
Mineral Mountain Announces Appointment of New Director

Mineral Mountain Announces Appointment of New Director

Accesswire ·  2023/01/10 08:21

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 9, 2023 / Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd. ("Mineral Mountain" or the "Company") (TSXV:MMV)(OTCQB:MNRLF)(FRANKFURT:M8M) is pleased to announce that Steven Albertsen has joined Mineral Mountain board of directors.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/電線/2023 年 1 月 9 日/ 礦山資源有限公司 (」礦山「或」公司「) (TSXV: MMV) (OTCQB: MNRLF) (法蘭克福:M8M) 欣然宣佈,史蒂芬·艾伯特森已加入礦山董事會。

Mr. Albertsen has over 25 years of experience in the finance, planning, design, and construction of large- and small-scale projects from $10M-$600M, and brings with him international and local capital investment through years of large-scale project development. Mr. Albertsen is the CEO/Owner of NVS Engineering a multi-disciplinary engineering company established in 2013. Before NVS Engineering Mr. Albertsen worked for Abu Dhabi Energy Corp managing infrastructure projects in North America. Key projects included $86M infrastructure upgrades including drilling pipelines and facility work in North Dakota.

Albertsen 先生在大型和小型項目的金融、規劃、設計和施工方面擁有超過 25 年經驗,價格為 10,000 萬美元至 600 萬美元,並通過多年的大型項目開發帶來了國際和本地資本投資。Albertsen 先生是 NVS 工程公司的首席執行官/所有者,一家成立於 2013 年的多學科工程公司。在 NVS 工程之前,Albertsen 先生曾在阿布達比能源公司工作,負責管理北美的基礎設施項目。關鍵項目包括 86 萬美元的基礎設施升級,包括北達科他州的鑽井管道和設施工程。

Nelson Baker, President and CEO of Mineral Mountain said, "On behalf of the members of the Board, I am delighted to welcome Steven to our Board. We look forward to his participation and how we can benefit from his extensive background in finance, planning, design and construction of various projects as we advance Mineral Mountain."

礦山總裁兼首席執行官納爾遜·貝克(Nelson Baker)表示:「我代表董事會成員,很高興歡迎史蒂芬加入我們的董事會。我們期待他的參與,以及在我們推進 Mineral Mountain 的同時,我們如何從他在各種項目的財務,規劃,設計和施工方面的廣泛背景中受益。」

About the Standby Mine Gold Target
All geologic, geophysical and drill results to date suggest a Homestake ledge-type target exists at Standby and is potentially of large scale. Mineral Mountain's goal is to extend the Standby Mine gold mineralization down-plunge through systematic step-out drilling along strike and down-plunge in the Upper Tail to discover an Ore Centroid at depth.

迄今為止,所有地質,地球物理和鑽探結果都表明 Homstake 提架類型目標存在於待命狀態,並且可能規模很大。Mineral Mountain 的目標是通過沿著上尾部的撞擊和下跌進行系統的逐步鑽探來擴展備用礦山金礦化的下降,以發現 礦石質心 在深度。

MMV's two previous core drilling campaigns between 2018 and 2020 extended known gold mineralization from the bottom of the historic Standby Mine workings from 130 meters below surface to a total plunge length of 850 meters.

MMV 之前在 2018 年至 2020 年期間的兩次核心鑽探活動將已知的黃金礦化從歷史悠久的待命礦山工作區的底部從地面以下 130 米擴展到總暴跌長度為 850 米。

Jeff Hrncir, the Company's chief geologist commented "Confirming the existence of an Ore Centroid at Standby would be a game-changing discovery for Mineral Mountain Resources and set the stage for future resource delineation drilling."

該公司的首席地質學家 Jeff Hrncir 評論說:「在待命狀態下確認礦石質心的存在將是改變礦物山資源遊戲規則的發現,並為未來的資源劃定鑽探奠定了舞台。」

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,


"Nelson W. Baker", President and CEO

纳尔逊 ·W· 贝克, 總裁兼首席執行官

For further information, please contact:
Brad Baker, Vice-President Corporate Development & Director
(778) 383-3975
Or visit our website:

(778) 383-3975

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Forward-Looking information
This release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation ("Forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as completion of the private placement, future business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, expansion, growth of the Company's businesses, operations, plans and with respect to exploration results, the timing and success of exploration activities generally, permitting time lines, government regulation of exploration and mining operations, environmental risks, title disputes or claims, limitations on insurance coverage, timing and possible outcome of any pending litigation, timing and results of future resource estimates or future economic studies and the ability to raise required capital.


Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "planned", "expects" or "looking forward", "does not expect".


SOURCE: Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd.

來源: 礦山資源有限公司

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