 square feet of cannabis cultivation facility on the same spot.

亞特蘭大,2023 年 1 月 12 日(GLOBE NEWS)-加州大學資產 LP(OTCQB:UCASU)今天宣布,該公司已通過非現金收購和投資交易訂立諒解備忘錄,收購位於奧克拉荷馬州 10,000 平方英尺的大麻種植物業。收盤後,UCASU 將投資 100 萬美元,在同一地點建造額外 5,000 平方英尺的大麻種植設施。

The current operator on the property, Fire Ranch Farm, will continue to rent the property from UC Asset. UC Asset expects to receive monthly rents representing a 14.4% cash on cash annual return.

該物業的當前運營商消防牧場將繼續從 UC Asset 租用該物業。UC Asset 預計每月收取的租金為 14.4% 的現金年度回報。

The lease is locked for 3 years, and monthly rent will increase by 5% every 24 months after the first 3 years.

租賃被鎖定 3 年,並且在第一個 3 年之後,每 24 個月的月租將增加 5%。

The non-cash acquisition will be done through the issuance of 2.5 million preferred shares of UC Asset to the current property owner. Those preferred shares will have a fixed conversion rate of 1 to 1, which means that one preferred share may be converted into one common share, and one common share only, when conversion will be allowed in the future.

非現金收購將通過向當前業主發行 250 萬股 UC 資產優先股來完成。這些優先股將具有 1 比 1 的固定轉換率,這意味著將來允許轉換為一股普通股,並且僅轉換一股普通股。

Holder of the preferred shares will receive no dividends from UC Asset, unless those preferred shares are converted into common shares. Meanwhile, common share holders will continue to receive cash dividends, shall UC Asset decided to distribute any.

優先股持有人將不會從 UC Asset 獲得股息,除非優先股被轉換為普通股。同時,普通股持有人將繼續獲得現金股息,UC 資產是否決定分配任何股息。

"We are very grateful to be able to work with a cannabis property owner, who firmly believes in the future of our company and is willing to trade near-term cash revenue for long-term equity return," says Greg Bankston, managing general partner of UC Asset. "That's why he agrees to contribute his property to us for equity ownership, seeking neither cash payment nor cash dividend."

UC Asset 執行總合夥人 Greg Bankston 表示:「我們非常感謝能夠與大麻業主合作,他們堅信我們公司的未來,並願意交易近期現金收入以獲得長期股權回報。「這就是為什麼他同意將自己的財產捐贈給我們的股權所有權,既不尋求現金支付也不尋求現金股息。」

"In return, our company has committed to invest $1 million in the first 12 months, and will commit much more than that amount, to continuously expand the acquired cannabis property, and to acquire and build more cannabis properties. Our goal is to become one of the largest cannabis property owners in the State of Oklahoma," declares Bankston.

「作為回報,我們公司承諾在前 12 個月投資 100 萬美元,並將承諾超過該數額,不斷擴大獲得的大麻財產,並獲得和建造更多的大麻屬性。我們的目標是成為奧克拉荷馬州最大的大麻物業所有者之一。」

This 10,000 square foot cannabis property, according to Bankston, is built to the state-of-art standard, with computerized and automatized environment control, and has the capacity to host full cycle cannabis production from creating clones/genetics to extracting cannabinoids.  

根據 Bankston 的說法,這個 10,000 平方英尺的大麻屬性按照最先進的標準建造,具有計算機化和自動化的環境控制,並具有舉辦從創建克隆/遺傳學到提取大麻素的全周期大麻生產的能力。

"This will be our first cannabis property, and it is our one and only selection after screening numerous opportunities in the past 15 months," says Larry Wu, founder of UC Asset. "Since we announced our intention to invest in cannabis property in October 2021, our team have made hundreds of phone calls to potential sellers, screened tens of opportunities, and conducted research in 5 different states, including Colorado, California and New York. That is why we are so optimistic of our final choice."

UC Asset 創始人 Larry Wu 表示:「這將是我們在過去 15 個月內篩選了眾多機會之後的第一個大麻財產,也是我們唯一的選擇。「自從我們在 2021 年 10 月宣布投資大麻財產以來,我們的團隊已向潛在賣家撥打了數百個電話,篩選了數十個機會,並在 5 個不同的州(包括科羅拉多州,加利福尼亞州和紐約州)進行了研究。這就是為什麼我們對我們的最終選擇如此樂觀。」

"We believe that Oklahoma is the future for cannabis cultivation, and our investment in the Sooner State will lead us to great success, sooner than later," asserts Wu.

Wu 表示:「我們相信奧克拉荷馬州是大麻種植的未來,我們在早些時候的投資將導致我們取得巨大成功,」Wu 表示。

About UC Asset LP


UC Asset LP is a limited partnership formed for the purpose of investing in real estate with innovative strategies.  For more information about UC Asset, please visit:

UC Asset LP 是一種有限合夥企業,旨在通過創新策略投資房地產。有關 UC 資產的更多信息,請訪問:



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