
GGL Completes Underground Exploration and Surface Drilling at Its Gold Point Project, Nevada

GGL Completes Underground Exploration and Surface Drilling at Its Gold Point Project, Nevada

GGL 在內華達州的金點項目完成地下勘探和表面鑽探
Accesswire ·  2023/01/05 21:02

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 5, 2023 / GGL Resources Corp. (TSXV:GGL) ("GGL" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed an underground exploration and surface drilling program at its road-accessible Gold Point Project in the Walker Lane Trend of Western Nevada.

温哥華,卑詩省/ACCESSWIRE/2023年1月5日/GGL Resources Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GGL)(以下稱“GGL”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈,公司已經完成了位於內華達州西部Walker Lane Trend的公路可達Gold Point項目的地下勘探和地面鑽探項目。

The 2022 exploration program was completed in early December and comprised:


  • Two diamond drill holes testing along strike of the Great Western and Hornsilver veins;
  • Underground rehabilitation, mapping, and sampling at the Orleans Mine; and,
  • Underground sampling at the Grand Central Mine.
  • 沿大西部礦脈和角銀礦脈走向測試的兩個鑽石鑽孔;
  • 奧爾良礦的地下修復、測繪和採樣;以及
  • 在中央大礦的地下采樣。

Underground Rehabilitation and Sampling


Work on the former mines focused on the Orleans Mine, the largest of four former producers on the Gold Point Property. Rehabilitation of the Orleans and Dunfee collars allowed for safe access to those mine shafts. Once underground, crews discovered the development at the Orleans Mine was more extensive than was indicated on maps in the Company's archives. The undocumented workings included a series of raises and winzes that provided safe access to all but the lowest two levels of the mine.

前幾個礦場的工作主要集中在奧爾良礦場,這是Gold Point礦場四個前礦場中最大的一個。對奧爾良和鄧菲井筒進行了修復,使其能夠安全進入這些礦井。在地下,工作人員發現奧爾良礦的開採範圍比公司檔案中地圖上顯示的要大得多。這些無文件記錄的工作包括一系列的提升和傾斜,使人們能夠安全地進入除最低兩層以外的所有礦井。

Towards the end of mining operations in the 1960s, significant infrastructure was developed around the eastern mineralized shoots; however, it appears that operations ceased before any significant mining was conducted on these shoots.


During the 2022 program, initial sampling and mapping was done in the western portions of the 150', 300', 400', 600', and 800' levels of the Orleans Mine. Access to the 960' and 1020' levels is open, but additional ground support and rehabilitation is required before crew can safely enter those workings. There is good air circulation throughout the mine, suggesting that blockages that occur locally in shafts and drifts are relatively limited in size and extent.


Access was also established to the Grand Central Mine allowing crews to complete mapping and sampling in that mine.


Results from the underground sampling at both mines will be released once assays are received and reviewed.


Diamond Drilling


Two diamond drill holes, totaling approximately 440.5 m, were completed on a section line that extends through two of the past-producing veins (Great Western and Hornsilver) and other nearby targets that GGL has identified in recent years by prospecting and soil geochemistry.

兩個總計約440.5米的鑽石鑽孔在一條橫穿兩個過去產出的礦脈(Great West和HornSilver)的區段線上完成,以及GGL近年來通過勘探和土壤地球化學確定的其他附近目標。

Drilling evaluated both high-grade and bulk tonnage potential related to multiple, closely spaced veins that are bisected by the section line. The section line also crosses linear gold-in-soil anomalies that are attributed to veins and a broad zone of elevated soil values that has not been explained by surface exploration.


One of the 2022 drill holes tested the Great Western Vein along strike of hole GP-21-012, which intersected 2.22 g/t gold over 12.19 m, including 5.17 g/t gold over 4.57 m (see Company news release date December 8, 2021). This intersection lies 80 m northwest of the limit of the underground workings and the section line crosses the projection of the structure 75 m further to the northwest.


About the Orleans Mine


The Orleans Vein was discovered in 1908 and mined intermittently until 1962. Historical records indicate that approximately 74,000 ounces were produced from the Orleans and Great Western Mines, with recoveries of 92% to 98% for gold through cyanidation. Most this production was from the Orleans Mine.

奧爾良礦脈於1908年被發現,直到1962年才斷斷續續地開採。歷史記錄顯示,奧爾良和Great Western Mines的黃金產量約為74,000盎司,金的氰化回收率為92%至98%。這部作品大部分來自奧爾良礦場。

It is estimate that there is almost 4,200 m of horizontal development in the Orleans Mine, accessed via the central Dunfee shaft. The workings are mostly open and are dry to approximately 275 m vertically below surface on the Orleans Vein (1020 ft level).


