
Highmark Interactive Inc. Closes Convertible Note Financing

Highmark Interactive Inc. Closes Convertible Note Financing

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/12/20 06:05

TORONTO, Dec. 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the news release issued on August 12, 2022, Highmark Interactive Inc (HMRK:V) wishes to announce the closing of a CDN$600,000 8% convertible note ("Note") paid semi-annually for a term of two years with a conversion price based on future equity issuance. Purchasers of the Note are management and directors and the company is relying on the exemption in Section 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101. The price at which the Note may be converted will not be less than the greater of (i) $0.09 and (ii) the offering price of an equity financing in year one of the Note and (i) $0.10 and (ii) the offering price of an equity financing in year two of the Note. This private placement is subject to final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

多倫多,2022年12月19日(環球社)-繼2022年8月12日發佈新聞稿後,Highmark Interactive Inc.(HMRK:V)宣佈結束髮行60萬加元8%的可轉換票據(“注意事項“)每半年支付一次,為期兩年,換股價格基於未來的股票發行。票據的購買者為管理層和董事,公司依賴MI 61-101第5.7(1)(A)節的豁免。票據的兌換價格將不低於(I)0.09美元及(Ii)票據第一年的股權融資發行價及(I)0.10美元及(Ii)債券第二年的股權融資發行價兩者中較大者。本次定向增發還有待多倫多證券交易所創業板的最終批准。

The funds will be used for the purposes of general working capital and administrative requirements.


About Highmark Interactive

關於Highmark Interactive

Highmark Interactive was created to change the paradigm of testing and management for brain and mental health. Highmark's approach is focused on providing real-time data to health providers to support proactive, preventative interventions and targeted care planning to improve health outcomes.

Highmark Interactive是為了改變大腦和心理健康的測試和管理模式而創建的。Highmark的方法側重於向衛生服務提供者提供即時數據,以支持積極主動的預防性幹預和有針對性的護理規劃,以改善衛生結果。

In addition to a growing network of virtual, in-person and hybrid clinics. Highmark interactive offers the world's first gamified, FDA cleared patient-led assessments as well as digital clinician-led assessments of neurofunction and balance. Together. The technology is used in more than 350 health organizations globally.

除了不斷增長的虛擬、面對面和混合型診所網路。Highmark Interactive提供了世界上第一個遊戲化的、FDA批准的患者主導的評估,以及數位臨床醫生領導的神經功能和平衡評估。在一起。這項技術在全球350多個衛生組織中使用。

By unlocking insights, Highmark's platform enables precision medicine and creates a more contemporary model for delivering better outcomes in medical, mental health and rehabilitation services.


"Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."


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For further information:


Highmark Interactive Inc.

Highmark Interactive Inc.

Sanjeev Sharma, President & CEO. or 1-855-969-5079


Investor Relations



SOURCE: Highmark Interactive Inc.

資料來源:Highmark Interactive Inc.

