
Stephen Alexander Nelson Stewart Purchases 100,000 Shares of QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V) (CVE:PORE) Stock

Stephen Alexander Nelson Stewart Purchases 100,000 Shares of QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V) (CVE:PORE) Stock

斯蒂芬·亞歷山大·納爾遜·斯圖爾特購買了QC銅金公司(PORE.V)(CVE: PORE)的10萬股股票
Defense World ·  2023/01/01 18:31

QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V) (CVE:PORE – Get Rating) Director Stephen Alexander Nelson Stewart acquired 100,000 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, December 30th. The shares were bought at an average cost of C$0.17 per share, for a total transaction of C$16,500.00. Following the acquisition, the director now owns 3,508,444 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately C$578,893.26.

QC Copper and Gold Inc.(PORE.V)(CVE: PORE — 獲取評級)董事斯蒂芬·亞歷山大·納爾遜·斯圖爾特在12月30日星期五的一筆交易中收購了該公司10萬股股票。購買這些股票的平均成本爲每股0.17加元,總交易額爲16,500.00加元。收購後,該董事現在擁有該公司3,508,444股股票,價值約爲578,893.26加元。

QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V) Stock Down 5.9 %

QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V) 股票下跌5.9%

PORE stock opened at C$0.08 on Friday. The company has a market cap of C$5.62 million and a P/E ratio of -2.96. QC Copper and Gold Inc. has a 52 week low of C$0.03 and a 52 week high of C$0.11. The company's 50-day moving average price is C$0.08 and its 200 day moving average price is C$0.08. The company has a current ratio of 3.72, a quick ratio of 3.56 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.78.

週五,PORE股票開盤價爲0.08加元。該公司的市值爲562萬加元,市盈率爲-2.96。QC Copper and Gold Inc. 創下52周低點0.03加元,52周高點爲0.11加元。該公司的50天移動平均線價格爲0.08加元,其200天移動平均線價格爲0.08加元。該公司的流動比率爲3.72,速動比率爲3.56,債務權益比率爲0.78。

QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V)
QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V)

About QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V)

關於 QC Copper and Gold Inc. (PORE.V)

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PowerOre Inc owns a diversified portfolio of battery metal assets in Canada. It owns a 100% interest in the Mann silver-cobalt mine property covering an area of 852.5 hectares in 18 contiguous mining claims located in the Milner Township, Ontario; and MacMurchy nickel property with 1 claim covering approximately 16 hectares located in the Gowganda District, Ontario.
PowerOre Inc在加拿大擁有多元化的電池金屬資產組合。它擁有位於安大略省米爾納鎮的18個連續採礦權中佔地852.5公頃的曼恩銀鈷礦產權的100%權益;以及位於安大略省高甘達區的MacMurchy鎳礦產,其中一項索賠涵蓋約16公頃。

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