Historical records indicate that the mines at Gold Point had high cut-off grades (about 10 g/t gold), suggesting that well mineralized areas likely remain in un-mined portions of the developed workings. This assumption is further supported by a report that describes 35 historical samples collected post-mining across the Orleans Vein from the 960 ft to 1020 ft levels, which averaged 0.389 opt (13.3 g/t) gold including a vein on the 1020 ft level that returned 7.97 opt (273.2 g/t) gold over 0.5 m. Additionally, 21 samples from the 600 ft to 1020 ft levels reportedly averaged 0.314 opt (10.77 g/t) gold.

歷史記錄表明,Gold Point的礦山具有較高的截止品位(約10克/噸黃金),這表明良好的礦化區可能仍留在已開發工作面的未開採部分。這一假設得到了一份報告的進一步支持,該報告描述了在奧爾良礦脈從960ft到1020ft的開採後收集的35個歷史樣本,平均含金量為0.389歐普特(13.3g/t),其中包括1020英尺的礦脈,其在0.5m處的含金量為7.97opt(273.2克/噸)。此外,據報道,從600ft到1020ft的21個樣品的平均含金量為0.314歐普特(10.77g/噸)。

About Gold Point

關於Gold Point

The Gold Point Project is situated alongside the community of Gold Point, which is accessed by Highway 774. The Gold Point property totals 4,917 acres (19.9 km2) and consists of 257 lode claims and 7 patented claims.

Gold Point項目位於Gold Point社區旁邊,可通過駭維金屬加工774訪問該社區。Gold Point地產總面積4917英畝(19.9公里)2),由257項礦藏權利要求和7項專利權利要求組成。

The property covers past-producing underground mines that explored along parts of four prominent vein structures. These main structures are paralleled by several other lightly explored structures. The mines operated intermittently from the 1880s to the early 1960s, producing gold and silver from mesothermal veins. The mineralization is strongly oxidized to the bottom of the workings, which reached a maximum depth of 1,020 ft (311 m) downdip.


Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Matthew R. Dumala, P.Eng., a geological engineer with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited and a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由Matthew R.Dumala,P.eng審查和批准,他是Archer,Capro&Associates(1981)Limited的地質工程師,也是National Instrument 43-101的合格人員。

About GGL Resources Corp.


GGL is a seasoned, Canadian-based junior exploration company, focused on the exploration and advancement of under evaluated mineral assets in politically stable, mining friendly jurisdictions. The Company has optioned and wholly owned claims in the Gold Point district of the prolific Walker Lane Trend, Nevada. The Gold Point claims cover several gold-silver veins, four of which host past producing high-grade mines. The Company also owns the McConnell gold-copper project located 22 kilometers southeast of the Kemess Mine in north-central BC, and promising diamond exploration projects in Nunavut and the Lac de Gras diamond district of the Northwest Territories. Lac de Gras is home to Canada's first two diamond mines, the world class Diavik and Ekati mines discovered in the 1990s. GGL also holds diamond royalties on mineral leases near the Gahcho Kué diamond mine in the Northwest Territories.

GGL是一家經驗豐富的加拿大初級勘探公司,專注於在政治穩定、礦業友好的司法管轄區勘探和推進被低估的礦產資產。該公司在內華達州沃克巷趨勢區的Gold Point地區擁有選擇權和全資所有權。Gold Point聲稱覆蓋了幾個金銀礦脈,其中四個礦脈過去曾生產過高品位礦藏。該公司還擁有位於公元前中北部Kemess礦東南22公里處的McConnell金銅礦項目,以及西北地區努納武特和Lac de Gras鑽石區前景看好的鑽石勘探項目。格拉斯湖是加拿大最早的兩個鑽石礦的所在地,這兩個鑽石礦是上世紀90年代發現的世界級鑽石礦Diavik和Ekati。GGL還對西北地區Gahcho Kué鑽石礦附近的礦物租賃權收取鑽石特許權使用費。



"W. Douglas Eaton"
Doug Eaton
CEO and Director


For further information concerning GGL Resources Corp. or its various exploration projects please visit our website at or contact:

欲瞭解更多有關GGL Resources Corp.或其各種勘探項目的信息,請訪問我們的網站,或聯繫:

Investor Inquiries
Richard Drechsler
Corporate Communications
Tel: (604) 687-2522
NA Toll-Free: (888) 688-2522
Corporate Information
Linda Knight
Corporate Secretary
Tel: (604) 688-0546

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Information contained in this news release contains forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations; they are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "evaluate", "potential", "likely", "possible", "cut-off grades", "mineralized shoots", and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "may", "could" or "will" occur. GGL cautions that all forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond the control of GGL. Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to exploration and development and the results thereof, including the results of the recently completed drill program, the impact on future mineral resource estimates, the potential for new discoveries, and the results of future metallurgical programs, as well as the ability of GGL to obtain additional financing, the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations, fluctuations in the prices of commodities, operating hazards and risks, competition and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in GGL's financial statements available under the GGL profile at . Accordingly, actual and future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, GGL undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.


SOURCE: GGL Resources Corp.

資料來源:GGL Resources Corp.

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