
Positron Corporation Announces Plans for Clinical Study of Its New “Affinity PET-CT 4D” Nuclear Imaging Device

Positron Corporation Announces Plans for Clinical Study of Its New “Affinity PET-CT 4D” Nuclear Imaging Device

正電子公司宣佈其新型「親和性 PET-CT 4D」核成像裝置臨床研究計畫
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/12/21 00:00

Niagara Falls, NY, Dec. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Positron Corporation ("Positron" or the "Company") (OTC: POSC), a nuclear medicine PET imaging systems and clinical services company, is pleased to announce the Company's collaboration with Dr. Bober and Ochsner Health, the largest non-profit, academic healthcare system operating in Louisiana, for the clinical study of Positron's new "Affinity PET-CT 4D" nuclear imaging device.  

紐約州尼亞加拉瀑布,2022年12月20日(環球通訊社)正電子公司(“正電子”或“公司”)(場外交易:POSC)美國路易斯安那州最大的非營利性學術醫療保健系統公司Ochsner Health很高興地宣佈,該公司與Bober博士和Ochsner Health合作,對Positron的新型“Affacy PET-CT 4D”核成像設備進行臨牀研究。

The clinical study is sponsored by Positron and will be conducted by Dr. Robert Bober, Director of Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Cardiology of Ochsner Health. Dr. Bober has furnished a plan for the clinical study to an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which reviews and monitors biomedical research involving human subjects in accordance with FDA regulations.


Performing such an extensive clinical study requires a comprehensive investigational plan, patient selection criteria, labeling, and monitoring with records and reports which adhere to Good Clinical Practices (GCP). Following the formalization of the plan with IRB and on-site installation the clinical study is expected to begin in mid-January with an estimated time of completion of three (3) weeks. The study will be performed at Ochsner Health's New Orleans facility under the guidance of Dr. Bober. The study will provide empirical data necessary for proper representation of the system's image quality, performance, and efficacy with  cardiac PET imaging agents. Testing will encompass an extensive array of patients, comprising of a diverse range of ages, body habitus, and clinical indications. The results of the study and data received will be organized by Dr. Bober and disseminated as collateral for Positron's Affinity PET-CT 4D marketing efforts. 

進行如此廣泛的臨牀研究需要一個全面的研究計劃、患者選擇標準、標籤以及使用符合良好臨牀實踐(GCP)的記錄和報告進行監測。隨着IRB計劃的正式確定和現場安裝,臨牀研究預計將於1月中旬開始,預計完成時間為三(3)周。這項研究將在Ochsner Health的新奧爾良設施中進行,由Bober博士指導。這項研究將提供必要的經驗數據,以恰當地表示系統的圖像質量、性能和心臟PET顯像劑的療效。測試將涵蓋廣泛的患者,包括不同的年齡、身體習慣和臨牀適應症。研究結果和收到的數據將由Bober博士組織,並作為Positron的Affacy PET-CT 4D營銷活動的抵押品進行傳播。

Adel Abdullah, President of Positron, stated, "We are very pleased to be working with Ochsner Health and Dr. Bober, the pre-eminent opinion leaders in nuclear cardiology, who bring tremendous value to the assessment of our new PET-CT system. Dr. Bober is at the forefront of nuclear cardiology and has been instrumental in Positron's progress throughout this whole process; he is a brilliant physician and consummate professional; we are very fortunate to have his guidance. The support and expertise of Dr. Bober and Ochsner Health enables Positron to launch our Affinity PET-CT 4D with full confidence as to the systems performance across both cardiology and oncology segments of nuclear molecular imaging." 

Positron的阿德爾·阿卜杜拉·總裁説:“我們非常高興能與Ochsner Health和Bober博士合作,他們是核心髒病學領域的傑出意見領袖,他們為我們新的正電子發射斷層掃描系統的評估帶來了巨大的價值。Bober博士站在核心臟病學的前沿,在整個過程中對正電子的進步起到了重要作用;他是一位才華橫溢的內科醫生和完美的專業人士;我們非常幸運地得到了他的指導。在Bober博士和Ochsner Health的支持和專業知識的支持下,正電子公司能夠推出我們的Affacy PET-CT 4D,對核分子成像的心臟病學和腫瘤學領域的系統性能充滿信心。“

Upon completion of the clinical study and 510k FDA Certification, Positron expects to commercialize the Affinity PET-CT 4D to the nuclear cardiology and oncology communities in Q1 2023.

在完成臨牀研究和510k FDA認證後,正電子希望在2023年第一季度將Affacy PET-CT 4D商業化,用於核心髒病學和腫瘤學社區。

About Positron Corporation


Positron Corporation is a molecular imaging device company that offers a state-of-the-art PET imaging system and clinical services to nuclear medicine healthcare providers throughout North America. Positron specializes in the field of cardiac Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging - the gold standard in cardiac diagnostics. Positron's innovative PET technology, clinical services and practice solutions enables healthcare providers to accurately diagnose coronary artery disease and improve patient outcomes while practicing cost effective medicine. 


Positron's dedicated PET only system "the Attrius®" and unique market position are substantial advantages in facilitating the adoption of cardiac PET and the growth of the nuclear cardiology imaging market.

正電子公司專用的正電子發射計算機斷層成像系統“The ATTRIUS®”和獨特的市場地位是促進心臟正電子發射計算機斷層掃描的採用和核心臟病成像市場增長的實質性優勢。

Positron will soon offer a state-of-the-art PET-CT molecular imaging device that will enable nuclear cardiologists to utilize the full capabilities of molecular imaging and nuclear medicine. Positron's PET-CT also allows the Company to expand and service the demands of the vast oncology diagnostics marketplace.  Positron will continue to advance the technology through its manufacturing and R&D venture with Neusoft Medical Systems. Positron was founded in 1983 and is based in Niagara Falls, NY.  


Forward-Looking Statements                                            


This press release contains statements, which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Positron Corporation, and members of its management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.


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Skyline Corporate Communications Group, LLC
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New York, NY 10020
Office: (646) 893-5835


